Family Feud Questions and Answers Page
- Name something you might find in a bedroom.
- Name something you might eat at a Chinese restaurant.
- Name something you might find in the trunk of the car.
- Name a popular TV character from the last decade.
- Name a famous TV nerd.
- Name something you might find in a closet.
- Name something that has feathers but cannot fly.
- Name something you would see at the beach.
- Name something you eat with your hands.
- Name something you would find at a hospital.
- Name something you might find in an elementary school.
- Name something people put on their feet.
- Name something you normally see in action movies.
- Name something you dress up as for Halloween.
- Name a gift you would like to receive for Valentine's day.
- Name a gift you would give for Valentine's day.
- Name something you drink when it's cold.
- Name an actress who has won an Oscar.
- Name an actor who has won an Oscar.
- Name a movie that has grossed over 100 million dollars.
- Name a popular Disney character.
- Name something you normally find in a mall.
- Name something you could do for exercise.
- Name a country in Europe that Americans like to visit.
- Name something you do when it's snowing.
- Name something you might bring to a party.
- Name something you might see at a frat party.
- Name something you do when it's raining.
- Name something you do when it's sunny.
- Name something you do when you wake up in the morning.
- Name something you might eat for breakfast
- Name a popular sport in the Summer Olympics.
- Name something you often lose.
- Name something you do on your way to work.
- Name a famous movie monster.
- Name a famous movie villian.
- Name something you would find in a tool box.
- Name a member of the X-Men.
- Name a famous Batman villain.
- Name a famous sidekick.
- Name something you might find in a swimming pool.
- Name something you might bring on a camping trip.
- Name something you might bring to the gym.
- Name a type of sandwich.
- Name something you do on a hot day.
- Name something that could ruin a picnic.
- Name something you might see in a movie theater.
- Name a food you might eat on Thanksgiving
- Name a school subject that kids don't like.
- Name something that can be recycled.
- Name something you might grow in your garden.
- Name something you might find in a hotel room.
- Name something you might steal from a hotel room.
- Name something you might find in a garage.
- Name a type of music.
- Name a famous Canadian city.
- Name a famous South American city.
- Name something you might see at a rock concert.
- Name something you might find in a bathroom.
- Name something you do with your hands.
- Name something found on a computer.
- Name something you might find at an airport.
- Name something that makes a ticking sound.
- Name a fruit that is red.
- Name something you might carry on your back.
- Name something people do to waste time at work.
- Name something you might find in a classroom.
- Name something you find in the waiting room of a doctor's office.
- Name a popular member of the Muppets.
- Name a green vegetable.
- Name something you find in a court room.
- Name a famous news anchor.
- Name something you wear on your hands.
- Name a famous TV sitcom.
- Name something you wear on your face.
- Name an annoying bad habit.
- Name something you put on toast.
- Name a popular cartoon animal.
- Name something that might get you detention.
- Name something you might see at a baseball game.
- Name something you might do while stuck in traffic.
- Name a city in Europe that starts with "M".
- Name something you might drink with breakfast.
- Name a place you might keep your valuables.
- Name something you might find at a bank.
- Name something you might keep in your wallet
- Name something you might keep in your pocket.
- Name a snack you might have at the movies.
- Name something you might do on a date.
- Name something you do at the beach.
- Name something you might do at the park.
- Name something you see on day-time TV.
- Name a place where you might have to wait in line.
- Name something you might do on Facebook.
- Name a game you can play by yourself.
- Name something you might get when you retire.
- Name something that might be described as steamy.
- Name something that would make being trapped in an elevator even worse.
- Name something (OTHER THAN FOOD) that people will buy, even if it tripled in price.
- Name something people might do when they retire.
- Name something you do not learn at school.
- Tell me a film people like to watch at Halloween.
- Name something people might do to pass time while traveling.
- Name something you might budget for.
- Name something money can't buy.
- Name a city that is known for bad traffic.
- Tell me something you associate with Ancient Egypt.
- Tell me something you associate with Ancient Greece.
- Tell me something you associate with Rome.
- Name a famous Jewish actor.
- Name something that was better in the "good old days".
- Name something that might be described as life changing.
- Tell me a situation where it is difficult to keep your cool.
- Name a place where you would NOT want to keep your toothbrush.
- Name something that is a terrible thing to lose.
- Name something a mom shouldn't still have to do for her grown-up son.
- Name something that is associated with the word 'bubbly'.
- Name a food that is often found at a barbecue.
- Name something you would not want to be caught doing by someone you just started dating.
- Name a place kids might go if they skipped school.
- Name a place you always spend more time at than you planned on.
- Name something that people spend a lot of time planning.
- Name something you might brush.
- Name something you might wipe.
- Name something you might scratch.
- You live to be 100. Name something you hope is still with you.
- Name a place you would NOT want to spill your coffee.
- Name something you think of when you think of Australia.
- Name something you think of when you think of France.
- Name something you think of when you think of Russia.
- Name something you think of when you think of Spain.
- Name something you think of when you think of Italy.
- Name something you think of when you think of Mexico.
- Name something you think of when you think of the United States.
- Name something you think of when you think of Japan.
- Name something you think of when you think of China.
- Tell me something that is never there when you need it.
- Name something that might ruin a great vacation.
- Tell me something you might dig up.
- Name something you think your partner should pay you for.
- Tell me a word that starts with 'auto'.
- Tell me a word that starts with 'micro'.
- Name something you would like to catch.
- Name a place you might find your cat hiding.
- Name something a kid might be afraid of.
- Name a personal possession that you might keep on your desk at work.
- Name something that is associated with the word 'smelly'.
- Name a seasoning you might add to a bland food.
- Name something that might happen during a job interview that would cause you not to get the job.
- Tell me something you might do to show someone you love them.
- Name someone you would not want showing up at your home unexpectedly.
- Name something you might do to prepare for a natural disaster.
- Tell me something you might want to make disappear.
- Name something you might keep a secret stash of.
- Tell me something you eat every day but know you shouldn't.
- Name something in your house that you hate cleaning.
- Name a food you can deep fry.
- Name your favorite character on Modern Family.
- Name something you can get at a bakery.
- Name something you can give as a housewarming gift.
- Name a place where you can hide something.
- Name something you would NOT borrow from a friend.
- Name a place where money is kept.
- Name something you can be allergic to.
- Name something you have with you all the time.
- Name a place you walk barefoot.
- Name a situation where you would use a map.
- Name a job that Congress does.
- Name something you can do to get a traffic ticket.
- Name a place that is usually quiet.
- Name something in your house that makes a lot of noise.
- Name something you do when you're bored.
- Name something you do to stay awake.
- Name something you shouldn't photocopy, but do anyway.
- Name a place you shouldn't find hair, but do.
- Name something you can win on a game show.
- Name a chore a young child would typically do.
- Name something you hate to have to do.
- Besides books, name something you find at a bookstore.
- Name an occasion when you would congratulate someone.
- Name someone you would send a Christmas card to.
- Name something you would not like to get while trick or treating.
- Name a place you would never go on a date.
- Name a job you would never want to have.
- Name something you might do during a long flight.
- Name something you might win at a carnival.
- Name something you can buy in Monopoly.
- Name a place you would not want your spouse to find you.
- Name a place you would find an escalator.
- How many Mph do you usually drive over the speed limit?
- Where is the last place you would want to spend your weekend?
- Name a job you should avoid if you are afraid of public speaking.
- Name a place you can go without shoes and a shirt and still get service.
- Name a place where you would not want to break something. (be more specific than store)
- If you have to lose one of your senses, which would it be?
- Name something you can do during a power outage.
- Name somewhere children love going that adults don't.
- Name something you might find in a bedroom.
- Name a place you would find an escalator.
- Name a place you would find an escalator.
- Name a place you would find an escalator.
- How many Mph do you usually drive over the speed limit?
- Where is the last place you would want to spend your weekend?
- Name a job you should avoid if you are afraid of public speaking.
- Name a place you can go without shoes and a shirt and still get service.
- Name a place where you would not want to break something. (be more specific than store)
- If you have to lose one of your senses, which would it be?
- Name something you can do during a power outage.
- Name somewhere children love going that adults don't.
- Name a staple of a college student's diet.
- Name a hobby people take up when they retire.
- Name a place you should avoid if you are on a diet.
- Name something you would see on a late-night talk show.
- How many cups of coffee do you drink a day?
- How many cups of coffee do you drink a day?
- Name something you would boo.
- Name something you would applaud.
- Name something you put on a hamburger.
- Name something you might find on a Christmas tree.
- Name something you find in a desert.
- Name a place where it would be fun to play hide and seek, but where you aren't allowed to.
- Name a place you would go to get a good view
- Name a place you could go if you were on the run from the law.
- Name something you wouldn't want to catch your parents doing.
- Name something you wouldn't want your parents catching you doing.
- Name something you do not want to step in.
- Name something you would find in a 1st grader's school desk.
- Name something you might find underneath your couch cushions.
- Name something you would hate to find stuck to the bottom of your shoe.
- Name something you see people do on the subway.
- Name a recording artist whose name begins with the letter 'L'
- Name a band that was a one-hit-wonder.
- Name a band from the 60's that is still popular today.
- Name a band from the 80's that is still popular today.
- Name an athlete who has won a Heisman trophy.
- Name a punk rock band.
- Past or present, name a NBA player who has won more than 3 championships.
- Name something commonly associated with New Year's Eve.
- Name something commonly associated with Chinese New Year.
- Name an outspoken TV news anchor.
- Name a North American city you would not like to drive in.
- Name something you would not want your cat to claw.
- Name a sport that is not part of the Summer Olympics, but should be.
- Name something you would return to a store if you received it as a gift.
- Name something you associate with the city of Chicago.
- Name something you associate with New York City.
- Name something you associate with Texas.
- Name something you associate with the Superbowl.
- Name something you love about winter.
- Name something you hate about winter.
- Name something you would expect to find in ancient Egypt.
- Name a Disney movie that does not have a female villain.
- Name an occasion when you would eat at a fancy restaurant.
- Name a place where you would find a vending machine.
- Name a board game that causes arguments.
- Name something you might see at a gym.
- Name a tool that you would use to build a bird house.
- Name a breakfast cereal that adults love and children hate.
- Name something you lose while doing laundry.
- Name a situation where it would be ok to break the speed limit.
- Name a place that is associated with skiing.
- Name something that people frequently trip over.
- Name something people do to relax.
- Name a chain restaurant that serves coffee you do not want to drink.
- Name a place that is associated with the rain.
- Name something you might see at a carnival.
- Name something you might see at a circus.
- Name something a businessman might wear to work.
- Name a comedian whose humor might be considered offensive.
- Name something specific that you might find in a fridge.
- Name something you might wear in winter that you wouldn't wear in summer.
- Name something you might wear in summer but not in winter.
- Name something that when you get it means nothing, but when you don't you get angry.
- Name someone you might have as an emergency contact.
- Name something you might be embarrassed to throw out.
- Name something you might bring on a first date.
- Give me a first name you don't hear very often.
- Name an unusual pet you would expect a Hollywood star to own.
- Tell me a sport you might only play in winter.
- Tell me a day that you hate going to the mall.
- Name something you might see in a movie theater, but not in your own house.
- Name a profession with a bad reputation.
- Name an animal you might see in a zoo.
- Name something you always lose on vacation.
- Name an occupation that has to work on Sundays.
- Name an American city people love to vacation in.
- Name something a person might do as part of spring cleaning.
- Name a musical instrument a child might learn at school.
- Name a reason why you might not tip your waiter.
- Name a reason you might give your waiter a good tip.
- Name your favorite Disney villain.
- Name a popular word to describe your spouse.
- Tell me something you would not like to see on a plane.
- Tell me something that would make an unlikely weapon.
- Name something you do in front of the mirror that you wouldn't want anyone to see.
- Name the worst person to be seated next to on a plane.
- Name something you are afraid to ask your partner to do.
- Tell me something specific where you might use the motto "the bigger the better".
- Name a job someone with claustrophobia should not do.
- Name someone you would hate calling you during a date.
- Name a furry creature that would not make a good pet.
- Name a celebrity that you would not want to have over for dinner.
- Name a situation where it is ok to take off your wedding ring.
- Name an excuse men use for not calling.
- Name a public place where it is ok to take off your pants.
- Name a food that is easy to eat while driving.
- Name something you would never want someone to see you wearing.
- Name something you do when a telemarketer calls.
- Name something you would not want a restaurant to run out of.
- Name something a child can do to make money.
- Name something in America that gets more expensive every year.
- Name a place where you would not want to be trapped with a stranger.
- Name something on your car that might break, but wouldn't stop you from driving it.
- Name something you do not want to be caught in the rain without.
- Name a place where you would not want to get a flat tire.
- Name a real-life situation where people might spontaneously break into song.
- Name a place where you might lose your keys.
- Name something a student might do to pass a test.
- Name a reason a parent might have to send their kids to bed early.
- Name a place students might go on a field trip.
- Name an activity that might take place during a slumber party.
- Name an animal you would not want to give mouth to mouth to.
- Name a situation where you might accept a car ride from a stranger.
- Name a place where you might see someone cry.
- Name a part of the body you might get a piercing.
- Name something prisoners do to pass the time.
- Name an excuse kids use for not doing their homework.
- Name something you never want to get pierced.
- Name something you would not want to wake up in bed next to.
- Name something you would not want to catch your child playing with.
- Name something that might ruin a fun party.
- Name something you would not like to receive in the mail.
- Name something you put milk in.
- Name something that might happen on a first date which would rule out a second date.
- Name something you think is ok to do in public, but others frown upon.
- Name something inappropriate for a wedding speech.
- Name something you would hate to happen at your wedding.
- Name a situation where you would not mind having your flight cancelled.
- Name a period in time you would like to travel to.
- Name a non-traditional instrument you might see people playing.
- Name something you would not want to stick your nose into.
- Name something that might keep the doctor away.
- Name something that is an oldie but goodie.
- Name something that is useless
- Name a situation where you might have butterflies in your stomach.
- Name something that might give you cold feet.
- Name a situation where you might do a 180.
- Name something that is not all that it is cracked up to be.
- Name something you know like the back of your hand.
- Name something people might use to make their online passwords.
- Name something a child might throw a temper tantrum over.
- Name a reason you might stand up a date.
- Name a job that someone who cannot swim should avoid.
- Name something that is not heavy but still hard to carry.
- Name a situation in which you might get up to cook someone breakfast.
- Name a situation where you might be with a group of people, but are not allowed to talk to each other.
- Name something you might do after coming home from work.
- Name something you might make someone do while they are hypnotized.
- Name something you might find at a bachelorette party.
- Name a sport that does not use a ball.
- Name a profession that might be considered dangerous.
- Name a day that is considered especially bad to break up on.
- Name a place you might go when you need peace and quiet.
- Name a historically significant year.
- Name an inappropriate gift for your boss.
- Name a gift your partner would not appreciate receiving.
- Name a book you expect a high school student to read in English class.
- Name something you associate with Canada.
- Name something you associate with Great Britain.
- Tell me something you would NOT like to get as an anniversary gift from your spouse.
- Tell me a game that kids might play at recess.
- Name something you might do to impress your boss.
- Tell me a part of your body you would NOT want to get tattooed.
- Tell me something you should never do in a crowded movie theater.
- Tell me something people often keep in their attic.
- Tell me something you would NOT want to hear from the person you have a crush on.
- Tell me something people often break.
- Tell me something you might do to get the attention of your crush.
- Tell me something you might do to avoid a bill collector.
- Tell me something people regret getting.
- Tell me something the human body has lots of.
- Tell me a way you might get ready for a date.
- Tell me something you might do at a concert.
- Tell me something kids often want to be when they grow up.
- Tell me something that can be distracting when driving.
- Tell me something that might distract you at work.
- Tell me something you can't control, but wish you could.
- Tell me something you wish you could do over again.
- Tell me something a kid might try to hide from their parents.
- Tell me something your partner spends money on that you think is frivolous.
- Tell me something you wouldn't want your child to do in public.
- Tell me a topic that a person should not talk about on a date.
- Tell me something people do at home when they can't afford to go out.
- Name an American city that has a specific accent.
- Name a bird that people don't usually eat.
- Tell me an animal that people don't usually like to eat.
- Tell me something you think of when you think of India.
- Tell me something you think of when you think of Ireland.
- Tell me something a person could have that makes you not want to kiss them.
- Name something a kid might practice kissing on.
- Name something that people might pass on.
- Name something that might get passed around.
- Name something you might see a squirrel doing with his nuts.
- Tell me a part of a woman's body that is usually bigger than a man's.
- Name something you might bring on a date.
- Name something that starts with the word 'old'.
- Name someone who is famous for having a big mouth.
- Tell me something a bride wants to be huge.
- Name something that a parent might disapprove of in their child's significant other.
- Name something a teenager might bring to school.
- Name something you associate with the southern US.
- Name a food you eat with a spoon.
- Name an exotic animal you would like to eat.
- Name something you associate with California.
- Name a popular TV game show.
- Tell me something you might do the moment you get home from work.
- Tell me something you might do on a Sunday.
- Name something you might do before moving.
- Name something you hate about your morning commute.
- Name something you would NOT want to find under a Christmas tree.
- Name something you might do while visiting New York City.
- Name a popular Christmas movie.
- Name a situation where you might need to wear ear plugs.
- Name something you might see at a yard sale.
- Name something you would not want to buy in front of your parents.
- Name a summer job a teenager might have.
- Tell me something you might do if you're feeling blue.
- Past or present, name a host of a daytime talk show.
- Name something that makes mammals unique from other animals.
- Name an animal that might make a good first pet.
- Name an outdated form of communication.
- Name something a couple might fight about.
- Name a place you go to hear music.
- Name a country that is associated with the desert.
- Name a country that is associated with snow.
- Name an actor who is associated with action roles.
- Name something you might see at a renaissance fair.
- Name a profession that is very stressful.
- Name a hobby a retiree might have.
- Name a food someone with no teeth might enjoy.
- Name something that gets put on a Christmas tree.
- Name something you might freeze.
- Name something that people put on their front lawns.
- Name something you might find in a haunted house.
- Name a favorite game from your childhood.
- Name the sexiest actor working today.
- What might your cell phone say to you if it could talk?
- Name something you might eat for lunch.
- Name a way people listened to music before iPods.
- Name something that is dangerous for children to play with.
- Name a Ben Affleck movie.
- Name a time when you might wear a mask.
- Name something that is associated with Texas.
- Give me a specific nickname for a city in the US.
- Name a movie from the 1980s.
- Name something you can write.
- Name something capable of destroying a city.
- Name something a high school student might do in gym class.
- Name something you bake.
- Name something you can ride.
- Name something a journalist often uses.
- Name something a construction worker uses often.
- Name something you can draw a picture with.
- Name an animal that lives in the desert.
- Name something you might take mountain climbing.
- Name one person you would take with you to a desert island.
- Name a food that is usually a side dish.
- Name something you wouldn't like to receive as a birthday gift.
- Name something you might find in a basement.
- Name a country in Africa.
- Name a Caribbean island.
- Name a food that might come in a can.
- Name a famous female pop star.
- Name something you might find in your car's glove compartment.
- Name something that might wake you up in the morning.
- Name a common household pest.
- Name an American car company.
- Name a brand of sneaker.
- Name a soft drink.
- Name something you put on top of ice cream.
- Tell me something you get when you join the army.
- Name a type of tree.
- Tell me something you vote for.
- Name a literary device.
- Name something that hatches.
- Name something that often gets stolen.
- Name a place that is usually very loud.
- What do you look for in a job other than salary?
- Name something specific that has wings.
- Name something a plumber might have.
- Name something a firefighter might have.
- Name something a doctor might have.
- Name something on your car that needs to be checked often.
- Name an animal you might see at an aquarium.
- Name an animal you might see at the zoo.
- Name something you can't wait to do at a party.
- Tell me an animal associated with Australia.
- Tell me an animal associated with America.
- Name something you try to avoid when camping in the woods.
- Name a country in Asia.
- Name a world religion.
- Name a country that starts with the letter 'E'.
- Name a country that starts with the letter 'C'.
- Name a country that starts with the letter 'I'.
- Name something associated with Japan.
- Name something associated with China.
- Name something associated with India.
- Name something you associate with Russia.
- Name something you read from.
- Name a place you should never ever use foul language.
- Name the worst thing a policeman could find in your car.
- Name something about a vacation that costs a lot of money.
- Name something you hate to be 'out of order'.
- Name something people stretch.
- Tell me something that reminds you of spring.
- Tell me something that reminds you of summer.
- Tell me something that reminds you of winter.
- Name something your body tells you to do.
- Name a phrase that starts with "Middle of the..."
- Name a phrase that begins with "Hold your..."
- Give me a word or phrase that contains "belly."
- Name a public place you might hear someone snoring.
- Name something you like that starts with the letter 'D'.
- Tell me something impossible to do standing up.
- Name something you wish you had been born with.
- Name a city that's famous for music.
- Name a household chore you refuse to do.
- Name a place you would hate to get a phone call.
- When people talk about "the big one," what are they referring to?
- Name a company you wish you'd bought stock in.
- Name something that people develop.
- Name someone you buy a Christmas gift for.
- Name something you never forget how to do.
- Give me the name of a famous female sex symbol.
- Living or dead, name the most romantic singer.
- Tell me something little kids hate.
- Name an animal that likes to dig.
- Give me a boy's name that starts with the letter "P."
- Give me an animal that begins with the letter "D."
- Name something neighbors swap with each other.
- Name someone people confess crimes to.
- Name an occupation in which you are 'on duty'.
- Name something you put on your teeth.
- Name something that people do at midnight on New Year's Eve.
- Give me an American city that begins with the letter 'D'.
- Name a reason a kid might not be able to go outside.
- Name something chickens do.
- Name something a man might have expensive taste in.
- Name something people have a hard time holding onto.
- Name something that makes people grouchy if they go too long without it.
- Name a country where they drink a lot of wine.
- Name a city where lots of rich people live.
- What should you always be on the lookout for when driving?
- Name an animal whose legs you eat.
- Name something you see on the cover of a Christmas card.
- Name a famous Kate or Katie.
- Name something that's rude to show up late for.
- Name something you're never too tired to do before going to bed.
- Name something that would make you freak out if you lost it.
- Name something you might see at a kid's birthday party.
- Give me a North American city that begins with the letter 'M'.
- Name a famous 'Tom' or 'Thomas'.
- Name a European city everybody knows of.
- Tell me something you might eat in Mexico.
- Name something people do to keep in shape.
- Tell me a reason why you would give a bad tip.
- Name a sign that your date isn't into you.
- Tell me a reason why you might not go out.
- Name something that always gets on your nerves.
- Tell me something you would expect to see a farmer wear.
- Tell me where you met your closest friend.
- Name someone famous who died young.
- Name something that might make a bad first impression.
- Name a place you might turn to for relationship advice.
- Name a profession where you need to be good at math.
- Tell me something you buy tickets for.
- Name a sign you give a date to show you are NOT interested.
- Name an errand it seems you are always doing.
- Name something you try to arrive early for.
- Name a place that might be really dusty.
- Name a popular TV show from the 1980s.
- Name something in the office that breaks down often.
- Name something you take into the shower.
- Name something you don't like to discuss with strangers.
- Name something you bring to the airport.
- Name a way people pass time at the airport.
- Name a legendary baseball player.
- Name something a good relationship has.
- Name something a dentist might give you.
- Name something a doctor might give you.
- Name an action movie star.
- Name a famous chef.
- Past or present, name an empire.
- Name a TV show set in high school.
- Name a cartoon you watched as a kid.
- Name something you might surprise your significant other with.
- Name a famous robot from movies or TV.
- Name a famous dog from movies or TV.
- Name a famous singer who is also an actor.
- Name something teens and their parents might argue about.
- Tell me something you might donate to charity.
- Name something you might see in a baby's room.
- Name a Leonardo DiCaprio movie.
- Name a Julia Roberts movie.
- Name an actor you might see at the circus.
- Name a sports movie.
- Name a professional athlete who has also starred in a movie.
- Name a famous Martin.
- Name someone people call when they're in trouble.
- Name a kind of cheese.
- Name something people cut.
- Name a brand of deodorant
- Name a word or phrase used to start a toast.
- Name a profession that pays well.
- Name a country you would NOT like to live in.
- Name the most famous male singer around today.
- Name a famous band from the 90s.
- Name a popular chocolate bar.
- Tell me something a husband is afraid to admit to his spouse.
- Name something a woman won't leave the house without.
- Name something kids play in gym class.
- Name a sport that shouldn't be played in high school.
- Tell me something people do more of during winter than summer.
- Fact or fiction, name an animal that can fly.
- Name a European city you would love to live in.
- Name a U.S. city you would love to live in.
- Name a U.S. city you would NOT like to live in.
- Name something that they DON'T teach at school.
- Tell me something you might buy online.
- Name something people do when they're annoyed.
- Name something that keeps people safe.
- Name something you associate with Batman.
- Name something great about being an adult.
- Tell me a way you reward yourself.
- Name somewhere where you have to line up.
- Name something you associate with the Harry Potter series.
- Name a job that can be dangerous.
- Name a kitchen gadget you can't live without.
- Name a hobby people often have.
- Name something a dog does when it's angry with you.
- Tell me someone whose plastic surgeon you'd never go to.
- Tell me something you do when you're sick.
- Name something parents tell their kids not to waste.
- Name something a kid might save their allowance for.
- Name something specific a kid might do to earn their allowance.
- Name something your parents ask you about every time they see you.
- Name something you associate with silent movies.
- What do you call someone who scares easily?
- What do you call someone who is too careful with money?
- Name something you associate with Americans.
- Name a job where you can act like a kid.
- Name an animated movie that always makes you cry.
- Name something you hope doesn't break down while you're inside of it.
- Tell me a type of business that usually has an ATM inside.
- Name an animal that wouldn't make a very good piggy bank.
- Name a type of bird that you wouldn't like to eat.
- What would you NOT like to be doing when the fire alarm goes off?
- Besides money, tell me something you wish you had more of.
- Name something that you don't want front row seats for.
- When a couple breaks up, what might one partner want back?
- Name something you're afraid to do by yourself.
- What do you often have nightmares about?
- Name an occasion on which you might send a love letter.
- Name something people put in their front yard.
- Name a line of work in which people can retire early.
- Name a reason why people might honk their car horn at you.
- Name a US city with more young than elderly people.
- Name something that people want to do early in life.
- Name something a couple has to pick out for their wedding.
- Name something or someone that has fangs.
- Name a meal that everyone knows how to make.
- Name a reason why your eyes might water up.
- Name something kids believe in that adults don't.
- Name a US city that's on the ocean.
- Name a tattoo that too many people have.
- Name an animal that would make a great bodyguard.
- Name something that a person from a hot climate wouldn't know how to do in the snow.
- Name something on your body that shows you've been hurt?
- Name something you keep in your car in case of emergency.
- Name an event that is often held as a fundraiser.
- Give me a woman's name that has 3 letters in it.
- Give me a reason for moving away from your home town.
- Which cartoon character would you least like to have as a neighbor?
- Name the worst thing about riding the bus.
- Name a place where you shouldn't use your cell phone.
- Name a house pet you wouldn't let sleep at the foot of your bed.
- Name a reason you might not answer the door when you're home.
- Tell me something specific a detective looks for at a murder scene.
- Name something you wouldn't want to buy at a thrift store.
- Tell me something you can never find when you need it.
- Name a food that can be lumpy.
- Name something adults tell kids to eat so they grow up big and strong.
- Tell me something you might buy at a flea market.
- Name something people put on pasta.
- Name something you associate with the Rat Pack.
- Name a common farm animal.
- Name a city in North America that you would hate to drive in.
- Name something you associate with St. Patrick's Day.
- Name something you associate with leprechauns.
- Tell me something you associate with Ireland.
- Name a city that has a large St. Patrick's Day parade.
- Tell me who you might spend Valentine's Day with if you're not in a relationship.
- Tell me someone you might send a Valentine's Day card to.
- Tell me something people do to be romantic on Valentine's Day.
- Name a business that looks forward to Valentine's Day.
- Tell me something people buy on Valentine's Day.
- Tell me the worst place to celebrate Valentine's Day.
- Tell me something you associate with Easter.
- Tell me a place where you might hide Easter eggs.
- Tell me something you associate with Canada Day.
- Name a costume a woman might wear for Halloween.
- Name a costume a man might wear for Halloween.
- Name a costume lots of kids wear on Halloween.
- Tell me something people decorate their houses with on Halloween.
- Name a candy people eat on Halloween
- Name a couples costume for Halloween
- Name a city you would be afraid to go trick or treating in.
- Name a Disney villain people might dress up as for Halloween.
- Tell me a superhero people like to dress up as for Halloween.
- Name a Halloween costume you can make at home for cheap.
- Name something you might see on TV on Halloween.
- Name a movie people love to watch on Halloween.
- Name the worst part of Halloween.
- Name a baseball player known for hitting home runs.
- Name a famous soccer player.
- Name a popular football team.
- Name a popular baseball team.
- Name a popular basketball team.
- Name a basketball player who is good at 3 pointers.
- Name a baseball team with a lot of fans.
- Name a tennis player who is known around the world.
- Name an Olympic sport that is played in a pool.
- Name an event in Olympic gymnastics.
- Name a hockey team that has a huge following.
- Past or present, name an all star hockey player.
- Name a country that is known for figure skating
- Besides the US, name a country where they play hockey.
- Tell me something you might order in a French restaurant.
- Tell me something you might order in an Italian restaurant.
- Tell me something you might see in a small town diner.
- Tell me something you might get at a breakfast buffet.
- Tell me a dish you associate with England.
- Name something people put on salads.
- Name a popular salad dressing.
- Tell me something that can go wrong when you order food.
- Name a popular type of pie.
- Tell me something people complain about at restaurants.
- Name an occasion when people go out to eat.
- Name something every student knows how to cook.
- Name something you do to show your kids who's boss.
- Name something in your house that needs maintenance.
- Tell me something people renovate in their house.
- Name something you insure your house against.
- Name something people store in a cupboard.
- Name a yard chore you hate to do.
- Name something parents do when their kids are away at summer camp.
- Name something you might find in a parent's room.
- Name something you might find in a kid's room
- Tell me something that makes someone a bad houseguest.
- Tell me something people keep in the attic.
- Tell me something people might keep in the basement.
- Tell me something people might keep in the garage.
- Give me a DIY project that you might take up in your house.
- Tell me something you do to prepare for a party.
- Name something in your house that you need a professional to fix.
- Tell me something you might keep under your sink.
- Name a country in the Middle East.
- Name a country in mainland Europe.
- Tell me something you associate with Cuba.
- Tell me something you associate with Africa.
- Tell me something that you might find in the ocean.
- Tell me something that you might see in the Arctic.
- Tell me something you associate with Brazil.
- Tell me something you know about Russia.
- Tell me something you associate with Cleopatra.
- Tell me something you know about Japan.
- Give me a movie that was based on a book.
- Tell me something you associate with Marilyn Monroe.
- Tell me something you associate with Bruce Lee.
- Tell me something you associate with the Star Wars series.
- Tell me something you associate with the Star Trek series.
- Name a food that makes your whole kitchen smell.
- Name something that makes noise in a kitchen.
- Name a cereal kids love to eat.
- Name a common tool you might find in a garage.
- Name something a kid might draw on their bedroom walls.
- Name something people might display in their living rooms.
- Name a game people might play in their living rooms.
- Name a machine that people use at the gym.
- Name something people might bring to a gym.
- Name a popular beach toy.
- Name a famous girl group.
- Name a famous boy band.
- Name a game people play on their cell phone.
- Name a profession where networking is key.
- Name an actor who you think is a nice guy in real life.
- Give me a boy's name that starts with 'C'.
- Name something you would like to see when travelling through Europe.
- Name somewhere you might ride your bicycle to.
- Name a trick that people teach their pets.
- Name an item of junk lying around your house.
- Name a US state where hockey is popular.
- Name a place that should never host the Winter Olympics.
- Name a place that should never host the Summer Olympics.
- Name a source of power.
- Name a beast of burden.
- Name a country that used to have a lot of colonies.
- Name something you expect to find in the jungle.
- Complete the phrase 'lost in ...'
- Name something you could buy for a dollar.
- We asked 100 people: tell us something you get nostalgic about.
- Name something you hate about your job.
- Name something you like about your job.
- Name someone you might offer a ride to.
- Name a sport you might play on a sunny day.
- Name a sport that needs ice.
- Name a famous TV chef.
- Name something that is hard to wash off your hands.
- Name something you must be legally old enough to do.
- Name another way to say 'go away'.
- Name a tropical fruit.
- Name something that smells awful when it expires.
- Name something a cop might carry.
- Name another word for 'friend'.
- Name something that can be smoked.
- Name a black and white animal.
- Name a spice used in cooking.
- Name something that stains your teeth.
- Name something dogs like to chase.
- Name a fruit people eat with cheese.
- Name something you associate with witches.
- Name a popular soap opera.
- Name a long running reality TV series.
- Name something associated with jazz music.
- Name something that might be recorded.
- Name someone you leave a tip for.
- Name a celebrity you wish people would compare you to.
- Name a dog breed that has a bad rap.
- Name a country that doesn't win many medals at the Winter Olympics.
- Name a country that doesn't win many medals at the Summer Olympics.
- Name a band that has been around for a long time.
- Name something you would trade for fame and fortune.
- Name a U.S. state that attracts a lot of tourists.
- Name an industry where a workers' strike would be inconvenient.
- Name something that might make you nervous.
- Name something a student might get in trouble for.
- Name an actor who would make a terrible action star.
- Tell me something you do when meeting someone for the first time.
- Name something you might wear or use while swimming.
- Name a reason why you might stop during a road trip.
- Name something that grows back.
- Name something kids can do that adults can't.
- Name a job that would be bad for a very clumsy person.
- Name the person you would most like to be stranded with.
- Name something that people are afraid to step on.
- Name something you might hit a ball with.
- Name something that was bigger in the 1970s.
- Name something that you need gloves to handle.
- Name something that leaves a bitter taste in your mouth.
- Name a reason why you might put up signs around the neighborhood.
- Name something a man has that might be too big.
- Name a movie you might watch on Valentine's Day.
- Name an NFL receiver who has caught a lot of touchdowns.
- Name something that can be mended.
- Name a celebrity you wish you could have dinner with.
- Name a U.S. president who was known for his way with words.
- Name a reason why someone might have a garage sale.
- Name a profession that requires a lot of traveling.
- Name a reason why it would be fun to live in a big city.
- Name a reason why it would be a pain to live in a big city.
- Name something that is hard to find in a city.
- Name a word that starts with 'post'.
- Name something you might blow on.
- Name a reason why a person might have a big ego.
- Name your favorite place to read a book.
- Name something kids are always complaining about.
- Name a right that women had to fight for.
- Name something that takes up too much of your time.
- Real or fictional, name someone known for their wisdom.
- Name something that might come between friends.
- Fact or fiction, name a famous spaceship.
- Complete the phrase 'state of...'.
- Name a baseball movie.
- Name a specific reason why you might visit a fortune teller.
- Name a movie or TV show with dinosaurs.
- Name a TV animal you wish you could have as a pet.
- Name something that makes it dangerous to drive.
- Name a TV show you think ended too soon.
- Name a country that has a massive population.
- Name a country where it's hot all year round.
- Name a country that gets a lot of snow.
- Name a country that has a lot of conflict.
- Name a job you need a lot of training for.
- Name a job where you're on your feet all day long.
- Name a job that doesn't allow you to be very creative.
- Name a reason why someone might quit their job.
- Name a way a roommate might drive you crazy.
- Name a movie about robots.
- Tell something you know about Romeo and Juliet.
- Name a celebrity who you recognize by their voice alone.
- Tell me something that people have a hard time remembering.
- Name a job that requires a lot of public speaking.
- Name a fitness expert.
- Name something that costs a lot of money.
- Name something country singers like to sing about.
- Name someone who might use a megaphone.
- Name something you might have to get a credit check for.
- Name an ugly dog breed.
- Name something people like to take photographs of.
- Name a movie about magic.
- Name an animal that has claws.
- Tell me something that would ruin a cruise.
- Name something you shouldn't do in front of the Queen.
- Name something that comes in sevens.
- Name a job that involves secrecy.
- Name a living creature that has no legs.
- Name a body part that many love songs mention.
- Name something that changes from green to yellow.
- Name a language restaurant menus are often written in.
- Name a famous Native American.
- Name a profession you'd hate your neighbor to have....
- Name a famous nursery rhyme.
- Name something people with bad table manners do.
- Name a wood that's used for making furniture.
- Name something you would sit on before buying.
- Name another word for 'surprised'.
- Name a job that is physically demanding.
- Name something you might buy used.
- Name something you wouldn't want to get in your eye.
- Name a U.S. First Lady.
- Name something that has a shell.
- Name an ingredient you need to make pancakes.
- Name the most fun city in the U.S.
- Name something that moves very slowly.
- Name a section in the newspaper.
- Name a movie with a talking animal.
- Name something that might ring.
- Name a game you might win a lot of money playing.
- Name an animal that appears in a lot of fairy tales.
- Give me another way of saying 'goodbye'.
- Name a time your face might turn red.
- Name something you might spread.
- Name a sport where the competitors wear gloves.
- Name a food you never see in a vending machine.
- Name something fluffy.
- Name an instrument people hate listening to their children play.
- Name a pasta ending with the letter 'I.'
- Name a household appliance that can get hot.
- Name something that siblings might have to share.
- Name something people rely on too much these days.
- Name a comfort food.
- Name something people often forget to turn off.
- Name an actor or actress who is politically outspoken.
- Name someone you should never lie to.
- Name something people convert their basements into.
- Name a flower often seen at weddings.
- Name a place where you press buttons.
- Name a job that might require annual physicals.
- Name a vegetable people grow in their gardens.
- Name an animal you might see on a Christmas card.
- Name something you wear two of at the same time.
- Name something people do with their mouths.
- Name a root vegetable.
- Name a famous person whose first or last name starts with the letter "A".
- Name a famous person whose first or last name starts with the letter "B".
- Name a famous person whose first or last name starts with the letter "C".
- Name a famous person whose first or last name starts with the letter "D".
- Name a famous person whose first or last name starts with the letter "E".
- Name a famous person whose first or last name starts with the letter "F".
- Name a famous person whose first or last name starts with the letter "G".
- Name a famous person whose first or last name starts with the letter "H".
- Name a famous person whose first or last name starts with the letter "I".
- Name a famous person whose first or last name starts with the letter "K".
- Name a famous person whose first or last name starts with the letter "L".
- Name a famous person whose first or last name starts with the letter "M".
- Name a famous person whose first or last name starts with the letter "N".
- Name a famous person whose first or last name starts with the letter "P".
- Name a famous person whose first or last name starts with the letter "Q".
- Name a famous person whose first or last name starts with the letter "R".
- Name a famous person whose first or last name starts with the letter "S".
- Name a famous person whose first or last name starts with the letter "T".
- Name a famous person whose first or last name starts with the letter "U".
- Name a famous person whose first or last name starts with the letter "V".
- Name a famous person whose first or last name starts with the letter "W".
- Name a famous person whose first or last name starts with the letter "Y".
- Name a food that starts with the letter 'A'.
- Name a food that starts with the letter 'B'.
- Name a food that starts with the letter 'C'.
- Name a food that starts with the letter 'D'.
- Name a food that starts with the letter 'E'.
- Name a food that starts with the letter 'G'.
- Name a food that starts with the letter 'H'.
- Name a food that starts with the letter 'J'.
- Name a food that starts with the letter 'M'.
- Name a food that starts with the letter 'O'.
- Name a food that starts with the letter 'P'.
- Name a food that starts with the letter 'R'.
- Name a food that starts with the letter 'S'.
- Name a food that starts with the letter 'T'.
- Name a word a dieter thinks about that starts with the letter 'E'.
- Name a word a dieter thinks about that starts with the letter 'F'.
- Name a word a dieter thinks about that starts with the letter 'G'.
- Name a word a dieter thinks about that starts with the letter 'L'.
- Name a word a dieter thinks about that starts with the letter 'P'.
- Name a word a dieter thinks about that starts with the letter 'S'.
- Name a word a dieter thinks about that starts with the letter 'T'.
- Name a word a dieter thinks about that starts with the letter 'W'.
- Name a place people work that starts with the letter "A".
- Name a place people work that starts with the letter "B".
- Name a place people work that starts with the letter "C".
- Name a place people work that starts with the letter "D".
- Name a place people work that starts with the letter "F".
- Name a place people work that starts with the letter "G".
- Name a place people work that starts with the letter "I".
- Name a place people work that starts with the letter "L".
- Name a place people work that starts with the letter "N".
- Name a place people work that starts with the letter "P".
- Name a place people work that starts with the letter "R".
- Name a place people work that starts with the letter "S".
- Name a place people work that starts with the letter "T".
- Name a place people work that starts with the letter "W".
- Name a U.S. city that starts with the letter "A".
- Name a U.S. city that starts with the letter "B".
- Name a U.S. city that starts with the letter "S".
- Give me a man's name that is 4 letters long.
- Give me a woman's name that is 4 letters long.
- Give me a woman's name that is 3 letters long.
- Name a word that rhymes with 'pile'.
- Name a word that rhymes with 'fat'.
- Name a word that rhymes with 'rank'.
- Name a word that rhymes with 'poor'.
- Name a word that rhymes with 'red'.
- Name a word that rhymes with 'mean'.
- Name a word that rhymes with 'mend'.
- Name a word that rhymes with 'fun'.
- Name a word that rhymes with 'fan'.
- Name a word that rhymes with 'munch'.
- Name a word that rhymes with 'pop'.
- Name a word that rhymes with 'zoo'.
- Name a word that rhymes with 'win'.
- Name a word that rhymes with 'leek'.
- Name a word that rhymes with 'peep'.
- Name a word that rhymes with 'kite'.
- Name a word that rhymes with 'beat'.
- Name a word that rhymes with 'horn'.
- Name a word that rhymes with 'funk'.
- Name a word that rhymes with 'well'.
- Name a word that rhymes with 'zip'.
- Name a dance that is no longer hip.
- Name a part of your body where you hate being tickled.
- Name the sport with the toughest athletes.
- Name something you are always afraid to check.
- Name something you receive multiple times per day.
- Name the first place you would go if you owned a private jet.
- Name someone you tip around the holidays.
- Name something you would not want to happen while stuck in traffic.
- Name a job you might hire a kid from the neighborhood to do.
- Name something you wish people would do more often.
- Name the last thing you would say to your boss if you quit your job.
- Name something you wish you could bring to work.
- Name something kids often take for granted.
- Name a professional athlete with a bad reputation.
- Name something you might do to pump yourself up.
- Name a situation when you need to gather courage before taking action.
- Name a food you wouldn't eat before a date.
- Name something trivial people fight over.
- Name a popular excuse people give for not going to the gym.
- Name something people get in shape for.
- Name a famous cop from TV or movies.
- Name something commonly found in cookies.
- Name someone who might bake you a cake.
- Name a place parents might hide Christmas presents.
- Name something a child might make for their mom.
- Name something a dad might teach his kids to do.
- Name something a mom might teach her kids to do.
- Name something a child outgrows.
- Name an animal that a human might be able to outrun.
- Name someone or something you might find in a medieval dungeon.
- Name something every village has at least one of.
- Name something you might give up if you were training for a marathon.
- Name something college students spend their money on.
- Name something a teenage girl might save her money to buy.
- Name something a teenage boy might save his money to buy.
- Name something a really cheap person might reuse.
- Name something that you wear out completely before replacing it.
- Name something cars have today that they didn't have when they were first invented.
- Name the celebrity you would like to have narrate your life story.
- Give me another word for 'nerd'.
- Name a superhero you wouldn't want to pick a fight with.
- Name something that might set off a metal detector in an airport.
- Name something you buy that you use mainly in the mornings.
- Name an animal with a big mouth.
- Name an article of clothing that can be made from silk.
- Name a place where you might keep a spare key.
- Name something people let pile up.
- Name a place you often see advertisements.
- Name something a house can be infested with.
- Name something you don't want to do when you're tired.
- Name a word that means the opposite of 'dark'.
- Name something you might be invited to.
- Name a liquid that is put into cars.
- Name a place where Easter eggs might be hidden.
- Name a color you would expect to see in an Easter basket.
- Name something people give up for Lent.
- Name something people buy around Easter.
- Name something people do on Easter Sunday.
- Name something that might be served at Easter brunch.
- Name something that the Easter Bunny might be carrying.
- Name someone the Easter Bunny might hang out with on his day off.
- At what age do kids lose interest in hunting Easter eggs?
- Name something you might see people wearing on Easter.
- Name an animal that might try to catch the Easter Bunny.
- Name something people do to prepare for April showers.
- Who might the Easter Bunny sit next to if he went to a convention for famous animals?
- Name a symbol that people associate with Easter.
- At what time on Easter does the average kid take their first bite of chocolate?
- What might you do over the long weekend if you do not celebrate Easter?
- Besides eggs, what is an ingredient in egg salad?
- What do people do with their Easter eggs once the hunt is over?
- Name something a child might not want to do on Easter.
- Name a food that might be part of an Easter themed frozen dinner.
- Name a place where people keep emergency candy stashes.
- At what age does the average kid stop receiving an Easter basket?
- Name a baby animal that might be on an Easter card.
- Which color jelly bean tastes the best?
- Name a drink people enjoy at brunch.
- Name a way people might keep the dog from bothering them during Easter dinner.
- What is the first thing that comes to mind when someone mentions Easter?
- What is something you would expect to see on Easter decorations?
- Name a reason a college student might not make it home for Easter.
- What do kids think is the most important part of Easter?
- What is something that happens in spring that lots of people look forward to?
- Name something that might be canceled because of April showers.
- Name something specific that kids might be doing on a beautiful spring day.
- Name an article of clothing people wear outside in spring, but not winter.
- What might a person do to relax once their spring cleaning is finished?
- Name something parents do not want their kids doing on a sunny day.
- What might a kid get in their Easter basket if they were not allowed to eat candy?
- Besides the Easter bunny, name a famous rabbit.
- Name a symptom that a person with bad allergies might experience.
- Name a dish that eggs are used to make.
- Name something parents might offer their child in exchange for Easter candy.
- What is something people might have trouble giving up for forty days?
- What is something people miss about winter, once it is over?
- Name something you own that might be particularly dirty by springtime.
- Name something you might see at a Little League baseball game.
- What is an animal you might see while camping in the woods?
- Name something that might become flooded if it rains too much.
- Name a food or drink, commonly found at picnics, that might attract insects.
- After waking up from hibernation, what do you think bears do first?
- If you hibernated all winter, what would be the first thing you would do after waking up?
- Name a color of jelly bean that no one seems to want to eat.
- Besides chickens, what else hatches from eggs?
- Name a baby animal you would expect to see on a farm.
- Name a part of the flower.
- Name a place parents hide Easter baskets so kids do not eat all of the candy at once.
- Name something a mom would not want her kids touching if they had chocolate on their hands.
- How many jelly beans do you think the average person can fit in their mouth at once?
- Besides passing the collection plate, what is something churches do to raise money?
- Name someone who might give a speech on Easter.
- Name something people do in church when they are not paying attention.
- What do people use for cover when they get caught in a rain storm?
- Name a game that might be played at a family picnic.
- What might be an adult's favorite part of Easter?
- What might a bully do at an Easter egg hunt?
- Name an animal whose appearance changes a lot as it gets older.
- Name a baby animal that could fit in the palm of your hand.
- Name something people like to do in the grass.
- Name something you would expect to see at a yard sale.
- Name a large item someone might try to sell at a yard sale.
- Name something a little kid might decorate with Easter stickers.
- Name a color of crayon that might be used a lot in a spring-themed coloring book.
- Name a way the Easter bunny might get into your house.
- Name a food that might be served at both Easter and Thanksgiving.
- Name a game that a family could play in their back yard.
- Name something parents hope their children never do while getting their picture taken with the Easter Bunny.
- Besides Easter, name an annual event that takes place in spring.
- Name an occupation that needs nice weather to do their job.
- Besides swimming, name something it might still be too cold to do, even though it is spring.
- After you get caught in a rain storm, what takes the longest to dry?
- Name something people bring inside before it starts to rain.
- Name something your home smells like after spring cleaning?
- Name something you might need if you were trying to give a dog a bath.
- Name something that might prevent a garden from growing.
- Name something people use to keep pests out of their gardens.
- Name a place outdoors you might see people sitting on a spring day.
- Name something little kids might catch in the spring.
- Name a word that might be used to describe a baby animal.
- Name the first room you want to air out once spring arrives.
- Name a place outside where kids get muddy playing.
- Name a mean place to hide Easter eggs.
- Name something you may need help moving so you can clean under it.
- Name something that might be uncovered once the snow melts.
- Name something you might regret throwing away while spring cleaning.
- Name something that might go on sale after Easter.
- What do people do in their yards at Springtime?
- Name a flower frequently seen on Spring dresses.
- Name something about Easter that people of all faiths can enjoy.
- Name something specific that gets dirty when you garden.
- Where might you be able to plant a garden if you lived in a city?
- Name a way you could spend a rainy day that does not require electricity.
- Name something a puppy needs to be taught how to do.
- What is something a kitten might be excited to play with?
- Name an animal that looks ugly when it is born.
- Name an animal that spends a lot of its time underground.
- Name an insect that can be annoying when you are trying to enjoy the outdoors.
- Name something that eats annoying insects.
- Name a fruit or vegetable you need to peel before you can eat it.
- Name a vegetable that tastes good raw.
- Name a vegetable that is rarely served raw.
- Name a fruit that might be used to flavor iced tea.
- What is something you would expect to see people doing at the park on a sunny day?
- Name a way people exercise outside once the weather gets nice.
- What is something that gets stored away once Spring arrives?
- Name something people find while cleaning that they may have forgotten they had.
- Name something you might see traveling down a stream.
- Name something that could happen to your kite when you try to fly it.
- Name a piece of sporting equipment that might go on sale in spring.
- Name something a ham might be seasoned or marinated with.
- Name a reason a student might not like spring break.
- What to people use to get rid of grass stains?
- What is the first thing people do after coming in from the rain?
- Name a way parents keep their kids busy over spring break.
- What might a child do if they saw the Easter bunny?
- Name a type of footwear often seen in Spring.
- What is something people worry may get ruined by the rain?
- Where do people put their winter clothes once spring arrives?
- Name a type of attraction people look for when picking a spring break destination.
- Why might parents not let their kids go on a spring break trip?
- Name a reason people might not want their town to be a popular tourist spot.
- Besides "Easter Sunday" name a specific day that is part of the Easter season.
- What is something students do outside between classes, once the weather gets nice?
- Name something that might be living in a field of wild flowers.
- Name something you might bring with you when going home for Easter.
- Name something kids use to make Easter decorations.
- What might an Easter basket be used for once Easter is over?
- Name something people do to pass time at the beach.
- Name something a little kid might learn at baseball practice.
- What is something that people commonly forget on park benches?
- What is something you might worry about stepping in during a springtime stroll?
- Name something you might see in a store front display around Easter.
- If you rolled in a field, what is something that might get on your clothes?
- Where is the most painful place to be stung by a bee?
- What might a person do when they are being swarmed by bugs?
- Name an accessory a kid might put on their bike.
- What do parents remind their kids not to leave out in the rain?
- Name something kids catch that might make them muddy.
- Name something a pet rabbit might chew on that it is not supposed to.
- Name something kids might draw on the sidewalk with chalk.
- Name a plant or animal that a lot of people are allergic to.
- What is a comforting food people eat on rainy days?
- Name a condiment that might be on the table at Easter brunch.
- Name something that people try to sell before throwing it away.
- Name something you might find if you could follow a rabbit down its hole.
- Name something a baby animal might do while its mom is looking for food.
- Name something that comes out after a rain shower.
- Name something people use to keep dry while camping.
- Name a city that has historically attracted large number of students on spring break?
- Besides love, what is in the air at springtime?
- Name something people do not like birds pooping on.
- If you were a bird who would you poop on first?
- Name something animals use to attract a mate.
- Name a baby animal that is not cute or cuddly.
- If a student did not have spring break plans what might they do to pass the time?
- Name a place where it might be inappropriate to wear sandals.
- What do people do with the grass clippings after they finish mowing the lawn?
- Name a way people warm up after being caught in a rain storm.
- Name something that might have marshmallows in it.
- Name a sport that leaves players covered in grass stains.
- Name something parents might teach their children about in the spring.
- Name something people do as hotel guests that they would never do as house guests.
- What is the first thing you do when entering someone's home as a guest?
- Name something parents do when they take Little League sports too seriously.
- Name a recipe or game eggs might used for at a family picnic.
- Name something that can put a spring in someone's step.
- Name a type of clothing that women buy for spring, but men do not.
- Name something you might need if your car got stuck in the mud.
- Name a place where chocolate melts quickly.
- Name something in your car you turn on when it is raining.
- Name a type of flower that blooms in the spring.
- Name something people consider when choosing plants for their garden.
- Name something that Spring marks the return of.
- Name a type of bird that is also a sports team mascot.
- Name an animal that can ruin a beautiful lawn.
- Name something people wear when they garden.
- Name a baby animal that a farmer might have to help deliver.
- If you were a bee, name a job you might have in your hive.
- Name a bug that people are not usually afraid of.
- Name an article of clothing that the Easter Bunny might wear.
- Tell me a word frequently used to describe chocolate.
- Name something people put out for the birds.
- Name something in your home that is hard to clean behind.
- Name something a little kid might draw a picture of in the Spring.
- Name a bird with colorful feathers.
- Name an animal that might eat out of your hand at a petting zoo.
- Name an animal from "Winnie the Pooh".
- Name a newborn animal that would still be too big for you to hold.
- Name an animal that is born with its eyes closed.
- Name an animal that gets around by hopping.
- Name a language the pope uses during his Easter service.
- Fill in the blank: "I hate it when my gets wet."
- Name something you may need to buy before Spring Cleaning.
- Name a reason parents might not want their kids playing in the rain.
- Name something you can see in a city that tells you Spring is on its way.
- Name something people do not like doing in the rain.
- Name something parents make their kids do after coming inside from the rain.
- Name a food or beverage that is used as a jelly bean flavor
- Name a candy that can be eaten in a single bite.
- How many marshmallow peeps can the average person eat before getting sick?
- Name something you need to wash a car.
- Name something people might take bird watching.
- Name something kids might use to build a fort.
- Name something a person could use to make their own bird feeder.
- Name a game kids might learn to play in the Spring.
- Name a piece of sports equipment that is associated with Springtime.
- Name something a family might do if they were having a campout in the back yard.
- Name something you might see flying around on a Spring night.
- Name a speedy animal that could help the Easter Bunny with its deliveries.
- On average, how many days does it take for a kid to eat everything in their Easter basket?
- Name a sign that a kid has eaten all of the chocolate from their Easter basket.
- Name something that might be used in an Easter arts and crafts project.
- Name something kids might use to make a mess while doing arts and crafts.
- Name something that makes Easter unique from other holidays.
- Name an article of clothing it would be funny to hide an Easter egg in.
- Name a specific exercise you could do to burn off the Easter calories.
- Name a place you might see "Happy Easter" written.
- Name something that could get ruined in an April shower.
- Name something the Easter Bunny might snack on while making its deliveries.
- Name a food or drink that might be chocolate flavored.
- Name a food that would make for a gross jelly bean flavor.
- Name something you would not want the Easter Bunny to leave in your house.
- If you were a wasp, name someone you would want to sting.
- Name something parents teach kids to do once it is nice out.
- Name a piece of sports equipment that gathers dust until Spring.
- Name an animal that likes to eat grass.
- Name the animal that children want to take home from the petting zoo the most.
- Name a sound you might hear at a petting zoo.
- Name something slimy that kids pick up off of the ground.
- Name something you might wish you had less of, when it comes time for Spring cleaning.
- Name something people wish they had more of while Spring cleaning.
- Name something people clean around, but not behind or under.
- Name something a family might take with them on a nature walk.
- Name a statistic commonly found on the back of baseball cards.
- Name something a professional baseball player wants to get a lot of during their career.
- Other than a player, name a job someone might have at a baseball stadium.
- Name an activity a family could do in their driveway.
- Name something you would not want to be doing when it starts to rain.
- Name something parents could put candy in, if they forgot to buy a basket.
- Name a specific candy that does not melt.
- Name a specific candy that could be a choking hazard.
- Name a superpower that would give you the edge in an Easter Egg hunt.
- Name something parents make kids put on before playing in snow.
- Name something inconvenient about having house guests for the holidays.
- Name something people use to travel across snow.
- Name something a pet might do to your christmas tree.
- Name something that might be the main course for christmas dinner.
- Name a kid’s show with a line of action figures.
- Name a state that never has a white christmas.
- Name a cartoon character often associated with christmas.
- Name a state where an igloo would not last very long.
- Name somewhere santa would hate to crash land.
- Fill in the blank: “all i need to have a merry christmas is .”
- Give me a word you might use to describe a christmas sweater.
- Name a city that has a big new years celebration.
- Name something specific that might make a lot of noise at a new year’s party.
- Give me a word someone might associate with christmas.
- Name a gift that overworked parents might enjoy.
- Name something about santa’s appearance that makes him easy to spot in a crowd.
- Name a place a cheap boss might throw the office christmas party.
- Name a gift that might be great for someone who loves the outdoors.
- Name something a grown man might ask santa for.
- Name a food or beverage that might ruin a diet during the holidays.
- Name an animal that is referenced in christmas carols.
- Name a christmas carol that might get stuck in your head.
- Name someone you always buy a christmas present for.
- Name someone you would never buy a christmas present for.
- Name a word that might be used to describe a child’s face on christmas morning.
- Name a color you would see on a string of christmas lights.
- Name something that gets bigger in winter.
- Name something that might hit santa in the face while he’s flying his sleigh.
- Name something no christmas dinner is complete without.
- Name a role a child might have in a christmas nativity play.
- Name a cliched gift for mom.
- Name something a family might do together during the holidays.
- Name a place you would not want to be on christmas.
- Name something people do after opening their christmas gifts.
- Name a profession that has to work on christmas.
- Name something parents wouldn’t let their kids go outside without in the winter.
- Name something specific given around the holidays that could be homemade.
- Name a job an elf might have at the north pole.
- Name something mrs. claus might tell santa he does too much.
- Name someone a kid might throw a snowball at.
- Name something specific a ghost might haunt at christmas.
- Name a job you would not want to have in the winter.
- Name something you associate with sunflowers.
- Besides turkey, what might be put on a turkey sandwich?
- Name a famous american poet.
- Name a specific task you might assign to your kids on thanksgiving.
- Name something you tell your kids to do but not your spouse.
- Which thanksgiving dish is the hardest to wash out of a toddler’s clothes?
- Name something americans do that is patriotic.
- Name something that was invented in the united states.
- Complete the sentence: “football on thanksgiving is .”
- Name something a child might do if they did not want to eat thanksgiving dinner.
- Name a u.s. state where cows might outnumber people.
- Name a type of professional you would like to hire to help with thanksgiving.
- Name something america has a lot of.
- Name something a house guest might need help finding.
- Name something frozen you might buy for thanksgiving dinner.
- Name a reason why your mistress and your wife would be at the same thanksgiving dinner.
- Name something parents might do if they’re alone on thanksgiving.
- Name a country that movie villains often come from.
- Name something a house guest might ask for before going to bed
- Name a fruit or vegetable you might see at a barbecue.
- Name something you might put on a baked potato.
- Name a u.s. state in the midwest.
- Name something a family might gather around.
- If you could only eat one thing from thanksgiving dinner for the rest of your life, what would it be?
- What tricks could you eat a dog to encourage guests to leave after thanksgiving dinner?
- If you could fill a swimming pool with one item from thanksgiving dinner, which would you choose?
- Name a u.s. state in the southwest.
- What is the first thing a person might do after a long flight?
- Name an excuse people give for not seeing family over thanksgiving.
- Name the most uncomfortable form of travel.
- Name something that can make traveling a pain.
- Name a historical figure you might dress up as for halloween.
- Name a prop you would expect to see on the set of a horror movie.
- Name a word that might be used to describe a kid’s halloween costume.
- Name something that might live in a crypt.
- Name something you would do if you saw a real monster.
- Name the worst kind of halloween candy you can get.
- Name a way you might be able to tell a good witch and an evil witch apart.
- Name a prop that might be used to scare people on halloween.
- Name something specific that people paint on their faces for halloween.
- Name something ghosts might do to try and scare you out of your house.
- Name a reason scooby-doo might not make an ideal pet.
- Name a reason you might suspect your neighbor is a werewolf.
- Complete the statement: “the scariest monsters all have ___.”
- Name a halloween costume that might involve face paint.
- Name an animal that might become gigantic in a monster movie.
- Name something you might try to trick on halloween.
- Name a song that is played on the radio during halloween.
- Name a classic hollywood monster that is easy to dress up as for halloween.
- Name a treat people make for halloween.
- Besides your house, name something you hope never becomes haunted.
- Name a spooky place friends might dare each other to go.
- Name something you might give to trick or treaters, if you run out of candy.
- Name something little boys use to scare little girls.
- Name something you might use to barricade your home against monsters.
- Name a spooky place people in movies stop to spend the night.
- Name a place you might see pumpkins around halloween.
- Name a place you hope the invisible man is not hiding.
- Name an attraction in a haunted house.
- Name something you might get a witch as a cottage warming gift.
- Who would you call if you discovered the invisible man sleeping in your bed?
- Name someone who really enjoys halloween.
- Name something hollywood monsters might make small talk about at a party.
- Name something that might happen if you eat too much candy.
- Name a part of the body that a monster might find particularly delicious.
- Name a word you would expect to see on the inside of a halloween card.
- Name a movie monster you think is misunderstood.
- Name something you might find outside of your house the morning after halloween.
- Name something a man might wear to a halloween party, if he wanted to attract the ladies.
- Name a halloween costume a guy might wear if he wanted to show off his muscles.
- Name a way a person might keep their house from being vandalized on halloween.
- Name something you might use to ward off evil spirits.
- Name something adults can do on halloween that children cannot.
- Name an errand a vampire might have trouble doing since they are only awake at night.
- Besides blood, what would you use red paint for on halloween?
- Name something you might find in a spooky abandoned house.
- Name someone who might have a halloween prank played on them.
- Name something you would need to dress up as phantom of the opera.
- Name a costume that might be uncomfortable to wear to work.
- Name something that might be possessed by spirits.
- Name someone who might chaperone a group of trick or treaters.
- Name a couples halloween costume.
- Name something you would need to make a witch costume.
- Name someone who might not like halloween.
- Name a specific costume that a man might be embarrassed to wear on halloween.
- Name a fairytale that can be adapted into a horror movie.
- Name the creepiest setting for a horror movie.
- What would happen to werewolves if someone blew up the moon?
- Besides pumpkins, name something you might see decorating a house on halloween.
- Name a profession whose uniform might be mistaken for a halloween costume.
- Name a type of hard candy.
- Name something a pirate might have on them that would make it difficult to swim.
- Name something you might see on a secret pirate island.
- Name something pirates take with them on adventures.
- If a pirate had social media, name something they would post pictures of.
- Besides a parrot, name an animal that a pirate might have as a pet.
- When you imagine pirates, what are they wearing?
- Besides pirates, name something you would see on a pirate ship.
- Name something pirates had to be able to do quickly.
- Name something hobos and pirates have in common.
- Besides a mop, name something you might need to clean the deck of a ship.
- Name something that might attract pirates to vacation in port.
- Name something pirates look cool wearing, but you would not.
- Besides a hook, name something a pirate could put on their missing hand.
- Name a good place to take a pirate on a first date.
- Name a sea creature that a pirate might befriend.
- Name something a pirate captain might ban while at sea.
- Name something that might hit a pirate on the head.
- Name something a pirate might train their parrot to do.
- Name something on a pirate ship that might accidentally catch fire.
- Name something that might get rationed on a pirate ship.
- Name something a captain might have that his crew does not.
- Name something a pirate would not want to find on his ship.
- Name something about being a pirate that might get old fast.
- Name something that a pirate would not want their parrot to do.
- Name a fruit a pirate might find on a tropical island.
- Name something that pirates are frequently losing.
- Name something you might find on the deck of a pirate ship.
- How many days do you think a pirate could spend on land before getting restless?
- Name something pirates might do when they are bored.
- Name something pirates might have considered to be a bad omen.
- Name a fruit a pirate could eat if they wanted to avoid getting scurvy.
- Name a musical instrument you might find on a pirate ship.
- Name the last thing on their ship that a pirate would want to have break.
- Name something pirates might exchange on valentine’s day.
- Name something you can’t do on an airplane.
- Name a bad job for someone who is accident prone.
- Name a country known for good looking men.
- Besides books, name something heavy that students carry in their backpacks.
- Name a type of list.
- Name something you associate with frank sinatra.
- Name a sign that a couple is really in love.
- Give me a word that means the opposite of “serious”.
- Name a school event that might be documented in the year book.
- Name something that kids usually have more of than adults.
- How many days into the school year do teachers wait before giving a test?
- Name a job that a school teacher may take during the summer.
- Name the class that students fall asleep in the most.
- Name a game that kindergarteners might play.
- Name an accessory or article of clothing you would never wear from the "lost and found".
- Name an expensive back-to-school item that people buy.
- Name something people use to decorate their lockers.
- Name a piece of equipment that students might play with in a science lab.
- Name something you might see on a teacher's desk.
- Name something a student might ask to borrow, but does not plan on returning.
- Name something a student might use when writing a research paper.
- Name something you associate with the prom.
- Name something students living in a dorm might share.
- At what age do parents stop walking their kids to the bus stop?
- Name something students buy or rent just for prom.
- Name something a school needs before it can open.
- Name something that students use to keep their assignments organized.
- Name a school sport that involves a lot of running.
- At what age does the average kid get their first cellphone?
- Name something that you think this generation of students is lacking.
- Name an illness that kids fake to get out of going to school.
- Name something parents bribe their kids with to get them to study.
- At what grade does school stop being fun and start being work?
- Complete the statement: "all college students should learn how to ."
- Name something a student might eat on the go.
- Name a snack commonly packed in school lunches.
- Name a way that students get to school.
- Name something embarrassing a student might do in front of their class.
- Name the most purchased school supply.
- Name something in school that students might have to buy themselves.
- Name things in school that are often broken.
- Name something you would expect to see in a high school gym.
- Name an activity that makes people sweaty.
- Name something a diver might find on the ocean floor.
- Name a reason why summer lovin' might not last.
- Name a summertime treat.
- Name games people like to play in the pool.
- Name something people put on top of their cars.
- Name a place people find sand after a trip to the beach.
- Name something kids play in the street during summer.
- How many vacation days does the average person get during summer?
- Name an inappropriate place to wear flip-flops.
- Name something you might see in a public swimming pool.
- Name something associated with summer that people save their money for.
- Name a way kids entertained themselves on trips before handheld games.
- Name a country you could visit if you wanted to see ancient ruins.
- Name something you should not wear while riding a motorcycle.
- Name something that washes up onto the beach.
- Complete the statement: "i can fit hotdogs in my mouth at once."
- Name a holiday people like to spend at the beach.
- Name an animal you might see if you visited the rain forest.
- Name a place you would expect to see sprinklers.
- Name something people do with garden hoses.
- What is the worst thing a person can lose while on vacation?
- Name an activity that might be offered at a summer camp.
- Name a summer sport played at both international competitions and high schools.
- Name the animal that people are most excited to see on an african safari.
- What might you do if you got stung by a jellyfish?
- Past or present, name something people have used to travel the world.
- Name the most exciting way to spend the summer.
- Name a type of weather advisory you may see in the summer.
- Name a theme that a summer camp might have.
- Name something people bring with them when climbing mt. everest.
- Name an animal that might be described as “majestic”.
- Name something people ask for more often in summer than in winter.
- Name something a kid might miss while they are at summer camp.
- Name a body part you might want to be muscular in time for summer.
- Until what time does the average kid sleep in, during summer vacation?
- What is the worst part of summer school?
- What would you expect to see in an ad for a resort?
- Name something that goes well with coconut.
- Name something you might see or do in australia.
- Name a country people visit where they do not need to pack a jacket.
- Name an animal that people see on safaris.
- Name something people pack for beach trips.
- Name an amenity that might be found on a train.
- Name a modern convenience that people traveling 100 years ago might have wished they had.
- Name something the rich and famous do for fun in the summer.
- Name something nice about flying first class.
- Complete the statement: "i spent my summer vacation ."
- Name a sport that involves a lot of running.
- Name something you would need if you were exploring a jungle.
- Name something you might need if you were crossing a desert.
- Name something people buy just to use in the summer.
- Name a country where you may need to wear a jacket all year round.
- What did people use to plan vacations before the internet?
- Name a fruit or vegetable used to flavor drinks.
- At what age does the average kid get their first summer job?
- Name something people do in the summer to attract a mate.
- Name something a person might wish they did not have to take on vacation with them.
- Name a food that is too heavy for summer days.
- Name something passengers on an airplane are told before take off.
- How many days can you spend on the beach before you get bored?
- Name a summer international sporting event that people like to watch.
- Name a city that people travel from all over the world to visit.
- Name a type of competition held at the beach.
- Name something you might want to do when visiting japan.
- Name something that might be sold at the beach.
- Besides horses, name an animal used for transportation.
- Name something an office summer retreat might entail.
- Name a type of professional that wears sunglasses a lot.
- Name something that people with pets have to pack for vacation.
- Name a summer activity that families can enjoy together.
- Name a sport that involves a lot of jumping.
- Name a sport that would be hard to do in cowboy boots.
- Name a sport you would not want to practice if you ran out of deodorant.
- Name a sport that lets athletes show off their legs.
- Tell me a game traditionally played at summer camps.
- Name something athletes do to celebrate a big win.
- Tell me something annoying that parents do at their kids’ games.
- Besides a parachute, name something you might want with you while sky diving.
- Name a holiday that is associated with big sales.
- Name a sport kids play when they’re growing up.
- Name a sport that is played on grass.
- Name a sport that gets little tv coverage.
- Name a sport that requires special headgear.
- Name a sport where the female athletes are as fun to watch as their male counterparts.
- Name something you buy at sporting events.
- Besides losing, name a reason why a coach might be fired.
- Name a position in baseball.
- Name a sport you could still practice with a bad knee.
- Name something a fan might try doing to distract a player from the other team.
- Besides rope, name something you might need to go rock climbing.
- What is the most difficult sport to succeed at on a professional level?
- Name something that players don’t want on the field during a game.
- Name a sport that has collectable trading cards.
- Name a way that a tie game might be broken once regulation time has ended.
- Name a sport that isn’t played wearing shoes.
- Name a sport with annoying tv commentators.
- Name something that might happen to a player after they score the winning point.
- Name something vendors might be selling in the stands during a game.
- Name a sport that would be easier to play on the moon.
- How many cups of coffee do you drink a day?
- Name something you would boo.
- Name something you would applaud.
- Name something you put on a hamburger.
- Name something you might find on a Christmas tree.
- Name something you find in a desert.
- Name a place where it would be fun to play hide and seek, but where you aren't allowed to.
- Name a place you would go to get a good view
- Name a place you could go if you were on the run from the law.
- Name something you wouldn't want to catch your parents doing.
- Name something you wouldn't want your parents catching you doing.
- Name something you do not want to step in.
- Name something you would find in a 1st grader's school desk.
- Name something you might find underneath your couch cushions.
- Name something you would hate to find stuck to the bottom of your shoe.
- Name something you see people do on the subway.
- Name a recording artist whose name begins with the letter 'L'
- Name a band that was a one-hit-wonder.
- Name a band from the 60's that is still popular today.
- Name a band from the 80's that is still popular today.
- Name an athlete who has won a Heisman trophy.
- Name a punk rock band.
- Past or present, name a NBA player who has won more than 3 championships.
- Name something commonly associated with New Year's Eve.
- Name something commonly associated with Chinese New Year.
- Name an outspoken TV news anchor.
- Name a North American city you would not like to drive in.
- Name something you would not want your cat to claw.
- Name a sport that is not part of the Summer Olympics, but should be.
- Name something you would return to a store if you received it as a gift.
- Name something you associate with the city of Chicago.
- Name something you associate with New York City.
- Name something you associate with Texas.
- Name something you associate with the Superbowl.
- Name something you love about winter.
- Name something you hate about winter.
- Name something you would expect to find in ancient Egypt.
- Name a Disney movie that does not have a female villain.
- Name an occasion when you would eat at a fancy restaurant.
- Name a place where you would find a vending machine.
- Name a board game that causes arguments.
- Name something you might see at a gym.
- Name a tool that you would use to build a bird house.
- Name a breakfast cereal that adults love and children hate.
- Name something you lose while doing laundry.
- Name a situation where it would be ok to break the speed limit.
- Name a place that is associated with skiing.
- Name something that people frequently trip over.
- Name something people do to relax.
- Name a chain restaurant that serves coffee you do not want to drink.
- Name a place that is associated with the rain.
- Name something you might see at a carnival.
- Name something you might see at a circus.
- Name something a businessman might wear to work.
- Name a comedian whose humor might be considered offensive.
- Name something specific that you might find in a fridge.
- Name something you might wear in winter that you wouldn't wear in summer.
- Name something you might wear in summer but not in winter.
- Name something that when you get it means nothing, but when you don't you get angry.
- Name someone you might have as an emergency contact.
- Name something you might be embarrassed to throw out.
- Name something you might bring on a first date.
- Give me a first name you don't hear very often.
- Name an unusual pet you would expect a Hollywood star to own.
- Tell me a sport you might only play in winter.
- Tell me a day that you hate going to the mall.
- Name something you might see in a movie theater, but not in your own house.
- Name a profession with a bad reputation.
- Name an animal you might see in a zoo.
- Name something you always lose on vacation.
- Name an occupation that has to work on Sundays.
- Name an American city people love to vacation in.
- Name something a person might do as part of spring cleaning.
- Name a musical instrument a child might learn at school.
- Name a reason why you might not tip your waiter.
- Name a reason you might give your waiter a good tip.
- Name your favorite Disney villain.
- Name a popular word to describe your spouse.
- Tell me something you would not like to see on a plane.
- Tell me something that would make an unlikely weapon.
- Name something you do in front of the mirror that you wouldn't want anyone to see.
- Name the worst person to be seated next to on a plane.
- Name something you are afraid to ask your partner to do.
- Tell me something specific where you might use the motto "the bigger the better".
- Name a job someone with claustrophobia should not do.
- Name someone you would hate calling you during a date.
- Name a furry creature that would not make a good pet.
- Name a celebrity that you would not want to have over for dinner.
- Name a situation where it is ok to take off your wedding ring.
- Name an excuse men use for not calling.
- Name a public place where it is ok to take off your pants.
- Name a food that is easy to eat while driving.
- Name something you would never want someone to see you wearing.
- Name something you do when a telemarketer calls.
- Name something you would not want a restaurant to run out of.
- Name something a child can do to make money.
- Name something in America that gets more expensive every year.
- Name a place where you would not want to be trapped with a stranger.
- Name something on your car that might break, but wouldn't stop you from driving it.
- Name something you do not want to be caught in the rain without.
- Name a place where you would not want to get a flat tire.
- Name a real-life situation where people might spontaneously break into song.
- Name a place where you might lose your keys.
- Name something a student might do to pass a test.
- Name a reason a parent might have to send their kids to bed early.
- Name a place students might go on a field trip.
- Name an activity that might take place during a slumber party.
- Name an animal you would not want to give mouth to mouth to.
- Name a situation where you might accept a car ride from a stranger.
- Name a place where you might see someone cry.
- Name a part of the body you might get a piercing.
- Name something prisoners do to pass the time.
- Name an excuse kids use for not doing their homework.
- Name something you never want to get pierced.
- Name something you would not want to wake up in bed next to.
- Name something you would not want to catch your child playing with.
- Name something that might ruin a fun party.
- Name something you would not like to receive in the mail.
- Name something you put milk in.
- Name something that might happen on a first date which would rule out a second date.
- Name something you think is ok to do in public, but others frown upon.
- Name something inappropriate for a wedding speech.
- Name something you would hate to happen at your wedding.
- Name a situation where you would not mind having your flight cancelled.
- Name a period in time you would like to travel to.
- Name a non-traditional instrument you might see people playing.
- Name something you would not want to stick your nose into.
- Name something that might keep the doctor away.
- Name something that is an oldie but goodie.
- Name something that is useless
- Name a situation where you might have butterflies in your stomach.
- Name something that might give you cold feet.
- Name a situation where you might do a 180.
- Name something that is not all that it is cracked up to be.
- Name something you know like the back of your hand.
- Name something people might use to make their online passwords.
- Name something a child might throw a temper tantrum over.
- Name a reason you might stand up a date.
- Name a job that someone who cannot swim should avoid.
- Name something that is not heavy but still hard to carry.
- Name a situation in which you might get up to cook someone breakfast.
- Name a situation where you might be with a group of people, but are not allowed to talk to each other.
- Name something you might do after coming home from work.
- Name something you might make someone do while they are hypnotized.
- Name something you might find at a bachelorette party.
- Name a sport that does not use a ball.
- Name a profession that might be considered dangerous.
- Name a day that is considered especially bad to break up on.
- Name a place you might go when you need peace and quiet.
- Name a historically significant year.
- Name an inappropriate gift for your boss.
- Name a gift your partner would not appreciate receiving.
- Name a book you expect a high school student to read in English class.
- Name something you associate with Canada.
- Name something you associate with Great Britain.
- Tell me something you would NOT like to get as an anniversary gift from your spouse.
- Tell me a game that kids might play at recess.
- Name something you might do to impress your boss.
- Tell me a part of your body you would NOT want to get tattooed.
- Tell me something you should never do in a crowded movie theater.
- Tell me something people often keep in their attic.
- Tell me something you would NOT want to hear from the person you have a crush on.
- Tell me something people often break.
- Tell me something you might do to get the attention of your crush.
- Tell me something you might do to avoid a bill collector.
- Tell me something people regret getting.
- Tell me something the human body has lots of.
- Tell me a way you might get ready for a date.
- Tell me something you might do at a concert.
- Tell me something kids often want to be when they grow up.
- Tell me something that can be distracting when driving.
- Tell me something that might distract you at work.
- Tell me something you can't control, but wish you could.
- Tell me something you wish you could do over again.
- Tell me something a kid might try to hide from their parents.
- Tell me something your partner spends money on that you think is frivolous.
- Tell me something you wouldn't want your child to do in public.
- Tell me a topic that a person should not talk about on a date.
- Tell me something people do at home when they can't afford to go out.
- Name an American city that has a specific accent.
- Name a bird that people don't usually eat.
- Tell me an animal that people don't usually like to eat.
- Tell me something you think of when you think of India.
- Tell me something you think of when you think of Ireland.
- Tell me something a person could have that makes you not want to kiss them.
- Name something a kid might practice kissing on.
- Name something that people might pass on.
- Name something that might get passed around.
- Name something you might see a squirrel doing with his nuts.
- Tell me a part of a woman's body that is usually bigger than a man's.
- Name something you might bring on a date.
- Name something that starts with the word 'old'.
- Name someone who is famous for having a big mouth.
- Tell me something a bride wants to be huge.
- Name something that a parent might disapprove of in their child's significant other.
- Name something a teenager might bring to school.
- Name something you associate with the southern US.
- Name a food you eat with a spoon.
- Name an exotic animal you would like to eat.
- Name something you associate with California.
- Name a popular TV game show.
- Tell me something you might do the moment you get home from work.
- Tell me something you might do on a Sunday.
- Name something you might do before moving.
- Name something you hate about your morning commute.
- Name something you would NOT want to find under a Christmas tree.
- Name something you might do while visiting New York City.
- Name a popular Christmas movie.
- Name a situation where you might need to wear ear plugs.
- Name something you might see at a yard sale.
- Name something you would not want to buy in front of your parents.
- Name a summer job a teenager might have.
- Tell me something you might do if you're feeling blue.
- Past or present, name a host of a daytime talk show.
- Name something that makes mammals unique from other animals.
- Name an animal that might make a good first pet.
- Name an outdated form of communication.
- Name something a couple might fight about.
- Name a place you go to hear music.
- Name a country that is associated with the desert.
- Name a country that is associated with snow.
- Name an actor who is associated with action roles.
- Name something you might see at a renaissance fair.
- Name a profession that is very stressful.
- Name a hobby a retiree might have.
- Name a food someone with no teeth might enjoy.
- Name something that gets put on a Christmas tree.
- Name something you might freeze.
- Name something that people put on their front lawns.
- Name something you might find in a haunted house.
- Name a favorite game from your childhood.
- Name the sexiest actor working today.
- What might your cell phone say to you if it could talk?
- Name something you might eat for lunch.
- Name a way people listened to music before iPods.
- Name something that is dangerous for children to play with.
- Name a Ben Affleck movie.
- Name a time when you might wear a mask.
- Name something that is associated with Texas.
- Give me a specific nickname for a city in the US.
- Name a movie from the 1980s.
- Name something you can write.
- Name something capable of destroying a city.
- Name something a high school student might do in gym class.
- Name something you bake.
- Name something you can ride.
- Name something a journalist often uses.
- Name something a construction worker uses often.
- Name something you can draw a picture with.
- Name an animal that lives in the desert.
- Name something you might take mountain climbing.
- Name one person you would take with you to a desert island.
- Name a food that is usually a side dish.
- Name something you wouldn't like to receive as a birthday gift.
- Name something you might find in a basement.
- Name a country in Africa.
- Name a Caribbean island.
- Name a food that might come in a can.
- Name a famous female pop star.
- Name something you might find in your car's glove compartment.
- Name something that might wake you up in the morning.
- Name a common household pest.
- Name an American car company.
- Name a brand of sneaker.
- Name a soft drink.
- Name something you put on top of ice cream.
- Tell me something you get when you join the army.
- Name a type of tree.
- Tell me something you vote for.
- Name a literary device.
- Name something that hatches.
- Name something that often gets stolen.
- Name a place that is usually very loud.
- What do you look for in a job other than salary?
- Name something specific that has wings.
- Name something a plumber might have.
- Name something a firefighter might have.
- Name something a doctor might have.
- Name something on your car that needs to be checked often.
- Name an animal you might see at an aquarium.
- Name an animal you might see at the zoo.
- Name something you can't wait to do at a party.
- Tell me an animal associated with Australia.
- Tell me an animal associated with America.
- Name something you try to avoid when camping in the woods.
- Name a country in Asia.
- Name a world religion.
- Name a country that starts with the letter 'E'.
- Name a country that starts with the letter 'C'.
- Name a country that starts with the letter 'I'.
- Name something associated with Japan.
- Name something associated with China.
- Name something associated with India.
- Name something you associate with Russia.
- Name something you read from.
- Name a place you should never ever use foul language.
- Name the worst thing a policeman could find in your car.
- Name something about a vacation that costs a lot of money.
- Name something you hate to be 'out of order'.
- Name something people stretch.
- Tell me something that reminds you of spring.
- Tell me something that reminds you of summer.
- Tell me something that reminds you of winter.
- Name something your body tells you to do.
- Name a phrase that starts with "Middle of the..."
- Name a phrase that begins with "Hold your..."
- Give me a word or phrase that contains "belly."
- Name a public place you might hear someone snoring.
- Name something you like that starts with the letter 'D'.
- Tell me something impossible to do standing up.
- Name something you wish you had been born with.
- Name a city that's famous for music.
- Name a household chore you refuse to do.
- Name a place you would hate to get a phone call.
- When people talk about "the big one," what are they referring to?
- Name a company you wish you'd bought stock in.
- Name something that people develop.
- Name someone you buy a Christmas gift for.
- Name something you never forget how to do.
- Give me the name of a famous female sex symbol.
- Living or dead, name the most romantic singer.
- Tell me something little kids hate.
- Name an animal that likes to dig.
- Give me a boy's name that starts with the letter "P."
- Give me an animal that begins with the letter "D."
- Name something neighbors swap with each other.
- Name someone people confess crimes to.
- Name an occupation in which you are 'on duty'.
- Name something you put on your teeth.
- Name something that people do at midnight on New Year's Eve.
- Give me an American city that begins with the letter 'D'.
- Name a reason a kid might not be able to go outside.
- Name something chickens do.
- Name something a man might have expensive taste in.
- Name something people have a hard time holding onto.
- Name something that makes people grouchy if they go too long without it.
- Name a country where they drink a lot of wine.
- Name a city where lots of rich people live.
- What should you always be on the lookout for when driving?
- Name an animal whose legs you eat.
- Name something you see on the cover of a Christmas card.
- Name a famous Kate or Katie.
- Name something that's rude to show up late for.
- Name something you're never too tired to do before going to bed.
- Name something that would make you freak out if you lost it.
- Name something you might see at a kid's birthday party.
- Give me a North American city that begins with the letter 'M'.
- Name a famous 'Tom' or 'Thomas'.
- Name a European city everybody knows of.
- Tell me something you might eat in Mexico.
- Name something people do to keep in shape.
- Tell me a reason why you would give a bad tip.
- Name a sign that your date isn't into you.
- Tell me a reason why you might not go out.
- Name something that always gets on your nerves.
- Tell me something you would expect to see a farmer wear.
- Tell me where you met your closest friend.
- Name someone famous who died young.
- Name something that might make a bad first impression.
- Name a place you might turn to for relationship advice.
- Name a profession where you need to be good at math.
- Tell me something you buy tickets for.
- Name a sign you give a date to show you are NOT interested.
- Name an errand it seems you are always doing.
- Name something you try to arrive early for.
- Name a place that might be really dusty.
- Name a popular TV show from the 1980s.
- Name something in the office that breaks down often.
- Name something you take into the shower.
- Name something you don't like to discuss with strangers.
- Name something you bring to the airport.
- Name a way people pass time at the airport.
- Name a legendary baseball player.
- Name something a good relationship has.
- Name something a dentist might give you.
- Name something a doctor might give you.
- Name an action movie star.
- Name a famous chef.
- Past or present, name an empire.
- Name a TV show set in high school.
- Name a cartoon you watched as a kid.
- Name something you might surprise your significant other with.
- Name a famous robot from movies or TV.
- Name a famous dog from movies or TV.
- Name a famous singer who is also an actor.
- Name something teens and their parents might argue about.
- Tell me something you might donate to charity.
- Name something you might see in a baby's room.
- Name a Leonardo DiCaprio movie.
- Name a Julia Roberts movie.
- Name an actor you might see at the circus.
- Name a sports movie.
- Name a professional athlete who has also starred in a movie.
- Name a famous Martin.
- Name someone people call when they're in trouble.
- Name a kind of cheese.
- Name something people cut.
- Name a brand of deodorant
- Name a word or phrase used to start a toast.
- Name a profession that pays well.
- Name a country you would NOT like to live in.
- Name the most famous male singer around today.
- Name a famous band from the 90s.
- Name a popular chocolate bar.
- Tell me something a husband is afraid to admit to his spouse.
- Name something a woman won't leave the house without.
- Name something kids play in gym class.
- Name a sport that shouldn't be played in high school.
- Tell me something people do more of during winter than summer.
- Fact or fiction, name an animal that can fly.
- Name a European city you would love to live in.
- Name a U.S. city you would love to live in.
- Name a U.S. city you would NOT like to live in.
- Name something that they DON'T teach at school.
- Tell me something you might buy online.
- Name something people do when they're annoyed.
- Name something that keeps people safe.
- Name something you associate with Batman.
- Name something great about being an adult.
- Tell me a way you reward yourself.
- Name somewhere where you have to line up.
- Name something you associate with the Harry Potter series.
- Name a job that can be dangerous.
- Name a kitchen gadget you can't live without.
- Name a hobby people often have.
- Name something a dog does when it's angry with you.
- Tell me someone whose plastic surgeon you'd never go to.
- Tell me something you do when you're sick.
- Name something parents tell their kids not to waste.
- Name something a kid might save their allowance for.
- Name something specific a kid might do to earn their allowance.
- Name something your parents ask you about every time they see you.
- Name something you associate with silent movies.
- What do you call someone who scares easily?
- What do you call someone who is too careful with money?
- Name something you associate with Americans.
- Name a job where you can act like a kid.
- Name an animated movie that always makes you cry.
- Name something you hope doesn't break down while you're inside of it.
- Tell me a type of business that usually has an ATM inside.
- Name an animal that wouldn't make a very good piggy bank.
- Name a type of bird that you wouldn't like to eat.
- What would you NOT like to be doing when the fire alarm goes off?
- Besides money, tell me something you wish you had more of.
- Name something that you don't want front row seats for.
- When a couple breaks up, what might one partner want back?
- Name something you're afraid to do by yourself.
- What do you often have nightmares about?
- Name an occasion on which you might send a love letter.
- Name something people put in their front yard.
- Name a line of work in which people can retire early.
- Name a reason why people might honk their car horn at you.
- Name a US city with more young than elderly people.
- Name something that people want to do early in life.
- Name something a couple has to pick out for their wedding.
- Name something or someone that has fangs.
- Name a meal that everyone knows how to make.
- Name a reason why your eyes might water up.
- Name something kids believe in that adults don't.
- Name a US city that's on the ocean.
- Name a tattoo that too many people have.
- Name an animal that would make a great bodyguard.
- Name something that a person from a hot climate wouldn't know how to do in the snow.
- Name something on your body that shows you've been hurt?
- Name something you keep in your car in case of emergency.
- Name an event that is often held as a fundraiser.
- Give me a woman's name that has 3 letters in it.
- Give me a reason for moving away from your home town.
- Which cartoon character would you least like to have as a neighbor?
- Name the worst thing about riding the bus.
- Name a place where you shouldn't use your cell phone.
- Name a house pet you wouldn't let sleep at the foot of your bed.
- Name a reason you might not answer the door when you're home.
- Tell me something specific a detective looks for at a murder scene.
- Name something you wouldn't want to buy at a thrift store.
- Tell me something you can never find when you need it.
- Name a food that can be lumpy.
- Name something adults tell kids to eat so they grow up big and strong.
- Tell me something you might buy at a flea market.
- Name something people put on pasta.
- Name something you associate with the Rat Pack.
- Name a common farm animal.
- Name a city in North America that you would hate to drive in.
- Name something you associate with St. Patrick's Day.
- Name something you associate with leprechauns.
- Tell me something you associate with Ireland.
- Name a city that has a large St. Patrick's Day parade.
- Tell me who you might spend Valentine's Day with if you're not in a relationship.
- Tell me someone you might send a Valentine's Day card to.
- Tell me something people do to be romantic on Valentine's Day.
- Name a business that looks forward to Valentine's Day.
- Tell me something people buy on Valentine's Day.
- Tell me the worst place to celebrate Valentine's Day.
- Tell me something you associate with Easter.
- Tell me a place where you might hide Easter eggs.
- Tell me something you associate with Canada Day.
- Name a costume a woman might wear for Halloween.
- Name a costume a man might wear for Halloween.
- Name a costume lots of kids wear on Halloween.
- Tell me something people decorate their houses with on Halloween.
- Name a candy people eat on Halloween
- Name a couples costume for Halloween
- Name a city you would be afraid to go trick or treating in.
- Name a Disney villain people might dress up as for Halloween.
- Tell me a superhero people like to dress up as for Halloween.
- Name a Halloween costume you can make at home for cheap.
- Name something you might see on TV on Halloween.
- Name a movie people love to watch on Halloween.
- Name the worst part of Halloween.
- Name a baseball player known for hitting home runs.
- Name a famous soccer player.
- Name a popular football team.
- Name a popular baseball team.
- Name a popular basketball team.
- Name a basketball player who is good at 3 pointers.
- Name a baseball team with a lot of fans.
- Name a tennis player who is known around the world.
- Name an Olympic sport that is played in a pool.
- Name an event in Olympic gymnastics.
- Name a hockey team that has a huge following.
- Past or present, name an all star hockey player.
- Name a country that is known for figure skating
- Besides the US, name a country where they play hockey.
- Tell me something you might order in a French restaurant.
- Tell me something you might order in an Italian restaurant.
- Tell me something you might see in a small town diner.
- Tell me something you might get at a breakfast buffet.
- Tell me a dish you associate with England.
- Name something people put on salads.
- Name a popular salad dressing.
- Tell me something that can go wrong when you order food.
- Name a popular type of pie.
- Tell me something people complain about at restaurants.
- Name an occasion when people go out to eat.
- Name something every student knows how to cook.
- Name something you do to show your kids who's boss.
- Name something in your house that needs maintenance.
- Tell me something people renovate in their house.
- Name something you insure your house against.
- Name something people store in a cupboard.
- Name a yard chore you hate to do.
- Name something parents do when their kids are away at summer camp.
- Name something you might find in a parent's room.
- Name something you might find in a kid's room
- Tell me something that makes someone a bad houseguest.
- Tell me something people keep in the attic.
- Tell me something people might keep in the basement.
- Tell me something people might keep in the garage.
- Give me a DIY project that you might take up in your house.
- Tell me something you do to prepare for a party.
- Name something in your house that you need a professional to fix.
- Tell me something you might keep under your sink.
- Name a country in the Middle East.
- Name a country in mainland Europe.
- Tell me something you associate with Cuba.
- Tell me something you associate with Africa.
- Tell me something that you might find in the ocean.
- Tell me something that you might see in the Arctic.
- Tell me something you associate with Brazil.
- Tell me something you know about Russia.
- Tell me something you associate with Cleopatra.
- Tell me something you know about Japan.
- Give me a movie that was based on a book.
- Tell me something you associate with Marilyn Monroe.
- Tell me something you associate with Bruce Lee.
- Tell me something you associate with the Star Wars series.
- Tell me something you associate with the Star Trek series.
- Name a food that makes your whole kitchen smell.
- Name something that makes noise in a kitchen.
- Name a cereal kids love to eat.
- Name a common tool you might find in a garage.
- Name something a kid might draw on their bedroom walls.
- Name something people might display in their living rooms.
- Name a game people might play in their living rooms.
- Name a machine that people use at the gym.
- Name something people might bring to a gym.
- Name a popular beach toy.
- Name a famous girl group.
- Name a famous boy band.
- Name a game people play on their cell phone.
- Name a profession where networking is key.
- Name an actor who you think is a nice guy in real life.
- Give me a boy's name that starts with 'C'.
- Name something you would like to see when travelling through Europe.
- Name somewhere you might ride your bicycle to.
- Name a trick that people teach their pets.
- Name an item of junk lying around your house.
- Name a US state where hockey is popular.
- Name a place that should never host the Winter Olympics.
- Name a place that should never host the Summer Olympics.
- Name a source of power.
- Name a beast of burden.
- Name a country that used to have a lot of colonies.
- Name something you expect to find in the jungle.
- Complete the phrase 'lost in ...'
- Name something you could buy for a dollar.
- We asked 100 people: tell us something you get nostalgic about.
- Name something you hate about your job.
- Name something you like about your job.
- Name someone you might offer a ride to.
- Name a sport you might play on a sunny day.
- Name a sport that needs ice.
- Name a famous TV chef.
- Name something that is hard to wash off your hands.
- Name something you must be legally old enough to do.
- Name another way to say 'go away'.
- Name a tropical fruit.
- Name something that smells awful when it expires.
- Name something a cop might carry.
- Name another word for 'friend'.
- Name something that can be smoked.
- Name a black and white animal.
- Name a spice used in cooking.
- Name something that stains your teeth.
- Name something dogs like to chase.
- Name a fruit people eat with cheese.
- Name something you associate with witches.
- Name a popular soap opera.
- Name a long running reality TV series.
- Name something associated with jazz music.
- Name something that might be recorded.
- Name someone you leave a tip for.
- Name a celebrity you wish people would compare you to.
- Name a dog breed that has a bad rap.
- Name a country that doesn't win many medals at the Winter Olympics.
- Name a country that doesn't win many medals at the Summer Olympics.
- Name a band that has been around for a long time.
- Name something you would trade for fame and fortune.
- Name a U.S. state that attracts a lot of tourists.
- Name an industry where a workers' strike would be inconvenient.
- Name something that might make you nervous.
- Name something a student might get in trouble for.
- Name an actor who would make a terrible action star.
- Tell me something you do when meeting someone for the first time.
- Name something you might wear or use while swimming.
- Name a reason why you might stop during a road trip.
- Name something that grows back.
- Name something kids can do that adults can't.
- Name a job that would be bad for a very clumsy person.
- Name the person you would most like to be stranded with.
- Name something that people are afraid to step on.
- Name something you might hit a ball with.
- Name something that was bigger in the 1970s.
- Name something that you need gloves to handle.
- Name something that leaves a bitter taste in your mouth.
- Name a reason why you might put up signs around the neighborhood.
- Name something a man has that might be too big.
- Name a movie you might watch on Valentine's Day.
- Name an NFL receiver who has caught a lot of touchdowns.
- Name something that can be mended.
- Name a celebrity you wish you could have dinner with.
- Name a U.S. president who was known for his way with words.
- Name a reason why someone might have a garage sale.
- Name a profession that requires a lot of traveling.
- Name a reason why it would be fun to live in a big city.
- Name a reason why it would be a pain to live in a big city.
- Name something that is hard to find in a city.
- Name a word that starts with 'post'.
- Name something you might blow on.
- Name a reason why a person might have a big ego.
- Name your favorite place to read a book.
- Name something kids are always complaining about.
- Name a right that women had to fight for.
- Name something that takes up too much of your time.
- Real or fictional, name someone known for their wisdom.
- Name something that might come between friends.
- Fact or fiction, name a famous spaceship.
- Complete the phrase 'state of...'.
- Name a baseball movie.
- Name a specific reason why you might visit a fortune teller.
- Name a movie or TV show with dinosaurs.
- Name a TV animal you wish you could have as a pet.
- Name something that makes it dangerous to drive.
- Name a TV show you think ended too soon.
- Name a country that has a massive population.
- Name a country where it's hot all year round.
- Name a country that gets a lot of snow.
- Name a country that has a lot of conflict.
- Name a job you need a lot of training for.
- Name a job where you're on your feet all day long.
- Name a job that doesn't allow you to be very creative.
- Name a reason why someone might quit their job.
- Name a way a roommate might drive you crazy.
- Name a movie about robots.
- Tell something you know about Romeo and Juliet.
- Name a celebrity who you recognize by their voice alone.
- Tell me something that people have a hard time remembering.
- Name a job that requires a lot of public speaking.
- Name a fitness expert.
- Name something that costs a lot of money.
- Name something country singers like to sing about.
- Name someone who might use a megaphone.
- Name something you might have to get a credit check for.
- Name an ugly dog breed.
- Name something people like to take photographs of.
- Name a movie about magic.
- Name an animal that has claws.
- Tell me something that would ruin a cruise.
- Name something you shouldn't do in front of the Queen.
- Name something that comes in sevens.
- Name a job that involves secrecy.
- Name a living creature that has no legs.
- Name a body part that many love songs mention.
- Name something that changes from green to yellow.
- Name a language restaurant menus are often written in.
- Name a famous Native American.
- Name a profession you'd hate your neighbor to have....
- Name a famous nursery rhyme.
- Name something people with bad table manners do.
- Name a wood that's used for making furniture.
- Name something you would sit on before buying.
- Name another word for 'surprised'.
- Name a job that is physically demanding.
- Name something you might buy used.
- Name something you wouldn't want to get in your eye.
- Name a U.S. First Lady.
- Name something that has a shell.
- Name an ingredient you need to make pancakes.
- Name the most fun city in the U.S.
- Name something that moves very slowly.
- Name a section in the newspaper.
- Name a movie with a talking animal.
- Name something that might ring.
- Name a game you might win a lot of money playing.
- Name an animal that appears in a lot of fairy tales.
- Give me another way of saying 'goodbye'.
- Name a time your face might turn red.
- Name something you might spread.
- Name a sport where the competitors wear gloves.
- Name a food you never see in a vending machine.
- Name something fluffy.
- Name an instrument people hate listening to their children play.
- Name a pasta ending with the letter 'I.'
- Name a household appliance that can get hot.
- Name something that siblings might have to share.
- Name something people rely on too much these days.
- Name a comfort food.
- Name something people often forget to turn off.
- Name an actor or actress who is politically outspoken.
- Name someone you should never lie to.
- Name something people convert their basements into.
- Name a flower often seen at weddings.
- Name a place where you press buttons.
- Name a job that might require annual physicals.
- Name a vegetable people grow in their gardens.
- Name an animal you might see on a Christmas card.
- Name something you wear two of at the same time.
- Name something people do with their mouths.
- Name a root vegetable.
- Name a famous person whose first or last name starts with the letter "A".
- Name a famous person whose first or last name starts with the letter "B".
- Name a famous person whose first or last name starts with the letter "C".
- Name a famous person whose first or last name starts with the letter "D".
- Name a famous person whose first or last name starts with the letter "E".
- Name a famous person whose first or last name starts with the letter "F".
- Name a famous person whose first or last name starts with the letter "G".
- Name a famous person whose first or last name starts with the letter "H".
- Name a famous person whose first or last name starts with the letter "I".
- Name a famous person whose first or last name starts with the letter "K".
- Name a famous person whose first or last name starts with the letter "L".
- Name a famous person whose first or last name starts with the letter "M".
- Name a famous person whose first or last name starts with the letter "N".
- Name a famous person whose first or last name starts with the letter "P".
- Name a famous person whose first or last name starts with the letter "Q".
- Name a famous person whose first or last name starts with the letter "R".
- Name a famous person whose first or last name starts with the letter "S".
- Name a famous person whose first or last name starts with the letter "T".
- Name a famous person whose first or last name starts with the letter "U".
- Name a famous person whose first or last name starts with the letter "V".
- Name a famous person whose first or last name starts with the letter "W".
- Name a famous person whose first or last name starts with the letter "Y".
- Name a food that starts with the letter 'A'.
- Name a food that starts with the letter 'B'.
- Name a food that starts with the letter 'C'.
- Name a food that starts with the letter 'D'.
- Name a food that starts with the letter 'E'.
- Name a food that starts with the letter 'G'.
- Name a food that starts with the letter 'H'.
- Name a food that starts with the letter 'J'.
- Name a food that starts with the letter 'M'.
- Name a food that starts with the letter 'O'.
- Name a food that starts with the letter 'P'.
- Name a food that starts with the letter 'R'.
- Name a food that starts with the letter 'S'.
- Name a food that starts with the letter 'T'.
- Name a word a dieter thinks about that starts with the letter 'E'.
- Name a word a dieter thinks about that starts with the letter 'F'.
- Name a word a dieter thinks about that starts with the letter 'G'.
- Name a word a dieter thinks about that starts with the letter 'L'.
- Name a word a dieter thinks about that starts with the letter 'P'.
- Name a word a dieter thinks about that starts with the letter 'S'.
- Name a word a dieter thinks about that starts with the letter 'T'.
- Name a word a dieter thinks about that starts with the letter 'W'.
- Name a place people work that starts with the letter "A".
- Name a place people work that starts with the letter "B".
- Name a place people work that starts with the letter "C".
- Name a place people work that starts with the letter "D".
- Name a place people work that starts with the letter "F".
- Name a place people work that starts with the letter "G".
- Name a place people work that starts with the letter "I".
- Name a place people work that starts with the letter "L".
- Name a place people work that starts with the letter "N".
- Name a place people work that starts with the letter "P".
- Name a place people work that starts with the letter "R".
- Name a place people work that starts with the letter "S".
- Name a place people work that starts with the letter "T".
- Name a place people work that starts with the letter "W".
- Name a U.S. city that starts with the letter "A".
- Name a U.S. city that starts with the letter "B".
- Name a U.S. city that starts with the letter "S".
- Give me a man's name that is 4 letters long.
- Give me a woman's name that is 4 letters long.
- Give me a woman's name that is 3 letters long.
- Name a word that rhymes with 'pile'.
- Name a word that rhymes with 'fat'.
- Name a word that rhymes with 'rank'.
- Name a word that rhymes with 'poor'.
- Name a word that rhymes with 'red'.
- Name a word that rhymes with 'mean'.
- Name a word that rhymes with 'mend'.
- Name a word that rhymes with 'fun'.
- Name a word that rhymes with 'fan'.
- Name a word that rhymes with 'munch'.
- Name a word that rhymes with 'pop'.
- Name a word that rhymes with 'zoo'.
- Name a word that rhymes with 'win'.
- Name a word that rhymes with 'leek'.
- Name a word that rhymes with 'peep'.
- Name a word that rhymes with 'kite'.
- Name a word that rhymes with 'beat'.
- Name a word that rhymes with 'horn'.
- Name a word that rhymes with 'funk'.
- Name a word that rhymes with 'well'.
- Name a word that rhymes with 'zip'.
- Name a dance that is no longer hip.
- Name a part of your body where you hate being tickled.
- Name the sport with the toughest athletes.
- Name something you are always afraid to check.
- Name something you receive multiple times per day.
- Name the first place you would go if you owned a private jet.
- Name someone you tip around the holidays.
- Name something you would not want to happen while stuck in traffic.
- Name a job you might hire a kid from the neighborhood to do.
- Name something you wish people would do more often.
- Name the last thing you would say to your boss if you quit your job.
- Name something you wish you could bring to work.
- Name something kids often take for granted.
- Name a professional athlete with a bad reputation.
- Name something you might do to pump yourself up.
- Name a situation when you need to gather courage before taking action.
- Name a food you wouldn't eat before a date.
- Name something trivial people fight over.
- Name a popular excuse people give for not going to the gym.
- Name something people get in shape for.
- Name a famous cop from TV or movies.
- Name something commonly found in cookies.
- Name someone who might bake you a cake.
- Name a place parents might hide Christmas presents.
- Name something a child might make for their mom.
- Name something a dad might teach his kids to do.
- Name something a mom might teach her kids to do.
- Name something a child outgrows.
- Name an animal that a human might be able to outrun.
- Name someone or something you might find in a medieval dungeon.
- Name something every village has at least one of.
- Name something you might give up if you were training for a marathon.
- Name something college students spend their money on.
- Name something a teenage girl might save her money to buy.
- Name something a teenage boy might save his money to buy.
- Name something a really cheap person might reuse.
- Name something that you wear out completely before replacing it.
- Name something cars have today that they didn't have when they were first invented.
- Name the celebrity you would like to have narrate your life story.
- Give me another word for 'nerd'.
- Name a superhero you wouldn't want to pick a fight with.
- Name something that might set off a metal detector in an airport.
- Name something you buy that you use mainly in the mornings.
- Name an animal with a big mouth.
- Name an article of clothing that can be made from silk.
- Name a place where you might keep a spare key.
- Name something people let pile up.
- Name a place you often see advertisements.
- Name something a house can be infested with.
- Name something you don't want to do when you're tired.
- Name a word that means the opposite of 'dark'.
- Name something you might be invited to.
- Name a liquid that is put into cars.
- Name a place where Easter eggs might be hidden.
- Name a color you would expect to see in an Easter basket.
- Name something people give up for Lent.
- Name something people buy around Easter.
- Name something people do on Easter Sunday.
- Name something that might be served at Easter brunch.
- Name something that the Easter Bunny might be carrying.
- Name someone the Easter Bunny might hang out with on his day off.
- At what age do kids lose interest in hunting Easter eggs?
- Name something you might see people wearing on Easter.
- Name an animal that might try to catch the Easter Bunny.
- Name something people do to prepare for April showers.
- Who might the Easter Bunny sit next to if he went to a convention for famous animals?
- Name a symbol that people associate with Easter.
- At what time on Easter does the average kid take their first bite of chocolate?
- What might you do over the long weekend if you do not celebrate Easter?
- Besides eggs, what is an ingredient in egg salad?
- What do people do with their Easter eggs once the hunt is over?
- Name something a child might not want to do on Easter.
- Name a food that might be part of an Easter themed frozen dinner.
- Name a place where people keep emergency candy stashes.
- At what age does the average kid stop receiving an Easter basket?
- Name a baby animal that might be on an Easter card.
- Which color jelly bean tastes the best?
- Name a drink people enjoy at brunch.
- Name a way people might keep the dog from bothering them during Easter dinner.
- What is the first thing that comes to mind when someone mentions Easter?
- What is something you would expect to see on Easter decorations?
- Name a reason a college student might not make it home for Easter.
- What do kids think is the most important part of Easter?
- What is something that happens in spring that lots of people look forward to?
- Name something that might be canceled because of April showers.
- Name something specific that kids might be doing on a beautiful spring day.
- Name an article of clothing people wear outside in spring, but not winter.
- What might a person do to relax once their spring cleaning is finished?
- Name something parents do not want their kids doing on a sunny day.
- What might a kid get in their Easter basket if they were not allowed to eat candy?
- Besides the Easter bunny, name a famous rabbit.
- Name a symptom that a person with bad allergies might experience.
- Name a dish that eggs are used to make.
- Name something parents might offer their child in exchange for Easter candy.
- What is something people might have trouble giving up for forty days?
- What is something people miss about winter, once it is over?
- Name something you own that might be particularly dirty by springtime.
- Name something you might see at a Little League baseball game.
- What is an animal you might see while camping in the woods?
- Name something that might become flooded if it rains too much.
- Name a food or drink, commonly found at picnics, that might attract insects.
- After waking up from hibernation, what do you think bears do first?
- If you hibernated all winter, what would be the first thing you would do after waking up?
- Name a color of jelly bean that no one seems to want to eat.
- Besides chickens, what else hatches from eggs?
- Name a baby animal you would expect to see on a farm.
- Name a part of the flower.
- Name a place parents hide Easter baskets so kids do not eat all of the candy at once.
- Name something a mom would not want her kids touching if they had chocolate on their hands.
- How many jelly beans do you think the average person can fit in their mouth at once?
- Besides passing the collection plate, what is something churches do to raise money?
- Name someone who might give a speech on Easter.
- Name something people do in church when they are not paying attention.
- What do people use for cover when they get caught in a rain storm?
- Name a game that might be played at a family picnic.
- What might be an adult's favorite part of Easter?
- What might a bully do at an Easter egg hunt?
- Name an animal whose appearance changes a lot as it gets older.
- Name a baby animal that could fit in the palm of your hand.
- Name something people like to do in the grass.
- Name something you would expect to see at a yard sale.
- Name a large item someone might try to sell at a yard sale.
- Name something a little kid might decorate with Easter stickers.
- Name a color of crayon that might be used a lot in a spring-themed coloring book.
- Name a way the Easter bunny might get into your house.
- Name a food that might be served at both Easter and Thanksgiving.
- Name a game that a family could play in their back yard.
- Name something parents hope their children never do while getting their picture taken with the Easter Bunny.
- Besides Easter, name an annual event that takes place in spring.
- Name an occupation that needs nice weather to do their job.
- Besides swimming, name something it might still be too cold to do, even though it is spring.
- After you get caught in a rain storm, what takes the longest to dry?
- Name something people bring inside before it starts to rain.
- Name something your home smells like after spring cleaning?
- Name something you might need if you were trying to give a dog a bath.
- Name something that might prevent a garden from growing.
- Name something people use to keep pests out of their gardens.
- Name a place outdoors you might see people sitting on a spring day.
- Name something little kids might catch in the spring.
- Name a word that might be used to describe a baby animal.
- Name the first room you want to air out once spring arrives.
- Name a place outside where kids get muddy playing.
- Name a mean place to hide Easter eggs.
- Name something you may need help moving so you can clean under it.
- Name something that might be uncovered once the snow melts.
- Name something you might regret throwing away while spring cleaning.
- Name something that might go on sale after Easter.
- What do people do in their yards at Springtime?
- Name a flower frequently seen on Spring dresses.
- Name something about Easter that people of all faiths can enjoy.
- Name something specific that gets dirty when you garden.
- Where might you be able to plant a garden if you lived in a city?
- Name a way you could spend a rainy day that does not require electricity.
- Name something a puppy needs to be taught how to do.
- What is something a kitten might be excited to play with?
- Name an animal that looks ugly when it is born.
- Name an animal that spends a lot of its time underground.
- Name an insect that can be annoying when you are trying to enjoy the outdoors.
- Name something that eats annoying insects.
- Name a fruit or vegetable you need to peel before you can eat it.
- Name a vegetable that tastes good raw.
- Name a vegetable that is rarely served raw.
- Name a fruit that might be used to flavor iced tea.
- What is something you would expect to see people doing at the park on a sunny day?
- Name a way people exercise outside once the weather gets nice.
- What is something that gets stored away once Spring arrives?
- Name something people find while cleaning that they may have forgotten they had.
- Name something you might see traveling down a stream.
- Name something that could happen to your kite when you try to fly it.
- Name a piece of sporting equipment that might go on sale in spring.
- Name something a ham might be seasoned or marinated with.
- Name a reason a student might not like spring break.
- What to people use to get rid of grass stains?
- What is the first thing people do after coming in from the rain?
- Name a way parents keep their kids busy over spring break.
- What might a child do if they saw the Easter bunny?
- Name a type of footwear often seen in Spring.
- What is something people worry may get ruined by the rain?
- Where do people put their winter clothes once spring arrives?
- Name a type of attraction people look for when picking a spring break destination.
- Why might parents not let their kids go on a spring break trip?
- Name a reason people might not want their town to be a popular tourist spot.
- Besides "Easter Sunday" name a specific day that is part of the Easter season.
- What is something students do outside between classes, once the weather gets nice?
- Name something that might be living in a field of wild flowers.
- Name something you might bring with you when going home for Easter.
- Name something kids use to make Easter decorations.
- What might an Easter basket be used for once Easter is over?
- Name something people do to pass time at the beach.
- Name something a little kid might learn at baseball practice.
- What is something that people commonly forget on park benches?
- What is something you might worry about stepping in during a springtime stroll?
- Name something you might see in a store front display around Easter.
- If you rolled in a field, what is something that might get on your clothes?
- Where is the most painful place to be stung by a bee?
- What might a person do when they are being swarmed by bugs?
- Name an accessory a kid might put on their bike.
- What do parents remind their kids not to leave out in the rain?
- Name something kids catch that might make them muddy.
- Name something a pet rabbit might chew on that it is not supposed to.
- Name something kids might draw on the sidewalk with chalk.
- Name a plant or animal that a lot of people are allergic to.
- What is a comforting food people eat on rainy days?
- Name a condiment that might be on the table at Easter brunch.
- Name something that people try to sell before throwing it away.
- Name something you might find if you could follow a rabbit down its hole.
- Name something a baby animal might do while its mom is looking for food.
- Name something that comes out after a rain shower.
- Name something people use to keep dry while camping.
- Name a city that has historically attracted large number of students on spring break?
- Besides love, what is in the air at springtime?
- Name something people do not like birds pooping on.
- If you were a bird who would you poop on first?
- Name something animals use to attract a mate.
- Name a baby animal that is not cute or cuddly.
- If a student did not have spring break plans what might they do to pass the time?
- Name a place where it might be inappropriate to wear sandals.
- What do people do with the grass clippings after they finish mowing the lawn?
- Name a way people warm up after being caught in a rain storm.
- Name something that might have marshmallows in it.
- Name a sport that leaves players covered in grass stains.
- Name something parents might teach their children about in the spring.
- Name something people do as hotel guests that they would never do as house guests.
- What is the first thing you do when entering someone's home as a guest?
- Name something parents do when they take Little League sports too seriously.
- Name a recipe or game eggs might used for at a family picnic.
- Name something that can put a spring in someone's step.
- Name a type of clothing that women buy for spring, but men do not.
- Name something you might need if your car got stuck in the mud.
- Name a place where chocolate melts quickly.
- Name something in your car you turn on when it is raining.
- Name a type of flower that blooms in the spring.
- Name something people consider when choosing plants for their garden.
- Name something that Spring marks the return of.
- Name a type of bird that is also a sports team mascot.
- Name an animal that can ruin a beautiful lawn.
- Name something people wear when they garden.
- Name a baby animal that a farmer might have to help deliver.
- If you were a bee, name a job you might have in your hive.
- Name a bug that people are not usually afraid of.
- Name an article of clothing that the Easter Bunny might wear.
- Tell me a word frequently used to describe chocolate.
- Name something people put out for the birds.
- Name something in your home that is hard to clean behind.
- Name something a little kid might draw a picture of in the Spring.
- Name a bird with colorful feathers.
- Name an animal that might eat out of your hand at a petting zoo.
- Name an animal from "Winnie the Pooh".
- Name a newborn animal that would still be too big for you to hold.
- Name an animal that is born with its eyes closed.
- Name an animal that gets around by hopping.
- Name a language the pope uses during his Easter service.
- Fill in the blank: "I hate it when my gets wet."
- Name something you may need to buy before Spring Cleaning.
- Name a reason parents might not want their kids playing in the rain.
- Name something you can see in a city that tells you Spring is on its way.
- Name something people do not like doing in the rain.
- Name something parents make their kids do after coming inside from the rain.
- Name a food or beverage that is used as a jelly bean flavor
- Name a candy that can be eaten in a single bite.
- How many marshmallow peeps can the average person eat before getting sick?
- Name something you need to wash a car.
- Name something people might take bird watching.
- Name something kids might use to build a fort.
- Name something a person could use to make their own bird feeder.
- Name a game kids might learn to play in the Spring.
- Name a piece of sports equipment that is associated with Springtime.
- Name something a family might do if they were having a campout in the back yard.
- Name something you might see flying around on a Spring night.
- Name a speedy animal that could help the Easter Bunny with its deliveries.
- On average, how many days does it take for a kid to eat everything in their Easter basket?
- Name a sign that a kid has eaten all of the chocolate from their Easter basket.
- Name something that might be used in an Easter arts and crafts project.
- Name something kids might use to make a mess while doing arts and crafts.
- Name something that makes Easter unique from other holidays.
- Name an article of clothing it would be funny to hide an Easter egg in.
- Name an article of clothing it would be funny to hide an Easter egg in.
- Name a specific exercise you could do to burn off the Easter calories.
- Name a place you might see "Happy Easter" written.
- Name something that could get ruined in an April shower.
- Name something the Easter Bunny might snack on while making its deliveries.
- Name a food or drink that might be chocolate flavored.
- Name a food that would make for a gross jelly bean flavor.
- Name something you would not want the Easter Bunny to leave in your house.
- If you were a wasp, name someone you would want to sting.
- Name something parents teach kids to do once it is nice out.
- Name a piece of sports equipment that gathers dust until Spring.
- Name an animal that likes to eat grass.
- Name the animal that children want to take home from the petting zoo the most.
- Name a sound you might hear at a petting zoo.
- Name something slimy that kids pick up off of the ground.
- Name something you might wish you had less of, when it comes time for Spring cleaning.
- Name something people wish they had more of while Spring cleaning.
- Name something people clean around, but not behind or under.
- Name something a family might take with them on a nature walk.
- Name a statistic commonly found on the back of baseball cards.
- Name something a professional baseball player wants to get a lot of during their career.
- Other than a player, name a job someone might have at a baseball stadium.
- Name an activity a family could do in their driveway.
- Name something you would not want to be doing when it starts to rain.
- Name something parents could put candy in, if they forgot to buy a basket.
- Name a specific candy that does not melt.
- Name a specific candy that could be a choking hazard.
- Name a superpower that would give you the edge in an Easter Egg hunt.
- Name something parents make kids put on before playing in snow.
- Name something inconvenient about having house guests for the holidays.
- Name something people use to travel across snow.
- Name something a pet might do to your christmas tree.
- Name something that might be the main course for christmas dinner.
- Name a kid’s show with a line of action figures.
- Name a state that never has a white christmas.
- Name a cartoon character often associated with christmas.
- Name a state where an igloo would not last very long.
- Name somewhere santa would hate to crash land.
- Fill in the blank: “all i need to have a merry christmas is .”
- Give me a word you might use to describe a christmas sweater.
- Name a city that has a big new years celebration.
- Name something specific that might make a lot of noise at a new year’s party.
- Give me a word someone might associate with christmas.
- Name a gift that overworked parents might enjoy.
- Name something about santa’s appearance that makes him easy to spot in a crowd.
- Name a place a cheap boss might throw the office christmas party.
- Name a gift that might be great for someone who loves the outdoors.
- Name something a grown man might ask santa for.
- Name a food or beverage that might ruin a diet during the holidays.
- Name an animal that is referenced in christmas carols.
- Name a christmas carol that might get stuck in your head.
- Name someone you always buy a christmas present for.
- Name someone you would never buy a christmas present for.
- Name a word that might be used to describe a child’s face on christmas morning.
- Name a color you would see on a string of christmas lights.
- Name something that gets bigger in winter.
- Name something that might hit santa in the face while he’s flying his sleigh.
- Name something no christmas dinner is complete without.
- Name a role a child might have in a christmas nativity play.
- Name a cliched gift for mom.
- Name something a family might do together during the holidays.
- Name a place you would not want to be on christmas.
- Name something people do after opening their christmas gifts.
- Name a profession that has to work on christmas.
- Name something parents wouldn’t let their kids go outside without in the winter.
- Name something specific given around the holidays that could be homemade.
- Name a job an elf might have at the north pole.
- Name something mrs. claus might tell santa he does too much.
- Name someone a kid might throw a snowball at.
- Name something specific a ghost might haunt at christmas.
- Name a job you would not want to have in the winter.
- Name something you associate with sunflowers.
- Besides turkey, what might be put on a turkey sandwich?
- Name a famous american poet.
- Name a specific task you might assign to your kids on thanksgiving.
- Name something you tell your kids to do but not your spouse.
- Which thanksgiving dish is the hardest to wash out of a toddler’s clothes?
- Name something americans do that is patriotic.
- Name something that was invented in the united states.
- Complete the sentence: “football on thanksgiving is .”
- Name something a child might do if they did not want to eat thanksgiving dinner.
- Name a u.s. state where cows might outnumber people.
- Name a type of professional you would like to hire to help with thanksgiving.
- Name something america has a lot of.
- Name something a house guest might need help finding.
- Name something frozen you might buy for thanksgiving dinner.
- Name a reason why your mistress and your wife would be at the same thanksgiving dinner.
- Name something parents might do if they’re alone on thanksgiving.
- Name a country that movie villains often come from.
- Name something a house guest might ask for before going to bed
- Name a fruit or vegetable you might see at a barbecue.
- Name something you might put on a baked potato.
- Name a u.s. state in the midwest.
- Name something a family might gather around.
- If you could only eat one thing from thanksgiving dinner for the rest of your life, what would it be?
- What tricks could you eat a dog to encourage guests to leave after thanksgiving dinner?
- If you could fill a swimming pool with one item from thanksgiving dinner, which would you choose?
- Name a u.s. state in the southwest.
- What is the first thing a person might do after a long flight?
- Name an excuse people give for not seeing family over thanksgiving.
- Name the most uncomfortable form of travel.
- Name something that can make traveling a pain.
- Name a historical figure you might dress up as for halloween.
- Name a prop you would expect to see on the set of a horror movie.
- Name a word that might be used to describe a kid’s halloween costume.
- Name something that might live in a crypt.
- Name something you would do if you saw a real monster.
- Name the worst kind of halloween candy you can get.
- Name a way you might be able to tell a good witch and an evil witch apart.
- Name a prop that might be used to scare people on halloween.
- Name something specific that people paint on their faces for halloween.
- Name something ghosts might do to try and scare you out of your house.
- Name a reason scooby-doo might not make an ideal pet.
- Name a reason you might suspect your neighbor is a werewolf.
- Complete the statement: “the scariest monsters all have ___.”
- Name a halloween costume that might involve face paint.
- Name an animal that might become gigantic in a monster movie.
- Name something you might try to trick on halloween.
- Name a song that is played on the radio during halloween.
- Name a classic hollywood monster that is easy to dress up as for halloween.
- Name a treat people make for halloween.
- Besides your house, name something you hope never becomes haunted.
- Name a spooky place friends might dare each other to go.
- Name something you might give to trick or treaters, if you run out of candy.
- Name something little boys use to scare little girls.
- Name something you might use to barricade your home against monsters.
- Name a spooky place people in movies stop to spend the night.
- Name a place you might see pumpkins around halloween.
- Name a place you hope the invisible man is not hiding.
- Name an attraction in a haunted house.
- Name something you might get a witch as a cottage warming gift.
- Who would you call if you discovered the invisible man sleeping in your bed?
- Name someone who really enjoys halloween.
- Name something hollywood monsters might make small talk about at a party.
- Name something that might happen if you eat too much candy.
- Name a part of the body that a monster might find particularly delicious.
- Name a word you would expect to see on the inside of a halloween card.
- Name a movie monster you think is misunderstood.
- Name something you might find outside of your house the morning after halloween.
- Name something a man might wear to a halloween party, if he wanted to attract the ladies.
- Name a halloween costume a guy might wear if he wanted to show off his muscles.
- Name a way a person might keep their house from being vandalized on halloween.
- Name something you might use to ward off evil spirits.
- Name something adults can do on halloween that children cannot.
- Name an errand a vampire might have trouble doing since they are only awake at night.
- Besides blood, what would you use red paint for on halloween?
- Name something you might find in a spooky abandoned house.
- Name someone who might have a halloween prank played on them.
- Name something you would need to dress up as phantom of the opera.
- Name a costume that might be uncomfortable to wear to work.
- Name something that might be possessed by spirits.
- Name someone who might chaperone a group of trick or treaters.
- Name a couples halloween costume.
- Name something you would need to make a witch costume.
- Name someone who might not like halloween.
- Name a specific costume that a man might be embarrassed to wear on halloween.
- Name a fairytale that can be adapted into a horror movie.
- Name the creepiest setting for a horror movie.
- What would happen to werewolves if someone blew up the moon?
- Besides pumpkins, name something you might see decorating a house on halloween.
- Name a profession whose uniform might be mistaken for a halloween costume.
- Name a type of hard candy.
- Name something a pirate might have on them that would make it difficult to swim.
- Name something you might see on a secret pirate island.
- Name something pirates take with them on adventures.
- If a pirate had social media, name something they would post pictures of.
- Besides a parrot, name an animal that a pirate might have as a pet.
- When you imagine pirates, what are they wearing?
- Besides pirates, name something you would see on a pirate ship.
- Name something pirates had to be able to do quickly.
- Name something hobos and pirates have in common.
- Besides a mop, name something you might need to clean the deck of a ship.
- Name something that might attract pirates to vacation in port.
- Name something pirates look cool wearing, but you would not.
- Besides a hook, name something a pirate could put on their missing hand.
- Name a good place to take a pirate on a first date.
- Name a sea creature that a pirate might befriend.
- Name something a pirate captain might ban while at sea.
- Name something that might hit a pirate on the head.
- Name something a pirate might train their parrot to do.
- Name something on a pirate ship that might accidentally catch fire.
- Name something that might get rationed on a pirate ship.
- Name something a captain might have that his crew does not.
- Name something a pirate would not want to find on his ship.
- Name something about being a pirate that might get old fast.
- Name something that a pirate would not want their parrot to do.
- Name a fruit a pirate might find on a tropical island.
- Name something that pirates are frequently losing.
- Name something you might find on the deck of a pirate ship.
- How many days do you think a pirate could spend on land before getting restless?
- Name something pirates might do when they are bored.
- Name something pirates might have considered to be a bad omen.
- Name a fruit a pirate could eat if they wanted to avoid getting scurvy.
- Name a musical instrument you might find on a pirate ship.
- Name the last thing on their ship that a pirate would want to have break.
- Name something pirates might exchange on valentine’s day.
- Name something you can’t do on an airplane.
- Name a bad job for someone who is accident prone.
- Name a country known for good looking men.
- Besides books, name something heavy that students carry in their backpacks.
- Name a type of list.
- Name something you associate with frank sinatra.
- Name a sign that a couple is really in love.
- Give me a word that means the opposite of “serious”.
- Name a school event that might be documented in the year book.
- Name something that kids usually have more of than adults.
- How many days into the school year do teachers wait before giving a test?
- Name a job that a school teacher may take during the summer.
- Name the class that students fall asleep in the most.
- Name a game that kindergarteners might play.
- Name an accessory or article of clothing you would never wear from the "lost and found".
- Name an expensive back-to-school item that people buy.
- Name something people use to decorate their lockers.
- Name a piece of equipment that students might play with in a science lab.
- Name something you might see on a teacher's desk.
- Name something a student might ask to borrow, but does not plan on returning.
- Name something a student might use when writing a research paper.
- Name something you associate with the prom.
- Name something students living in a dorm might share.
- Name something students buy or rent just for prom.
- Name something a school needs before it can open.
- Name something that students use to keep their assignments organized.
- Name a school sport that involves a lot of running.
- Name something that you think this generation of students is lacking.
- Name an illness that kids fake to get out of going to school.
- Name something parents bribe their kids with to get them to study.
- At what grade does school stop being fun and start being work?
- Complete the statement: "all college students should learn how to ."
- Name something a student might eat on the go.
- Name a snack commonly packed in school lunches.
- Name a way that students get to school.
- Name something embarrassing a student might do in front of their class.
- Name the most purchased school supply.
- Name something in school that students might have to buy themselves.
- Name things in school that are often broken.
- Name something you would expect to see in a high school gym.
- Name an activity that makes people sweaty.
- Name something a diver might find on the ocean floor.
- Name a reason why summer lovin' might not last.
- Name a summertime treat.
- Name games people like to play in the pool.
- Name something people put on top of their cars.
- Name a place people find sand after a trip to the beach.
- Name something kids play in the street during summer.
- How many vacation days does the average person get during summer?
- Name an inappropriate place to wear flip-flops.
- Name something you might see in a public swimming pool.
- Name something associated with summer that people save their money for.
- Name a way kids entertained themselves on trips before handheld games.
- Name a country you could visit if you wanted to see ancient ruins.
- Name something you should not wear while riding a motorcycle.
- Name something that washes up onto the beach.
- Complete the statement: "i can fit hotdogs in my mouth at once."
- Name a holiday people like to spend at the beach.
- Name an animal you might see if you visited the rain forest.
- Name a place you would expect to see sprinklers.
- Name something people do with garden hoses.
- What is the worst thing a person can lose while on vacation?
- Name an activity that might be offered at a summer camp.
- Name a summer sport played at both international competitions and high schools.
- Name the animal that people are most excited to see on an african safari.
- What might you do if you got stung by a jellyfish?
- Past or present, name something people have used to travel the world.
- Name the most exciting way to spend the summer.
- Name a type of weather advisory you may see in the summer.
- Name a theme that a summer camp might have.
- Name something people bring with them when climbing mt. everest.
- Name an animal that might be described as “majestic”.
- Name something people ask for more often in summer than in winter.
- Name something a kid might miss while they are at summer camp.
- Name a body part you might want to be muscular in time for summer.
- Until what time does the average kid sleep in, during summer vacation?
- What is the worst part of summer school?
- What would you expect to see in an ad for a resort?
- Name something that goes well with coconut.
- Name something you might see or do in australia.
- Name a country people visit where they do not need to pack a jacket.
- Name an animal that people see on safaris.
- Name something people pack for beach trips.
- Name an amenity that might be found on a train.
- Name a modern convenience that people traveling 100 years ago might have wished they had.
- Name something the rich and famous do for fun in the summer.
- Name something nice about flying first class.
- Complete the statement: "i spent my summer vacation ."
- Name a sport that involves a lot of running.
- Name something you would need if you were exploring a jungle.
- Name something you might need if you were crossing a desert.
- Name something people buy just to use in the summer.
- Name a country where you may need to wear a jacket all year round.
- What did people use to plan vacations before the internet?
- Name a fruit or vegetable used to flavor drinks.
- At what age does the average kid get their first summer job?
- Name something people do in the summer to attract a mate.
- Name something a person might wish they did not have to take on vacation with them.
- Name a food that is too heavy for summer days.
- Name something passengers on an airplane are told before take off.
- How many days can you spend on the beach before you get bored?
- Name a summer international sporting event that people like to watch.
- Name a city that people travel from all over the world to visit.
- Name a type of competition held at the beach.
- Name something you might want to do when visiting japan.
- Name something that might be sold at the beach.
- Besides horses, name an animal used for transportation.
- Name something an office summer retreat might entail.
- Name a type of professional that wears sunglasses a lot.
- Name something that people with pets have to pack for vacation.
- Name a summer activity that families can enjoy together.
- Name a sport that involves a lot of jumping.
- Name a sport that would be hard to do in cowboy boots.
- Name a sport you would not want to practice if you ran out of deodorant.
- Name a sport that lets athletes show off their legs.
- Tell me a game traditionally played at summer camps.
- Name something athletes do to celebrate a big win.
- Tell me something annoying that parents do at their kids’ games.
- Besides a parachute, name something you might want with you while sky diving.
- Name a holiday that is associated with big sales.
- Name a sport kids play when they’re growing up.
- Name a sport that is played on grass.
- Name a sport that gets little tv coverage.
- Name a sport that requires special headgear.
- Name a sport where the female athletes are as fun to watch as their male counterparts.
- Name something you buy at sporting events.
- Besides losing, name a reason why a coach might be fired.
- Name a position in baseball.
- Name a sport you could still practice with a bad knee.
- Name something a fan might try doing to distract a player from the other team.
- Besides rope, name something you might need to go rock climbing.
- What is the most difficult sport to succeed at on a professional level?
- Name something that players don’t want on the field during a game.
- Name a sport that has collectable trading cards.
- Name a way that a tie game might be broken once regulation time has ended.
- Name a sport that isn’t played wearing shoes.
- Name a sport with annoying tv commentators.
- Name something that might happen to a player after they score the winning point.
- Name something vendors might be selling in the stands during a game.
- Name a sport that would be easier to play on the moon.
- Besides a bike, name something you need to compete in a cycling event.
- Name something an athlete might do to earn a lifetime ban from their sport.
- Name a term that is used in volleyball.
- Name a sport you still might be able to play when you’re elderly.
- Name a sport you would be proud to watch your child play.
- Name a sport that parents might think is too violent for children to watch.
- Name something a baseball fan might want to get during a game.
- Besides dogs, name an animal that could star in a sports movie.
- Besides a ball, name something you need to play a game of soccer.
- Name something a coach could do to get thrown out of a game.
- Name a sport that people lie about playing to look cool.
- Name the sport that has the craziest or biggest personalities.
- Name a specific exercise people might do while listening to music.
- Name a sport that a t-rex would have trouble playing with its little arms.
- Besides karate, name a martial art.
- Name a popular animal for sports mascots.
- Past or present, name sports that have used wooden equipment.
- Name a sport that might make your whole body ache the day after you play.
- Name something that is rewarded to the winners of sports competitions.
- Besides clubs, name something a golfer might carry with them during a tournament.
- Name a sport you cannot play in shorts.
- Name a sport that requires strong legs.
- Name a sport that requires strong and flexible wrists.
- Name something an athlete might use to keep sweat out of their eyes.
- Name a city that might be too hot to run a marathon in.
- Name something that makes a sports trading card valuable.
- Name something you might need to play hockey.
- Name a sport with the most overpaid players.
- Name a sport that employs landscapers to keep the grass perfect.
- Name a sport that someone in a three piece suit would still be able to play.
- Name a legendary pro-athlete.
- Name something you have been bitten by.
- Tell me something you associate with australia.
- Name something a little kid might want to decorate for the 4th of july.
- Name a ride that may be part of a traveling carnival.
- Name something sweet that might be served on the 4th of july.
- Name a game that might be played at a 4th of july cookout.
- Name something you would expect to see at a rodeo.
- Name something that might take a long time to cook on the grill.
- Name something you might see at a really wealthy person’s cookout.
- Name america’s most important natural resource.
- How many teeth do you think the average carny is missing?
- If you could go on a date with any president in history, whom would you choose?
- Name something that congress-people do.
- Name a place veterans might gather on the 4th of july.
- Besides fireworks, name something that might make a lot of noise on the 4th of july.
- Name something that attracts 4th of july crowds.
- Name something people do not like about the day after july 4th parties.
- Name something you might take home from a 4th of july party.
- Name something that might be given to kids at a 4th of july party.
- Name something people eat that is red.
- Name a word people use to describe the 4th of july.
- Past or present, name something that soldiers have rode into battle on.
- Name something people in the military wear.
- Name something patriotic that americans do everyday.
- Name an image that comes to mind when you think of the 4th of july.
- In the movies, what is a u.s. landmark that space aliens like to attack?
- Name a beverage that might be served at a 4th of july party.
- Name something people buy in bulk for a 4th of july party.
- Name a treat people love to eat at carnivals.
- Name something that is planned in advance of the 4th of july.
- Name something stores might sell out of on the 4th of july.
- Name something that might make a grown man cry on the 4th of july.
- Name something specific people ask for when ordering a burger from the grill.
- Name an item, beginning with the letter “b”, that people bring to cookouts.
- Name a singer people hope never does a rendition of “the star spangled banner”.
- Other than the u.s., name a country that has had a revolution.
- Name an accessory that might be purchased for a 4th of july party.
- Name something jet fighters might fly over on the 4th of july.
- Name a product that might be marked down around the 4th of july.
- Which u.s. city do you think is the most patriotic?
- Name something that a villain’s minion might go on strike for.
- If you had the power to shapeshift, who would you turn yourself into?
- Name something a superhero could get their cape stuck in.
- Name something the batmobile might have that you would like for your car.
- Name a superhero who was not born in the u.s.
- Name a member of the avengers.
- Name a superhero with a recognizable symbol.
- Besides bats, name an animal a superhero might take their name from.
- Besides “fart-man” what could be the name of a superhero whose power is farting?
- Name an occupation that heroes might have as a “day job”.
- Name a superhero or heroine that makes teenage boys excited.
- Name an animal a supervillain might use to create a genetically modified monster.
- Besides guns, name something a supervillain might equip their minions with.
- Name something you might race if you had super speed.
- Name a superhero who would have been accused of witchcraft.
- Name a superhero or heroine whose costume is not appropriate for winter.
- Name something you could own that might have a superhero’s symbol on it.
- Name something from your life that a superhero might miss out on.
- If you could transform into any animal, what would it be?
- Name something a super villain might be proud of.
- Name something a superhero might do in their hideout.
- Name something you would be surprised to see underneath a superhero’s costume.
- Name something a superhero might receive from a fan.
- Name something that a superhero might catch in mid-air.
- Name an animal who would be jealous of wolverine’s claws.
- Name the superhero or villain who really needs a good therapist.
- Name a superhero created by stan lee.
- Name an everyday object that a superhero might turn into a weapon.
- If you had super strength, what would you lift to show it off?
- Name a popular color for superhero costumes.
- Besides their country, name something that patriotic superheroes love.
- Name a superhero whose costume probably took a long time to make.
- Name something that supervillains might practice in front of the mirror.
- Name a hero or villain who has been to space.
- Tell me a perk of being a supervillain.
- Name something of a superhero’s that might wear out quickly.
- Name a reason why a superhero might retire.
- Name a good deed you would do if you had superpowers.
- Name something a teenage superhero might not have time for.
- Name something that superheroes might name after themselves.
- Name a way you might be able to tell that an invisible person is in the room.
- Name something that a supervillain’s mother might be proud of.
- Name something about a supervillain that might make it hard to take them seriously.
- Name a way superheroes might pass the time when they aren’t fighting crime.
- Name something you might see at a supervillain convention.
- Name a popular team of superheroes.
- Name a superhero or villain who wears armor.
- Name a mode of transportation used by superheroes.
- Name an animal that you would never associate with a supervillain.
- Name a superpower that a dog might enjoy having.
- Besides fighting, name a specific skill you’d want your side-kick to have.
- Name a specific crime that a vigilante could be charged with.
- Name a reason why wearing a superhero costume might be uncomfortable.
- Name something that a superhero’s sibling might be envious of.
- Name a hero who might take the time to help an old lady cross the street.
- Name a quality needed to be a supervillain’s minion.
- Name a superheroine who is the female version of a well-known male hero.
- Name a hair color only a supervillain could pull off.
- Name something a superhero might outrun.
- Name a superhero or villain in need of a tan.
- Name something a supervillain might encourage people to do.
- Name an article of clothing that you associate with supervillains.
- Name something that a superhero would tell you to stay away from.
- Name a superhero who could be described as a ladies’ man.
- Tell me something you might do if you were really scared.
- Name something you might see in a fire station.
- Name something a family might do together on a snowy day.
- Name something parents do not trust their kids to remember.
- Name something parents might make their kids wear at the beach.
- Name something a little kid does when they are pretending to be their dad.
- Name something mom might keep in her purse in case her kids need it.
- Name a superpower that an overworked dad might find useful.
- Name something a husband does when his wife tells him that she is pregnant.
- What is something parents talk about together while their kids play?
- Name a celebrity that your mom might have had a crush on when she was a teenager.
- Name something parents do for their children when they are babies, but not when they are teenagers.
- Name something mom might pack in a school lunch.
- Name something of a baby’s that needs to be washed constantly.
- Name something a kid might want to build with their dad.
- Name something parents do for babies that they would not have to do for a puppy.
- Name something parents do not let their kids leave home without.
- Name something you might do on a camping trip with dad.
- Name something a kid might ruin while trying to make mom breakfast in bed.
- Name something proud parents hang on their refrigerator.
- Name a type of gift certificate mom might enjoy.
- Name a common mother’s day gift.
- Tell me something specific you might compliment your mom on.
- When little kids ask to borrow money from their parents, what do they usually want to buy?
- Whose advice do people seek when choosing a gift for mom?
- Tell me a nickname someone might give their mother.
- Name something specific mom might have done at the salon.
- Name an event that parents like to capture on video.
- According to commercials, what do all moms want for mother’s day?
- Name something from breakfast in bed that could ruin the sheets.
- Name a gift for mom that siblings might chip in to buy.
- Name an autographed item a son might get for his father.
- Name something mom does for free that should command a high salary.
- Name something you can always count on your parents for.
- Name something that might be part of a dad’s morning routine.
- Name something a mom and her child might have in common.
- Name a place where a mom might embarrass her child.
- Name something mom might ask for on mother’s day.
- Name an event that moms look forward to.
- At what age do kids stop making father’s day gifts and start buying them?
- At what grade does the average parent start having trouble helping their kids with homework?
- Name something from her old life that a mom might miss after the baby arrives.
- Name something grandmothers knit or sew for babies.
- Name something kids do to annoy their parents.
- Name a superpower you wish you had.
- If your pet could talk, what might they say to you?
- Tell me something that is harder to do with braces on your teeth.
- Name a hollywood tough guy.
- What do people use to get rid of grass stains?
- Tell me something you should get plenty of rest before doing.
- Besides a sundae, name something that might have caramel in or on it.
- Name a fruit you might pick yourself.
- Name something typically served at weddings.
- Name a food you can cook in under 5 minutes.
- Name a fuel people use to cook food.
- Name something that people trapped on a desert island might eat.
- If you owned a food truck, what would you park next to in hopes of attracting customers?
- Name something you could do at the dinner table that might be considered rude.
- Besides ice cream, name a dessert you eat with a spoon.
- Name a food that might make it hard to take someone seriously while they eat.
- Name a fruit you don’t have to peel before eating.
- Besides fries, name a food a waiter might offer as a side to your meal.
- Name something that might have melted cheese in or on it.
- Besides chocolate, name something that might be found in a chocolate factory.
- Name something that people add avocado to.
- Name a drink that is considered to be unhealthy.
- Name a sauce or seasoning you would see at thanksgiving dinner.
- Name a dish that takes a long time to prepare.
- Name something people put on their vegetables to make them taste better.
- Name a food that many consider to be a “superfood”.
- Name a food that people saute.
- Name something specific that might be put in fried rice.
- Name a specific food people consider to be overrated.
- Name a food you eat cold.
- Name a type of tea.
- Besides soup, name a food that might be difficult to eat in space.
- Name a sauce you would never want to lick off of someone.
- Name a crop that requires a lot of water to produce.
- Name something you might pretend to be sick to get out of.
- Name a food that tastes better than it smells.
- Name a food that is known for having an unusual texture.
- Name a food that might be considered overpriced.
- Besides soup, name something people eat when they aren’t feeling well.
- If you could only eat red foods, what would you eat?
- Name a fruit that is commonly added to yogurt.
- Name a food that might be served as a side to fried chicken.
- Tell me foods that make your waistline expand.
- Name something that a person on a diet probably couldn’t eat.
- Name something that you think leprechauns are good at doing.
- Besides a rainbow, name a place where a person might imagine finding a pot of gold.
- Name something green that a turtle might eat.
- Name something that might happen on your “lucky day”.
- Name an animal that a leprechaun might have as a pet.
- Where might leprechauns hide their gold if they gave up on using rainbows?
- Name something that comes in gold-colored wrapping.
- Name an activity that might be part of a leprechaun’s normal day.
- Name a place where people keep or hide their good luck charms.
- Name something that might be thrown from a st. patrick’s parade float.
- Name a food you wouldn’t need to dye green for st. patrick’s day.
- Name something a little kid might draw for st. patrick’s day.
- Name a place where you might hear irish music being played.
- Name an instrument associated with irish music.
- Name a physical trait that might make someone look like a leprechaun.
- At what age does the average person start doing dumb things on st. patrick’s day?
- Name something hazardous to birds that might be left behind after a parade.
- Name something that might chase a leprechaun.
- Name something about st. patrick’s day that pets might love.
- Name something that gets put on a potato.
- Name something a leprechaun might do if a child grabbed his coat tails.
- Name something a person might steal in order to prove that they found a leprechaun’s house.
- Besides their height, name something a leprechaun might be self-conscious of.
- Name something that might be served as a side dish to corned beef and cabbage.
- Name something you might need in your mission to prove leprechauns exist.
- If you couldn’t be smart, what would you prefer to be?
- Name a manufacturer of men’s cologne.
- Name an animal you might see at seaworld.
- Tell me a sport that you don’t have to be tall to play.
- Name a country where they speak spanish.
- Name a reason why someone might apply for a loan.
- Name a reason why you might close your eyes.
- Name something people love to give you their opinion on.
- Name a place where women make their boyfriends accompany them.
- Name something that might happen on a first date that would rule out a second.
- Name something spouses do not like sharing with each other.
- Name something a woman does after she has been proposed to.
- Name something you would not want to happen to you on the way to a date.
- By what age would the average person like to find true love?
- Name something a creep might lie about being, to get a date.
- Name something a couple might have two of after moving in together.
- Name something parents might do when a boy comes to pick up their teenage daughter.
- Name something couples share at their wedding.
- Name something your body does when you are attracted to someone.
- What might a couple do to spice up a regular date for valentine’s day?
- What animal would you use to describe your ideal spouse in bed?
- Name something wives complain that their husbands can never remember.
- On average, how long do high school sweethearts stay together?
- Tell me something you hope your ex never asks you.
- Name something a couple would want their home to be full of.
- When people break up, name something of their ex’s that they think of destroying.
- Name something specific that might be dipped into chocolate fondue.
- Name a reason people do not like valentine’s day.
- Name something you might accidentally do that would make your date think you are a slob.
- Tell me something that you should not reveal on a first date.
- Name something people think will help land them a mate.
- Name something couples in serious relationships do.
- Name something a wife might sometimes fantasize hitting her husband with.
- How many people do you think the average person dates before finding “the one”?
- Name an awkward place to propose.
- Name something a couple might do to move their relationship to the next level.
- Name a place on your body that gets sweaty when you are nervous.
- Name something a person might do before a valentine’s date.
- Where does a man go when he is in trouble with his wife?
- What is a decision that couples make together?
- What is the hardest decision a couple has to make when planning their wedding reception?
- Name something people argue about on valentine’s day.
- Name a specific shade of red.
- Name someone you would never want to have as a third-wheel on a date.
- Name something you could do if you wanted to ignore valentine’s day.
- Name something a teenager might do when they have a crush.
- Name something you might need for a romantic picnic.
- Name a place single people might spend valentine’s day.
- Name something people plan or buy before valentine’s day.
- Name something a husband could do to pamper his wife.
- Name something you might do at an anti-valentine’s day party.
- Name a valentine’s gift that is practical but not very romantic.
- Name something a woman might do to get ready for a date.
- At what age might a kid have their first boy or girlfriend?
- Name a game that a couple could play on a date.
- Name something couples usually do before getting married.
- Name a meal that might make you look like a slob in front of your date.
- Name something a good suit should do for you.
- Name something that is usually public but can also be privatized if you have the money.
- What country would you try to buy land in if you were rich?
- Name something or someone that might have a patron.
- Name something you might find in a millionaire’s bathroom but not in a common person’s bathroom.
- Name something expensive associated with space travel.
- Name a reason dads get upset about money.
- Name a reason why some coffees are more expensive than others.
- Complete the sentence: “money is?”
- Besides nevada, name a state you would spend a lot of money on a trip to.
- Name something people buy at the dollar store.
- Name an expensive product that historically explorers scoured the globe to get.
- Name a natural disaster that would cause a lot of property damage.
- Name a reason why a house might be built with gold walls.
- Name something valuable that can be found in space.
- How would a dragon clean his pile of riches?
- How would a vampire make a living in the modern world?
- Name something besides money that might be part of a dowry.
- Name a reason why you might spend your rainy day fund.
- Name something a rich person might have named after him.
- Name a profession that uses a ladder
- Name a specific object that is only used during winter.
- If santa was an action, hero, name an actor who could play him.
- Name something people do after it snows.
- Name something that might be considered a romantic christmas gift.
- Name a christmas gift that might be hard to wrap.
- Name a christmas tradition.
- Name something people buy before a blizzard.
- Name a christmas gift a teacher might appreciate.
- Name someone who might outstay their welcome during the holidays.
- Name a cliched gift for dad.
- Name an item of clothing that people never wear in summer.
- Name a christmas gift a doctor might appreciate.
- Other than family, name someone you might buy a gift for.
- Name a song commonly associated with christmas.
- Name a gift a pirate might appreciate.
- Give me a word you might use to describe a christmas cookie.
- Name something the postal service uses to transport mail around the holidays.
- Name a place that is usually closed on christmas.
- Name a christmas gift that might be difficult to ship.
- Name a country that is covered in snow at christmas.
- Name something that might be faster than santa’s sleigh.
- Name something you would expect to see on the streets at the holidays.
- Name a type of gift that a man might need help picking out for his wife.
- Name a christmas present that kids usually get.
- Name someone a little kid might share their christmas list with.
- Name a christmas gift a toddler might get.
- Name the first part of your body that gets cold when you are shoveling snow.
- Name something people do around the fire during the holidays.
- Name a gift a psychic might want for christmas.
- Name a good gift for someone who travels a lot.
- Name something that usually winds up in the garbage after the holidays.
- Name a christmas gift you would like to get from your boss.
- Name something specific santa should try doing if he wanted to lose weight.
- Name a way santa might get into a house with no chimney.
- Name a state that usually has a white christmas.
- Name something people hang up around christmas.
- Name something that might be on christmas wrapping paper.
- If you had to spend christmas in a foreign city, which city would you choose?
- Name an animal that would be good at pulling santa’s sleigh, if he did not have reindeer.
- Name a present people get for their pets.
- Name a gift people might buy for their parents.
- Name something a person might forget to think about at christmas.
- Name a gift the three wise men might have brought if they had lived today.
- Name something santa might be good at if he were forced to get a regular job.
- Name someone people send christmas cards to.
- Name a song that mentions santa.
- Name something you might see people wearing at a christmas party.
- Name someone you might be surprised to receive a christmas gift from.
- Name a celebrity you think would be on santa’s naughty list.
- Name a place where you would expect to see a lot of christmas decorations.
- Name a state that rarely has a white christmas.
- Fill in the blank. “the holidays are a time for .â€
- Name a household item that people decorate at christmas.
- Name something specific that might be delayed because of snow.
- Name a christmas gift dracula might appreciate.
- Name something people do to keep their hands warm in the winter.
- Give me a word that might be used to describe a christmas tree.
- Name something that makes you really nervous.
- Name something that grows even in winter.
- Name a feature in modern cars that santa might have in his sleigh.
- Name a place in the us where people go to follow their dreams.
- Name something you do when it’s sunny.
- Name a u.s. city where a lot of tv shows are set.
- Name something siblings might be forced to share.
- Name the most fought over monopoly property or playing piece.
- Tell me something you would like to do instead of spending thanksgiving with family.
- Name a wild animal found in the u.s.
- Where would politicians like to be seen on thanksgiving day?
- Name something you might not let guests do in your house.
- Name something kids might fight over during a family road trip.
- Name the most fattening part of thanksgiving dinner.
- Name something people like to drink after dinner is over.
- Name a fruit commonly used to make pies.
- Name something you buy more than one of for thanksgiving.
- Name a famous american artist.
- Name something a doctor might tell a patient to avoid around thanksgiving.
- Name a native american tribe.
- If you were a pilgrim, what would have been the biggest problem you faced?
- Name something you might use to prepare and cook a turkey.
- Name something that the first american settlers used to harvest in the fall.
- Name something the characters from the wizard of oz were looking for.
- Name a famous u.s. general or war hero.
- When someone says they are visiting the south, what state might they be going to?
- Name a sport americans excel at.
- Name something that gets hidden before guests arrive for thanksgiving.
- Name a u.s. city that gets a lot of tourists.
- What might you eat at thanksgiving if the turkey was the u.s. national emblem instead of the bald eagle?
- Name something in your house you would not want to have break on thanksgiving.
- What could a magic turkey say to convince you not to eat it?
- Name a type of music that might be heard on thanksgiving.
- Name something you see signs for along the highway.
- Name something green you might see on the thanksgiving dinner table.
- Name a famous american film director.
- Name the state that you think has the most patriotic americans.
- If football were not on tv on thanksgiving, name the sport you would least like to replace it.
- Name something parents give their children to occupy them while thanksgiving dinner is being made.
- Name a way someone who cannot cook might help with thanksgiving dinner.
- Name something a thanksgiving turkey might need more of.
- Name something specific the person cooking thanksgiving dinner might stress over.
- Name a job you might see being re-enacted at a historical village.
- Name your favorite part of the turkey.
- Name something specific you might see in the macy’s thanksgiving day parade.
- Name something a lonely bachelor might eat on thanksgiving.
- Name a profession that people often dislike.
- Name a body part that gets wrinkled.
- Name a prop someone might carry on halloween.
- Name something a witch might put in her cauldron.
- Name a reason why a parent might not let their kid go trick or treating.
- If you turned into a monster, what monster would you choose?
- Name someone known for writing spooky stories.
- Name a tool that you might see in a garage and in a horror movie.
- Name something you would expect to see in a vampire’s lair.
- Name something you might need to make a pirate costume.
- Name something a monster could carry around with them if they wanted to look less scary.
- Name something you would need to make a vampire costume.
- Name something that bites people in horror movies.
- Name a halloween costume that would be easy to make at home.
- Name a disney princess someone might dress up as for halloween.
- Name something that might be guarding a pile of treasure.
- Name something a parent might make their child take trick or treating.
- Name a reason you might refuse someone candy on halloween.
- Name a mistake characters in horror movies always make.
- Name something that might happen at a cemetary.
- Name something you might find in a mad scientist’s basement.
- Name the state you think would be best equipped to survive a zombie apocalypse.
- Name a place you would not want to spend halloween night.
- Name a pet that would be very difficult to dress up for halloween.
- Name something you usually only do in autumn.
- Name something you might dress your pet up as.
- Name a reason someone might think their neighbor is a vampire.
- Name something a witch might be carrying.
- Name a good place to tell a ghost story.
- Name a movie about halloween.
- Name something that might come to life in a scary story.
- Name an animal that is too cute to be associated with halloween.
- Name something you might see at the door when your doorbell rings on halloween night.
- Name something that might be uncomfortable to wear during a long night of trick or treating.
- Name something that might be drawn into a halloween themed painting.
- Name something you might find in a mad scientist’s lab.
- Name a bite sized candy.
- Name something you might wear to a 1920s themed party.
- Complete the statement, the best candy bars are filled with
- Name an animal that some people are terrified of.
- Name an artist whose music is perfect for halloween.
- Name an unusual place to see a costume, even on halloween.
- Name something that could eat a person whole.
- Name something you might use to make a scarecrow.
- Name something in horror movies that never works when it needs to.
- Who hands out the candy at your house on halloween?
- Name an object that is often cursed in scary stories.
- Name something an evil witch might turn a person into.
- Name something you would expect to see in a witch’s cottage.
- Name something a zombie would hate to lose.
- Name someone who might be particularly busy on halloween night.
- Name a type of pie.
- Name a halloween prank that goes too far.
- Name something you do on halloween that is unacceptable any other day of the year.
- Name something that might be found in the batcave.
- Name an over the top way a supervillain might address the public.
- If the average person had a sidekick what would they ask them for help with?
- Name a hero or villain who would cheat at cards.
- Name the least likeable member of the avengers.
- Name a specific animal that aquaman might go swimming with.
- Name a place where it would be easy to lose an invisible jet.
- Name something that you think superheroes do too often.
- Name a superhero who could not pass as human.
- If captain america lost his shield, what might he throw at enemies?
- Name a superhero that dresses in green.
- Name something embarrassing a superhero might have in their hideout.
- Name something from your daily life that might enrage the hulk.
- Name something wonder woman has that you wished you had too.
- Name a place where a superhero could change into their costume.
- Name someone who is impervious to bullets.
- Name a superhero or villain that you would trust babysitting your kids.
- Name something specific that a hero might teach their sidekick.
- Name a superhero you would like to go shopping with.
- Name something daredevil can do better than you.
- If you were a supervillain, which famous monument or landmark would you want to destroy?
- Name a superhero or heroine with great hair.
- Name a chore the flash would be great at.
- Name the power that parents wouldn’t want their young children to have.
- Name something that might make a superhero cry.
- Name the last hero you would call if you were in trouble.
- Name a hero or villain who doesn’t look human.
- Name an event a giant hero could attend without attracting attention.
- Name something superheroes might share with one another.
- Name a superhero costume that you don’t want to see your child wearing.
- Name something the hulk might think about to calm himself down.
- Name something that might be part of a superhero’s breakfast.
- If you had the power to read minds, who would you use it on?
- Name a hero with huge muscles.
- Name something you might get caught doing if you forgot you were in an invisible jet.
- Name a superhero you might see on the top of a building.
- Name something that a hulking hero could use to hide his appearance.
- Where would you go if you had the power to teleport?
- Name a superhero or villain with a lot of money.
- Tell me another name used to refer to batman.
- Name a superhero or villain that isn’t rich.
- Name something you might see in iron man’s bathroom.
- Name something you buy your spouse for a wedding anniversary gift.
- Name a female supervillain.
- Name a superhero who gained their powers accidentally.
- Name a hobby superheroes might take up when they retire.
- Name someone pirates might consider to be a valuable hostage.
- Name something a pirate might steal from a mermaid.
- Name something a pirate might do to disguise their ship.
- Name something you use to clean your teeth.
- Tell me something you wouldn’t want your child to do in public.
- Name a quality that a pirate captain might possess.
- Name something a pirate might keep under their hat.
- Name an adjective a pirate could put in front of their name to sound more menacing.
- Name something a pirate might use as a pillow.
- Name something a pirate might wager in a high stakes card game.
- Name a skill that pirates need to have.
- Name something a pirate might hide in their peg leg.
- Name something a pirate would not want to get on the inside of their eyepatch.
- Name something that pirates might try to steal from one another.
- Name something a pirate might boast about.
- Name something a pirate could do when they retire.
- Name something that would make a pirate stand out in a crowd.
- What might be a pirate’s favorite holiday?
- Name something a pirate might use to disguise themselves.
- Besides an x, name something that might be drawn on a pirate’s treasure map.
- Which disney princess would make the best pirate?
- Name something you do on weekday evenings that pirates probably wouldn’t.
- Name something a pirate could do to ignore a siren’s song.
- If a pirate went to high school, what might they get detention for doing?
- Name something pirates might eat when they run out of food.
- Besides treasure, name something a pirate might be searching for.
- Besides polly, what might a pirate name their parrot?
- Name something a pirate captain might keep in their cabin.
- Name something a pirate might use to draw a map.
- Name something pirates might do while lounging on the beach.
- Name a reason why a pirate might fire their gun into the air.
- Name something a pirate might dream about.
- Besides the captain’s shoulder, name a place where a parrot might hang out.
- Name something you associate with the pirate’s life.
- Name a city that has a subway system.
- How many hours per week does the average high schooler spend studying?
- Besides food, name something you would expect to see in a school cafeteria.
- Name something that high school students work hard to earn.
- How might a teacher punish a misbehaving student?
- Name something students use for school projects that can be found in a craft store.
- Name something that might be mentioned in a school’s morning announcements.
- Name something college students do between classes.
- Name something at school that a student would not want to miss.
- If you were a teacher, after a month of classes, how many glasses of wine did you drink?
- Name a specific reason why students visit the school nurse.
- Name a place in schools where kids are not allowed to go.
- Name something students might tease each other about.name something students use when they are studying.
- Name a type of professional that students would be excited to hear speak at career day.
- Other than home, name a place a student might go to do their homework.
- Name a world famous university.
- Rather than school, name a place where a student would want to be on a nice day.
- Besides books, name something you would find in the average student’s backpack.
- Besides a calculator, name something a student might need while doing math homework.
- Name a high school sport that is popular with girls.
- Name an ivy league university.
- Name something that might be scooped onto a student’s lunch tray.
- Name a something a freshman might take to college with them.
- Name something kids write about in their journals.
- Name a place parents leave notes for their kids before sending them to school.
- Name something commonly found in high school lockers.
- Name something new students get for the first day of school.
- Name a department in schools that is often underfunded.
- Name the class that traditionally has the biggest text books.
- Name something students use when they are studying.
- Name something students might tease each other about.
- Name a factor that might influence where a student goes to college.
- Name something a school might wish it could afford.
- Name a trade someone might learn at vocational school.
- Name something that students are always losing.
- Name a piece of playground equipment.
- Name a reason why a student might stay late after school.
- Name something a student might not like about gym class.
- Name something students might get on the first day of school.
- Name something you might pack for both the beach and school.
- Name the most valuable item that students bring to school.
- Name something that might be part of a student’s morning routine.
- Name something a rich kid might brag about to their classmates.
- Name something you might see at a high school pep rally.
- Name a place in schools where students socialize.
- Name a hobby teens rarely consider to be “coolâ€.
- Name something a chemistry class might have in case of emergency.
- Besides study, name something students do in study hall.
- Name something college freshmen do during their first week of school.
- Name something you might see posters for in the school hallway.
- Name something a student might show to their friends on the first day of school.
- Name an animal that a class might have as a pet.
- Name a lunch meat often found in sandwiches.
- Name something that kids bring to school but might not use for school work.
- Name something that students are not usually allowed to do in class.
- Name a job that a student might have at their college.
- Name an item frequently used in school science projects.
- Besides students, name something you would expect to see on a school bus.
- How might a parent reward their child for acing a test.
- Name something a kid might leave on the school bus.
- Name something students cannot wait to do when they get home.
- Tell me something that is traditionally a part of graduation ceremonies.
- Name something the class president might be responsible for.
- Name something that can get you into trouble at school.
- Name something kindergarteners get to do in school that high schoolers do not.
- Name something that college students consume a lot of.
- Name a department commonly found at universities.
- Name something people talk about on the first day of school.
- Name a part of the body where teachers used to hit students.
- Tell me something you don’t want to be caught doing at work.
- What do students consider when deciding which classes to take?
- Name something you might do to a fish after catching it.
- Name something that is designed to improve an athlete’s performance.
- Name a sport that can’t be played indoors.
- Name something an athlete might blame for a bad game.
- Name a sport you would not want to play wearing sandals.
- Name something that a baseball player might walk to.
- Name a sport that kids play in the drive-way.
- Name something in sports that is considered unsportsmanlike.
- Name a sport that super mario would be good at.
- Name a country that isn’t known for being competitive at summer sports.
- Name a sport you would be surprised to see your parents playing well.
- Name a sport that might be difficult to play in jeans.
- Name a sport where one bad player can drag down the whole team.
- Name an animal you might see while biking in the forest.
- Besides football, name a sport that can lead to serious injuries.
- Name a sport that might be the topic of a movie.
- Name sports that would be difficult to play with one arm tied behind your back.
- Name a way athletes might unwind once their event is over.
- Besides the u.s., what countries send athletes to international sporting events?
- Name a city that might host an international athlete competition.
- If you could win a gold medal in any sport, which would it be?
- Name a reason why a pro-athlete might be stuck in a slump.
- Besides boxing, name a sport where the competitors wear gloves.
- Besides a canoe, name something people pack for a canoe trip.
- Name a sport that can be played all year round.
- Name a sport that requires specific footwear.
- Name something you might find on the floor of a stadium after a game.
- Name something annoying the person sitting next to you at a game could do.
- What might happen if golf fans were allowed to shout during a match?
- Name a sport that soldiers might play to pass the time.
- Besides gymnastics, name a sport where the athletes might be able to do splits.
- Name something you might see people doing in shoe commercials.
- Name the most boring sport to watch on tv.
- Name something specific you might pull out of the water during a fishing trip, but throw back.
- Name something of yours that is dirty.
- Name something you might learn how to make in shop class.
- Besides a baseball bat, name a piece of sports equipment that could be used as a weapon.
- Name a place where kids might not be allowed to skateboard.
- Name something you could hurt while golfing.
- Name a sport that requires strong arms.
- What sport would be the most boring to play as a video game?
- Name a sport that would be fun to see being played by monkeys.
- Tell me something that you associate with volleyball.
- Name a sport that a very pregnant woman could still play.
- Name a sport you might be able to play in a skirt.
- Name something that a fan might ask an athlete to sign.
- What is the coolest color for a sports jersey?
- Name a superhero who would be bad at gymnastics.
- Name another sport that a basketball player could be good at.
- Name a sport that does not require a lot of equipment to play.
- Besides volleyball, name a sport that can be played on a beach.
- Name a team sport where a super-star player can make the biggest difference.
- Name something people do while playing ultimate frisbee.
- Name a sport that requires a track.
- Name a sport that might be considered "high-class".
- Besides the ghostbusters, who else do new yorkers cheer for.
- If ghosts are real, name an industry that might suffer.
- Name a popstar that would probably like to spend a day with the ghostbusters.
- Name something dr. raymond "ray" stantz might do on his day off.
- Name something you would want to bring alive with mood slime.
- Name something you might do if you accidentally drive through a ghost.
- Name something you might hire a ghost to do.
- Name something you can find in the ghostbusters office.
- If ghosts exist, name something else supernatural that might also exist.
- Name something you might need if you wanted to exorcise a ghost.
- Besides a hearse, name another vehicle that can fit the ghostbusters equipment.
- Name something a haunted house might do to stay in business after real ghosts show up all over new york.
- Name something you might do to try to keep ghosts out of your house.
- Name something that makes ecto-1 standout.
- Name something a reality show might make ghosts do.
- Name something you might pretend to like in order to get into the ghostbusters hq.
- Name something you might bring with you the day after the stay puft marshmallow man exploded.
- Which ghostbuster do you think has the best hair?
- Name an event that you can wear the ghostbusters uniform.
- Name something a ghost might need money for.
- Name something you might complain about living next to the ghostbusters.
- Besides ghosts, name something the ghostbusters might be called for.
- Name something a ghost might spend their day doing.
- Name a reason you would want to come back as a ghost.
- Name a flavor of food only a ghost would like.
- Name a task even a ghost can do.
- Name a reason the ghostbusters might refuse to catch a ghost.
- Name something that might get broken while you are busy bustin' ghosts.
- Name the ghostbuster you feel is the most relatable.
- Name an actor that can do a good new york accent.
- Name something a ghost might try before getting trapped by the ghostbusters.
- Name something that new ghosts might practice trying to move.
- Name something you might pick up while driving around in the ecto-1.
- Name something that egon might use to impress a date.
- Name something that slimer could make his body into.
- We already had the marshmallow man explode, what other tasty treat do you think kids would like to have explode in their neighborhood?
- In ghostbusters we learned not to cross streams, what else should we not cross?
- What do you think is the ghostbusters favorite cupcake?
- Name something a ghostbuster would not want to happen while on the job.
- Name something you have no control over.
- Name a food that is messy to eat.
- Name something you would do if you ran into the ghost of your idol.
- Name something a ghostbuster museum would advertise having.
- Name something a ghost might be attracted to.
- What would you do if you found a proton pack and laser on the street?
- Name something that makes spirits smile.
- Name something that zuul can do that most people can't.
- Name something that might make it hard for a ghost to get somewhere.
- Name a habit that you probably won't continue once you are a ghost.
- Name something the power of patty might compel you to do.
- Name somewhere a ghost shark might attack from.
- Name a ghost that it would be un-american to bust.
- Name something the ghost of leonardo da vinci might be amazed at.
- Name a july 4th activity that you should not do while drinking.
- Other than the u.s., name a country where american soldiers are stationed.
- Name a reason why someone might want to enlist in the army.
- Name a popular hotdog topping.
- Name something blue that you might see at a cookout.
- Name something people may be holding in a 4th of july photo.
- Name a food or drink that goes well with hot dogs.
- Name a fictional character that defends america.
- Name a country singer who might perform at a 4th of july celebration.
- Other than the u.s., name a former british colony.
- Name a place where it would be a bad to launch fireworks from.
- Name something that might be red, white, and blue for the 4th of july.
- Name something politicians do to get votes.
- Besides the bald eagle, name an animal that could symbolize america.
- Name something that an army recruit has to do a lot of.
- Name a popular carnival game.
- Name something people buy from craft stores to make 4th of july decorations.
- Name a type of vendor you may see at a 4th of july parade.
- Name something americans put flags on.
- Name something the continental army needed to win the american revolution.
- Name something that might have a picture of a bald eagle on it.
- Name a celebrity that you think would make a good president of the u.s.
- Name something people might fight over at a cookout.
- Name something a politician might give a speech in front of, on the 4th of july.
- Name a historical figure associated with the american revolution.
- Name something a vegetarian might eat at a 4th of july cookout.
- Name something that the american flag might be printed on.
- Name the most recognizable building or monument in washington d.c.
- Name a statistic that baseball fans keep track of.
- Name a state where people can set off their own fireworks.
- Name something that a cowboy might have worn.
- What might someone, who is foreign to the u.s., find obnoxious about the 4th of july?
- Name a country known for their soccer skills.
- Name something you take with you wherever you go.
- Name a way you might find out the news.
- Name something associated with hippies.
- Name a popular fairy tale.
- Name a job that people are proud to be doing on the 4th of july.
- Name something you might see in a 4th of july parade.
- Name something from the 21st century that george washington might have liked to have while fighting the british.
- Name an american super hero.
- Name a reason why you might bury a treasure chest full of gold.
- Name a precious stone.
- Complete the sentence: "money has ?"
- Name something in your house you would replace if you won a $5000 gift card.
- Name somewhere a modern day pirate might hide their money.
- Name something you might buy for a baby shower.
- Name something that quickly gets more expensive as your currency becomes weaker.
- Name something that should cost less than $5.
- Name something that gets bigger as people get richer.
- Name a movie in which the plot revolves around money.
- Besides books, name something you can find at a local library.
- Name something you look for when buying earphones.
- Name a material people sculpt with.
- If you had enough money to buy anything in new york city, what would it be?
- Name a job that used to pay well but no longer does.
- Besides money, name a subject that is often talked about in the financial section of a newspaper.
- Name something that is transported by ships all over the world.
- Name a material you might build your house with if you wanted to save money.
- Name a specific reason why a waitress might get a huge tip.
- Name something specific people are paid to clean.
- Name a reason someone could never win the world series of poker.
- Besides gold, what could a dragon be guarding in their lair?
- Name a game that is associated with money or currency.
- How much do you pay your baby sitter by the hour?
- Name a reason why a student might walk away from a scholarship.
- Name something a villain might ask their minions to steal.
- Name a lavish way to propose.
- Name a country that has a large lifestyle difference between the rich and poor.
- Name one of the richest people on earth.
- Name something extravagant associated with new york.
- Name a profession that earns its living on rivers.
- Name a nickname that might be given to a rich ceo.
- Name an artist, besides picasso, whose art is worth millions.
- Name something you don't like about doing your taxes.
- Name a foreign accent people like to imitate.
- Name a type of business that deals with money.
- Name jobs where keeping your cool can earn you a lot of money.
- Name a crop farmed in america.
- Name a reason someone might cancel a date.
- Name something that can cause a lot of damage to a house.
- Name a classic cartoon.
- Name something you might forget to turn off.
- Name a country that would not do well in the winter olympics.
- Name a time or event when you should not joke around.
- Name a children's story featuring a witch.
- Name something commonly found in a fairy tale.
- Name something you might wear a pair of.
- Name something you might do when you can't sleep.
- Name something a person might do to pamper their dad.
- Name something dad would not want you spending your money on for father's day.
- What is the first thing mom wants to do on mother's day?
- Name something that parents would like their children to have when they grow up.
- Name something that might be part of a mom's morning routine.
- Name an unpaid job that dad does for his kids.
- Name something you might do for your mom if you can not be with her on mother's day.
- Name a way parents relax once the kids are in bed.
- Name something parents have to do less of once their kids move out.
- Name something that parents think is important but kids might not.
- Name something moms make their kids put on before going outside.
- Name something kids try to hide from their parents.
- Name a professional that parents talk about their children with.
- Name something a father and daughter might bond over.
- Name a spot on their baby that new parents like to tickle.
- Name something people start bringing with them after having a baby.
- How many hot wings do you think the average dad can eat before calling it quits?
- At what age do children start to appreciate what their parents do for them?
- Name a company that might sponsor a father's day parade.
- Where would be an embarrassing place for your child to throw a temper tantrum?
- Name a project you and your mom might work on together.
- Name something stay-at-home moms do for their families.
- Name something mom made you do as a kid that you are grateful for now.
- Name something moms take pictures of their babies doing.
- Before a woman becomes a mother, what is her highest priority?
- Name something a mom might do before tucking her kids into bed.
- Name something expecting mothers get at their baby showers.
- How many times a week does the average person call their mom?
- Name a food parents might insist their kids eat in the morning.
- Name a tool that dad might want for father's day.
- Name a way dad might want to spend father's day.
- Name something parents do not like their kids throwing.
- Name something around the house that expecting parents baby-proof.
- Name a gift dad might appreciate on father's day.
- Name something a wife might get her husband for father's day.
- Complete the statement: "lets raid my parents' ."
- Name something a kid might need their parent's help opening.
- Name a quality that makes a parent cool.
- Name something parents might not let their kids do in the car.
- Name something a child might throw during a tantrum.
- Name something that parents might think they can fix by themselves.
- Name something parents use or say to keep their kids quiet.
- Where might a parent fantasize about sending their misbehaving child?
- Besides diapers, name something parents keep in a diaper bag.
- How old is the average son when his dad teaches him to shave?
- Name a chore that used to be considered "woman's work", that dads are more likely to do now.
- Name something kids bring their mom for breakfast in bed.
- Name a reason a child might look up to their dad.
- Name something a kid does when they are pretending to be their mom.
- Name the most important skill a mom can have.
- Name something of their mom's that kids like to play with.
- Name a sport mom might not think is safe for her kids.
- Name something commercials claim that every father needs.
- We asked 100 people: name a famous cat.
- Name a place a student might go on a field trip.
- Besides eggs, name an ingredient that might be in a quiche.
- Name a food you would never see being served at an opera.
- Name a food that a lot of people are allergic too.
- Name something that people cook in the microwave.
- Name something you like to eat on hot days.
- Name something that you might put cream on or in.
- Name something you've eaten too much of in your life.
- Name a job someone might have at a supermarket.
- Name a dish that might be called cheesy.
- Name something that might be thrown during a food fight.
- Name an herb that is used to season food.
- Name something specific you might order at a seafood restaurant.
- Name something that people put on chicken.
- Name something that a cake might be decorated with.
- Name something parents might tell their kids to take smaller bites of.
- Name a meal you can usually get at a bar or pub.
- Name a food you might order after a long night of partying.
- Name something specific a restaurant or bar might give away for free.
- Name a weird flavor for ice cream.
- Name something that might be served with hot dogs.
- If you were royalty, name a food you would treat yourself to at least once a month.
- Name a food that shouldn't be put at the bottom of a grocery bag.
- What would you like your last meal to be?
- Name a shape that cookie-cutters come in.
- At what time does the average person eat breakfast?
- Name a food that doesn't taste as good after being reheated in a microwave.
- Name a fruit that a baby cannot eat without supervision.
- Name something you might cook on a bbq grill that isn't beef, chicken, or pork.
- Name the last thing people want to do after a huge meal.
- Name a common ingredient in baby food.
- Name a food that might be considered part of a light snack.
- Name something you never clean in your house.
- Name a play a high schooler might read.
- Name another word for prison.
- Name something you might bring on a picnic.
- Tell me a place a child might be nervous about going to.
- Name something that might wash up on a beach.
- Name a wild animal you would like as a pet.
- Name something you might put on toast.
- Tell me an olympic sport that starts with the letter "s".
- Name a famous villain from the spiderman series.
- Name a type of business that might use the four-leaf clover as its logo.
- Name something that might be found in a leprechaun's house, but not in yours.
- Name an animal that could beat a leprechaun in a race.
- Besides two pots of gold, what might you find at the end of a double rainbow?
- Name something green that a restaurant might stock for st. patrick's day.
- Name something a cartoon leprechaun might be carrying.
- Name something in nature that a leprechaun might use to shine their shoes.
- Name something you wouldn't want happening to you at a st. patrick's day party.
- Name something you might go to sleep clutching after a st. patrick's day party.
- Name a reason why you might not bring a child to a st. patrick's day parade.
- Name a specific object that might be made of gold.
- Name something that might be on a st. patrick's day party invitation.
- Name something that might be small enough to fit in a leprechaun's hand.
- Besides money, what would you wish for if you caught a leprechaun.
- Name the best city to be in if you wanted to celebrate st. patrick's day.
- Name a problem that you think st. patrick would be able to solve.
- Name something about st. patrick's day that little kids get excited for.
- Name a place where you might keep a lucky four-leaf clover.
- Name something a leprechaun might do when he finds out his gold is missing.
- Name something you might find in a leprechaun's beard.
- Name something a leprechaun might do while having a hissy fit.
- Name an instrument you might see in a st. patrick's day parade.
- Name something that is taken down the day after st. patrick's.
- Name something people toast to on st. patrick's day.
- Name something that might be considered a good luck charm in asia.
- Besides gold, name something a leprechaun's spouse might remind them to bring home.
- Name something you might throw in the trash on st. patrick's day
- Name something a leprechaun might use to shine their shoes.
- Name an animal that might be too small for a leprechaun to ride.
- Name something that might bring you bad luck.
- Name something kids might get painted on their faces for st. patrick's day
- Name a popular u2 song.
- Name a place where a leprechaun wouldn't be able to see over the counter.
- Name something that might be on a st. patrick's day parade float.
- Name a place in your house that is small enough to hide a leprechaun.
- Name an animal that you would not like to meet in the wild.
- Name a place you might embarrassed to go after dying your hair green for st. patrick's day.
- Name a place where a leprechaun would fit right in.
- Name a country that probably doesn't celebrate st. patrick's day.
- Name something you can do or use to be louder than normal on st. patrick's day.
- Name someone or something that a leprechaun might hang out with.
- Name a sound you would expect to hear on st. patrick's day.
- Name something that might melt a leprechaun's heart and cause him to give away his gold.
- Name something you might need more of than usual the day after st. patrick's day.
- Name something you might find in a fish tank.
- Name a professional you might hire when something is wrong with your house.
- Give me a word that means the opposite of "dark".
- Name a reason why you might stay up all night.
- Name a bad job for someone who hates kids.
- Name something you associate with the midwest.
- Name a scent you would not want perfume to smell like.
- Name a vegetable that kids hate to eat.
- Name something you hope you have milk to go with.
- If diamonds are a girls best friend, what are a guy's?
- Name something specific that you hear on a flight.
- Name a hollywood landmark.
- Name a hollywood landmark.
- Name something specific that moms are always telling their kids to put on.
- We asked 100 men: if you forgot your date's name, how would you address her?
- Name something mom still tries to do, even though you're grown up.
- Name a way you keep your kids busy.
- Name an actor who makes big box office hits.
- Name something you do when you are angry.
- Name something you associate with the wizard of oz.
- Tell me something a person cannot legally do without a license.
- Name a profession that traditionally has more women than men.
- Name a profession that you would hate your neighbor to have.
- Name an industry or profession that looks forward to valentine's day.
- Name a professional athlete involved in a scandal.
- Besides gum, name something that's hard to get out of your hair.
- Name a profession you wouldn't want to have if you don't like touching people's feet.
- Name the scariest movie of all time.
- Besides fish, name a creature you'd find in a pond.
- Name something people eat that starts with the word french.
- Name the part of the body on a truck driver that would be sore after a long shift.
- Name a food you'd find at a neighborhood bar, rather than a fancy restaurant.
- Name something you'd need in order to go whitewater rafting.
- Name a specific sound in nature that many people like.
- Name a sport where the referee could get hurt.
- Tell me a way you know your wife is becoming a chimpanzee.
- Name something a sports fan does when the tv camera points at them.
- In high school, name something that happened to you physically when you saw your crush.
- Name something you'd find in a teen's room that would never be a part of your living room decor.
- Name something that keeps a person from getting a college degree.
- Name a common tattoo that a man is likely to regret later in life.
- Name an awkward place to get dumped.
- What is the most stressful part of dating?
- What do people do while they are waiting to meet their date?
- What do couples do once the honeymoon is over?
- Name something you would expect to see in a cheap motel.
- Name your favorite disney animated movie.
- Other than school, name a place where many teens meet their first love.
- Tell me how much money an average person might lose in las vegas.
- Name a magazine that usually has a photo of someone famous on the cover.
- Name something a woman hopes to see when her date picks her up.
- Name something in your house that you might clean before a date.
- What is a word frequently said in wedding vows?
- Name something red you might buy for valentine's day.
- Name something a person would need to dress up as cupid.
- Name something you'd give a housecat, but never a lion.
- Name a famous character who has an alter ego.
- What does an actor change in order to play a character?
- Name something people do while riding a roller coaster.
- Name a job a person might apply for at a grocery store.
- Name a kind of donut filling.
- Give me another word for "large".
- Name something that comes in a jar.
- Name something on a highway that does not move.
- Name something people inherit from their parents.
- Name a coffee growing country.
- Name a type of pole.
- Name something you need when traveling overseas.
- Name an activity done in bare feet.
- Tell me something you might shave.
- Name something that changes colors.
- Name a word that starts with the letter "z".
- Name an animal with only three letters in its name.
- Name a famous mary.
- Name a word that rhymes with "tree".
- Name something a person might do after winning the lottery.
- Name something you associate with brazil.
- Name a fat animal.
- Name something a teenage boy might borrow from his father.
- Name an important event you would go to even if you were sick.
- Name something you pour on your food.
- Name a household chore you do standing up.
- Name something you put on a pizza.
- Name a type of fish that people like to eat.
- Name something people can ride.
- Name a part of the body that frequently gets sunburned.
- Tell me a food that tastes better deep fried.
- We asked 100 people: name your favorite muppet character.
- Name something people do at parties.
- Tell me something people look forward to every year.
- We asked 100 people: name something you might buy at a hockey game.
- Name a job that pays well.
- Name a place where a kid might think a monster is hiding.
- Tell me something you try to fix yourself, rather than having a professional fix it for you.
- Past or present, tell me a blonde who really proves that blondes have more fun.
- Name something you dress up for.
- Name a rock band from the 1970s.
- Name something people spill on themselves.
- Name something that follows the word "fried".
- Tell me something that is always in poor taste to brag about.
- We asked 100 people: name a popular christmas movie.
- Name something everyone knows about the vikings.
- Name a girls name that starts with the letter "j".
- Name a movie people enjoy watching at halloween.
- What is heaven to you?
- Name a reason you might marry someone you don't really love.
- Name something canada is famous for.
- Name something made of rubber.
- Name a famous american dish.
- Name a word you would use to describe a mobster.
- Name an invention that made the world smaller.
- Name a place where cellphones are not allowed.
- Name something a cheap airline might make a passenger do by themselves.
- Name something people get insurance for.
- Name something you need to build a house.
- Name a us city in which you would like to live.
- Name someone who might boss you around.
- Name something you miss about being a kid.
- Name a way people traveled before cars.
- Name something in your house that children are not allowed to touch.
- Name something you spend too much money on.
- Name something you would like to have named after you.
- Name something that can light up the sky at night.
- Name a place that might have a bell.
- Name a day of the year when a lot of people call home.
- Name something you would like to see when traveling through europe.
- Name something people associate elvis.
- Name something a person might knit.
- Besides your family, name someone you see regularly.
- Name a body part you might need to replace as you get older.
- Name a movie people like to watch at christmas.
- Name something people sterilize.
- Name a bad habit that is hard to break.
- Name a reason someone might make fun of a car.
- Name something people are afraid of.
- Name something texas is famous for.
- Name something people associate with cavemen.
- Name something a bird does.
- Name a country known for good looking women.
- Name something that might go wrong on a date.
- Name an animal with long ears.
- Name a place people go because they think it is good for them.
- Name a reason someone might go on a whole day without eating.
- Name a word that rhymes with "born".
- Name something you might do during your lunch break.
- Name something that might explode.
- Name a place where you would be embarrassed to run into your boss.
- Name something you might see during an award show.
- Name a hairstyle that used to be popular but is not anymore.
- Name a tourist attraction in the us that everyone wants to visit.
- Name something you might say when you haven't heard properly.
- Name something you might do on a first date.
- Name something you might buy because it's warm outside.
- Name something a plant needs to grow.
- Name something your passport reveals about you.
- Name an action star famous for having lots of muscles.
- Name something fake that many people have.
- Tell me a type of salesperson that is known for being pushy.
- Name something that might cause your car not to start.
- Name something you associate with goldfish.
- Give me a word that means the opposite of "smooth".
- Name a child star who grew up too fast.
- Tell me a celebrity you would hate to sit next to on a long flight.
- Tell me something you would like to change about your partner.
- Name something that breaks easily.
- Name something people applaud for.
- Name a sport that requires good aim.
- Name a country with lots of volcanoes.
- Name a section you might find in a bookstore.
- Name something that is really hard to clean up.
- Name something you expect to see at a wedding.
- Name a genre of music that parents might not approve of.
- Name a phrase that begins with "hold your ".
- Name something you can not do as much when you get older.
- Name something associated with boston.
- Give me a slang term for someone who is often afraid.
- Name a gift you might give to your partner to apologize for something you did.
- Tell me something people postpone doing for as long as they can.
- Name something that vampires hate.
- Name a way a man might try to make himself look younger.
- Name something people say keeps you young.
- Name an animal that starts with the letter "d".
- Name a paris tourist attraction.
- Name a fruit that people might cook.
- Name something a lifeguard can do that someone with an office job can't.
- Name a trait you would need to have if you wanted to be an nfl player.
- Name the most romantic place to propose.
- Name a country known for its wine.
- Name a food you would avoid eating on a date.
- Name a place you would not like to be when the phone rings.
- Name something that is usefuless.
- We asked 100 people: name a vampire who doesn't like feeding on human blood.
- Name a clothing store that you would be embarrassed to see your parent shopping at.
- Name an animal that starts with the letter "c".
- Name an occupation that starts with the letter "b".
- Name a word that rhymes with "tank".
- Tell me something you might receive in a gift basket.
- Name a spanish word everyone knows.
- Give me a reason you might be late for work.
- We asked 100 people: name a dc comics superhero.
- Name a food that people usually eat with their fingers.
- Name something you secretly want to tell off.
- Name the most important quality in a potential mate.
- Name something you might bring on a long road trip.
- Name your favorite muppet.
- Name something a childless couple does more than a couple with kids.
- Name something that is sticky.
- Name a type of bread.
- Name something you get into and out of every day.
- Name a word children often mispronounce.
- Name a famous fred.
- Name the best u.s. state to raise a family.
- Before the euro, name any european currency.
- Name an occupation that requires a steady hand.
- Name a celebrity you would hate to be stuck next to on a plane.
- Name something you expect to see at buckingham palace.
- Name something you would expect to find in heaven.
- Name something you wear to bed.
- Name something that gets frosted.
- Name a meal that's easy to cook.
- We asked 100 people: name a popular television show that is set in space.
- Name a kind of bank that doesn't deal in money.
- Tell me something people file.
- Name something associated with snow white.
- Name someone who is famous for helping people.
- Name another word for "hot".
- Name another word for "normal".
- Name an animal old macdonald has on his farm.
- Name something you might see in a playground.
- Give me a woman's name that starts with the letter "e".
- Name a greek god everyone knows.
- Name a famous mike or michael.
- Name something you might see on a trip to paris.
- Name a domestic pet.
- Name something you might do when lost.
- Name someone famous who you think should not be.
- Name something you put on in the morning.
- Name something people spread on bread.
- Name a us city or start that has seen better days.
- Name a european country.
- Name something you know about tennessee williams.
- Name something you wear on the beach.
- Name something you open other than a door.
- Name a profession that should only be done by very smart people.
- Name a source of gossip.
- Name something you can't do when it is cold out.
- Name a type of yard work.
- Name something people are always looking for but rarely find.
- Name a country that ends in "stan".
- We asked 100 people: name something you bring to a convention.
- Name an animal whose name start with "s".
- Name an actor or actress who is known for having a big mouth.
- We asked 100 people: name a popular juice.
- Name a popular kids tv show.
- Name your favorite thing about your job.
- Name a job that pays too much.
- Name something you do to a room to make it smell good.
- Name a bug people hate to find in their house.
- Name something a dog likes to play with.
- Name something a man pretends to like when he wants to impress a crush.
- Name something you wish your partner would not do in bed.
- Name a breed of dog that is known for being friendly.
- Name something other people do that you find irritating.
- Besides lions, name an animal featured in the movie the lion king.
- Name something you sleep with in order to feel safe.
- Name something you eat that comes in a shell.
- Name something you might wash in the sink.
- Tell me a place that might have a waiting list.
- Name something people might skip.
- Name an asian country.
- Name a popular women's magazine.
- Name a famous woman in history.
- Name a city that should never host the superbowl.
- Name an occupation where you mostly deal with strangers.
- Name a smart animal.
- Name something an adult might save their money to buy.
- Tell me a place you would not like to be stuck.
- Tell me something parents always tell their kids they are lucky to have.
- Name something that requires a lot of practice.
- If you were in the audience for an ellen giveaway, what would you hope to get?
- Name any fruit that begins with the letter "c".
- Name another word for "go".
- Name a way of traveling across snow.
- Name a part of your body that has three letters.
- Name a band associated with the 1980s.
- Name another word for "stop".
- Name another word for "wet".
- Tell me something you associate with jfk.
- Name something you might build around the house.
- Tell me something you would not want to come home to.
- Name a nba player who has won more than 3 championships.
- Name a way of keeping warm.
- Name something a telemarketer might try to sell to you.
- Name a ball that can fit in your pocket.
- Name an animal you wish didn't exist.
- Name something a cat likes.
- Name a way you might keep the sun out of your eyes.
- Name something you can't live without.
- Name a profession starting with the letter "t".
- Name a us state that gets a lot of rain.
- Name something that might bite you on halloween night.
- Name something about scary movies that makes them scary
- Who do you think would win if all of the hollywood monsters had a race?
- Name a place scooby-doo and the gang might investigate.
- Name something you might stockpile in preparation for a zombie apocalypse.
- Tell me something you might display proudly.
- Name something that comes in a spray can.
- Name something that is made of glass.
- Tell me something that is ok for kids to do, but not parents.
- Tell me a country that is known for having rude people.
- Name a food that does not go well with kissing.
- Name a food that has an acquired taste.
- Name something you might throw out when you get divorced.
- Name a strong female public figure.
- Name a place that gets a lot of earthquakes.
- Name a reason a person might wear a hat.
- Tell me something you would not want to say to your mom on mother's day.
- Name a celebrity you would like to switch spouses with.
- Name a celebrity who is popular on twitter.
- Name something that is hard to wash off.
- Name a red fruit.
- Name something you might put on a dinner table.
- Name an occupation that starts with the letter "i".
- Name something you do to your fingernails.
- Name an american city starting with the letter "d".
- Name a kind of station.
- Name something you put on your head.
- Name something that melts easily.
- Name someone you think has it all.
- Name something you eat with a spoon.
- Name a famous james bond villain.
- Tell me something you would skip if you were late for work.
- Name an occasion where you put on your fanciest clothes.
- Name something you might do if you are not feeling well.
- Name something a man might avoid revealing about himself while on a date.
- Name a manufacturer of women's perfume.
- Name something people wear to keep warm.
- Name a fruit that squirts.
- Name a game you might play in a casino.
- Give me another word for "smell".
- Name someone you might discuss a serious problem with.
- Name a fruit you might find in a yogurt.
- Name something that flies.
- Name something that people like to save.
- Name an oscar award category everybody watches.
- Name something people do for luck.
- Name something that comes out at night.
- Name a snack you might keep at your work desk.
- Name something you never leave the house without.
- Tell me a person children often learn about in school.
- Name something you get too much of when you're a teenager.
- Name something you climb.
- Name someone you might be nervous meeting for the first time.
- Tell me something you might do to relax when you are feeling stressed.
- Name something a child learns slowly how to do.
- Name a kitchen utensil you could not live without.
- Name a sport played with a ball.
- Name a man who has inspired you.
- Name something you would not want to happen on a first date.
- Tell me why you might avoid swimming in the ocean.
- Name a famous videogame character.
- Name something specific that stings.
- Name an annual event that you do not look forward to.
- Name something you might bring to a dog park.
- Name something you could bring to work that your coworkers would appreciate.
- Name a food that has one or more holes in it.
- Name a romantic place you might go on a date.
- Name a famous wrestler.
- Name something a kid brings in for show and tell.
- Name something people often buy on credit.
- Name a woman known for having nice legs.
- Name another word for "empty".
- Give me a word that means the opposite of "athletic".
- We asked 100 people: name a tv sitcom that lasted more than 5 seasons.
- Tell me something you might do after a bad break-up.
- Name something you have at your thanksgiving that the pilgrims did not have at theirs.
- If your cat had an answering machine, tell me something the message might say he's busy doing.
- If the socks that you are wearing could talk, what would they say to you?
- Name something people use to clean up after a big dinner.
- Name a subject taught in high schools.
- Name something people try to sneak a peek through.
- Name a vehicle that is used by the military.
- Name a famous american newspaper.
- Name something that people like to put gravy on.
- Name something the grinch would steal if he wanted to ruin thanksgiving.
- Name something the pilgrims needed to found plymouth rock.
- Name a business found in almost every american town.
- Name something you might have with a slice of pie.
- What is a word cheerleaders might yell during a football game?
- Name a u.s. state that gets a lot of tourists.
- Name something specific you would need to make thanksgiving dinner.
- Name a sport that originated in america.
- Tell me something people often have phobias about.
- Name something england is famous for.
- Name something you can do with a cellphone.
- At what age should a single person consider lowering their standards in a mate?
- If a person were wearing a cupid costume outside, what part of their body would get cold first?
- Name a celebrity who might spend way too much money for valentine's day.
- Name a gesture that some find romantic, but others think is creepy.
- Name something people sprinkle flower pedals on.
- Name something you would hate to lose.
- Name something a gardener does.
- Name a tourist attraction in rome.
- Name something you might buy at a bakery.
- Name something that scares people.
- Name a famous abba song.
- Name something that us government spends too much money on.
- Name a long running tv show.
- Name something you might decorate your work desk with.
- Name something people associate with the beatles.
- Name a famous movie with a number in the title.
- Name something you might take from a restaurant.
- Name something teenagers can't live without.
- Name a disney movie that always makes you cry.
- Name something you might put in tea.
- What was the last thing you did before you left the house this morning?
- Name something you might give as a wedding gift.
- Name a beloved cartoon character from your childhood.
- Name something that might cause a relationship to fail.
- Name a celebrity that might make your spouse jealous.
- Name something that has wings.
- Name something associated with mickey mouse.
- Tell me something you know about beyonce.
- Name a famous blonde.
- Name something birds have that humans don't.
- Name a famous cartoon dog.
- Name a famous coffee chain.
- Past or present, name a famous diva.
- Name a popular reality tv show.
- Name an animal that is an astrological sign.
- Name something you might do to refresh yourself.
- Name something that comes in a box.
- Name another word for "big".
- Name a word or phrase you associate with the word "long".
- Name something you make a sandwich with.
- Name a profession that traditionally has more men than women.
- Name another word for "thin".
- Name another word for "strong".
- Name another word for "hate".
- Name something you check every day.
- Tell me a job that involves telling people bad news.
- Name a profession that requires a specific degree.
- Name a reason a person might travel.
- Name something people might lie about on their online dating profile
- Name something you might do for your spouse when they are sick.
- Name a celebrity you would be embarrassed to see your parent dress like.
- Tell me something you would take with you if you were forced to evacuate your home.
- Name a city in england.
- Fact or fiction, name a famous dave or david.
- Name an action star who is probably too old to be making action movies.
- Give me a woman's name that starts with the letter "a".
- Name a reason your flight might be cancelled.
- Name something that might ruin a date.
- Name a food you rarely cook at home.
- What is a word you would expect to see written on a candy heart?
- Where would be an unexpected place to meet your true love?
- Name the instrument women would least like to be serenaded by.
- Name something a man does with his friends that he cannot do with his girlfriend.
- Name something people check in the mirror before a date.
- Name something people have no control over.
- Name something people own to make their lives easier.
- Tell me a celebrity a teenage girl might have a crush on.
- Name a sport with the toughest athletes.
- Name a reason you might get sweaty.
- Tell me a country that is known for having nice people.
- Name a job you might have on a ship.
- Name a 1980s heart-throb.
- Name something that "ties you down".
- Name a famous movie studio.
- Name something that might be around a christmas tree.
- Name a christmas gift that might be even worse than coal.
- Name a gift mentioned in the song "12 days of christmas".
- Name something specific you might see in a family christmas photo.
- Name something you wish you had around the holidays.
- Name a south american country.
- Name an item of clothing that people never wear outside during winter.
- Name a christmas gift a plumber might appreciate.
- Name something people do during the time between christmas and new year's.
- Name another word for "love".
- Name a place where you might find sand.
- Name something that you would not want to live near.
- Name something people tune into the superbowl to watch.
- Name something people wear too much of.
- Name something that dries up when it gets old.
- Name something red.
- Name an ancient city.
- Tell me something people jump into.
- Tell me something embarrassing that might happen on a date.
- Name the us state you would like to live in.
- Name something you might see in an actor's dressing room.
- Name something associated with little red riding hood.
- Name something that sticks to walls.
- Name something you might find in a man's wallet.
- Tell me a job most kids dream about having when they're older.
- Tell me a place where you might find a lot of mirrors.
- Tell me something you would avoid when camping in the woods.
- Name something you associate with washington d.c.
- Name something about getting older that you look forward to.
- Name something embarrassing that you are often caught doing.
- Name a famous southern dish.
- Name something action heroes are not afraid of.
- Name something that needs to be wet before it works.
- Name something that is uncomfortable to sit on.
- Name a flower beginning with the letter "d".
- Name something that might creak.
- Tell me something a slob might use as a napkin.
- Tell me something you do not want to see during a trip to the beach.
- Name something people get kicked out of.
- Name something that might be spikey.
- Name another word for a liar.
- Name a word or phrase you associate with the word "driving".
- Name a food you might eat on the 4th of july.
- Name a food served in a high school cafeteria.
- Name a food you might eat on a stick.
- Name something you might stop believing in as you get older.
- Name a type of snake.
- Name a country beginning with the letter "g".
- Name an animal that starts with the letter "f".
- Name somewhere you go just to be alone.
- Name a game kids might play in the car.
- Name something people chew on but do not swallow.
- Name something people do to exercise.
- Name something that might get stuck in a tree.
- Name an animal that is known for biting humans.
- We asked 100 people: name the most popular event at the summer olympics.
- Other than a song, name something that gets stuck in your head.
- Name something you keep in your car.
- Name an animal you might see in the woods.
- Name something that a dog likes to chase.
- Name a game adults might like to play together.
- Name something people complain about.
- Name an astrological sign.
- Name a fruit that can fit in your mouth whole.
- Name a singer who is known by their first name.
- Name the smelliest place someone can work.
- Name a famous character from lord of the rings.
- Name a moving violation you might be ticketed for.
- Name something you gain as you get older.
- Name something you would do to prepare for a game of strip poker.
- Name something you put in a sandwich.
- Name a profession that requires you to smile a lot.
- Name a way you might surprise someone on valentine's day.
- Besides valentine's day, name an occasion for making your partner's day special.
- Where might a secret admirer leave a gift for their crush?
- Name a type of flower you might give someone on valentine's day.
- Name a food most people do not find sexy.
- Tell me something you would hate to be on when it breaks down.
- Name a clever animal.
- Name something you might find in a woman's handbag.
- Name a reason why mrs. claus might have stayed with santa all these years.
- Tell me a lullaby that always works on babies.
- Name something that bounces.
- Name an animal that is mentioned in the bible a lot.
- Name something you might blend.
- Name something people think is bad luck.
- Give me a reason why friends might have a falling out.
- Name a famous cartoon bird.
- Tell me something you enjoy about winter.
- Name something people might mix.
- Name a piece of furniture that people need help moving.
- Name something you associate with the sopranos.
- Name a sport a little kid might play.
- Name a common superstition.
- Name something specific that parents might encourage their kids to pursue.
- Tell me something you might do to help you fall asleep.
- Name someone you might see at a graduation ceremony.
- We asked 100 people: name a popular brand of detergent.
- Name something people push around.
- Tell me a piece of information that people place in a personal ad.
- Name a french food.
- What is hell to you?
- Name somewhere you would move to when you retire.
- Name a famous movie about a dog.
- Tell me something that might give you a headache.
- Name something firemen carry that regular people don't.
- Name another word for "far".
- Name something you associate with bones.
- Name a reason why a college student might miss a morning class.
- Name a sport that involves throwing something.
- Tell me something you would not like to encounter when sailing across the ocean.
- Name a city that is expensive to live in.
- Name something you associate with a knight.
- Name something a child touches that an adult would not.
- Name a food that is commonly served as an appetizer.
- Name a form of transportation before cars.
- Give me another word for "small
- Name a reason you might have to leave work early.
- Name something you prepare for but hope never happens.
- Name a job that a teenager might have.
- Name a sport that uses a net.
- Tell me something a person might do before bed that makes it hard for them to sleep.
- Name a country where they speak english.
- Name another word for intelligent.
- Give me a man's name that starts with the letter "e".
- Tell me something that will still be around if humans were to go extinct.
- Name something a doctor checks during a physical exam.
- Give me a word that means the opposite of "dull".
- Name a famous museum in the u.s.
- Name another word for "weak".
- Name something a couple might do to celebrate their anniversary.
- Name a valentine's date that an athletic person might enjoy.
- Tell me something people do with their old love letters.
- Name something people want their partners to have good taste in.
- Name an excuse a guy might use to invite his date back to his place.
- Name a yellow fruit.
- Name another word for "fat".
- Name a us state that is known for its agriculture.
- Name something you buy frequently.
- Give me a word that follows "over the ".
- Name something you do when waiting for a flight.
- We asked 100 people: name your favorite disney princess.
- Name something some people fear that starts with the letter "s".
- Tell me something you might see on a trip to new york city.
- Name something you might turn down.
- Name something that might have a red heart on it.
- What would cats give each other if they celebrated valentine's day?
- Name something your cat might get you, if it could give gifts.
- If your dog could give gifts, name something it might get you.
- Name something you would like to be complimented on during a date.
- Name someone you might want to talk to after a really good date.
- Name a romantic gesture you don't see much of these days.
- Name something people are less concerned about once they are in a relationship.
- Name a word you would expect to see on the inside of a valentine's day card.
- Name something you might do to show someone you love them.
- Name something you should not wear on a date to a fancy restaurant.
- Name something people like to dip in chocolate.
- Complete the statement, "valentine's day reminds me of ."
- Name something that would ruin a romantic vacation.
- What is your favorite part of valentine's day?
- Name an animal you would never try to wrestle.
- Name something a couple might receive as a wedding present.
- Name something you might see in a valentine's day gift basket.
- Name a celebrity women would like to go on a valentine's date with.
- Name a famous supermodel.
- Name something that has a keyboard.
- Name a place you would be embarrassed to be caught taking a nap.
- Name something you might see at hogwarts.
- Tell me a game you might see people playing at the park.
- Name something you might see advertised during the superbowl.
- Tell me something you associate with jennifer lopez.
- We asked 100 people: name a popular hot beverage.
- Name something you have less of with age.
- Name something a gladiator might take into battle.
- Name something you take to the laundry.
- Name a fruit that is impossible to eat whole.
- Name a job that involves a lot of driving.
- Name something you get on valentine's day.
- Name a job that is underappreciated.
- Past or present, name a famous olympic sprinter.
- Name something you might see in the macy's thanksgiving day parade.
- Name something a hunter might bring on a trip.
- Name a recording artist parents might consider to be a bad influence.
- Tell me something you would hate to see in a restaurant.
- Name a part of the body that moves a lot.
- Name something you accumulate through life.
- Name something you might leave running.
- Name something people take out.
- Name something a woman does a lot more when she's pregnant.
- Name a position that most companies have.
- Name something your child might do to annoy you.
- Name something you might see at a 4th of july party.
- Name something you expect to find in a pirate's treasure chest.
- Name something you associate with storms.
- Tell me a way a parent rewards a well behaved child.
- Name something some people do faster than others.
- Name a james bond theme.
- Tell me an animal that starts with the letter "l".
- Name a part of a tree.
- Name a character from the star trek universe.
- Name something people bring to a wedding.
- Name another word for "rare".
- Name something people might display in their living room.
- Name something people do during a bad film.
- Name a place kids might beg their parents to take them.
- Name a famous u.s. beach.
- Name an animal you expect to see at the zoo.
- Name something people do with their mouth.
- Name something you might light with a match.
- Name a character from the justice league.
- Name something you would hate to get as a christmas gift.
- Name a company you can recognize just by its logo.
- Name a reason a person might not be hired for a job.
- Name something people do when they are nervous.
- Name a reason a child might throw a tantrum.
- Name a celebrity you would like to take a road trip with.
- Name something you associate with country music.
- Name a us state everyone wants to live in.
- Name something that makes a lot of noise.
- Name an occupation in which a man can put his good looks to use.
- Name a red vegetable.
- Name something switzerland is famous for.
- Tell me something you associate with texas.
- Name something you eat by the slice.
- Tell me a modern convenience you could not live without.
- Name a famous cartoon animal.
- Name something you would not like to happen during thanksgiving dinner.
- Name a hollywood bad boy.
- Name the most romantic place to get married.
- Name a place where people hide things.
- Name something you expect to see in paris.
- Name a vegetable that can be eaten raw.
- Name something that gets blocked easily.
- Name a party game that might be more fun to play nude.
- Name something your spouse might do that ticks you off.
- Name a celebrity you wish you could trade lives with.
- Name something a bride wants to be huge.
- Name a country where they make good wine.
- Name something you might pack on an arctic expedition.
- If aliens visited the earth, who would they think ruled the world?
- Name a performer or group whose music spans generations.
- Name a place where you might see santa before christmas.
- Name something a person can do to become famous.
- Name something you need to go fishing.
- Name a fruit you don't need to peel to eat.
- Name a place you might go for a blind date.
- Past or present, name a famous country singer.
- Name something you shake before using.
- Name something you might bake for your sweetie on valentine's day.
- What might a person do to try to win back an old flame?
- Name a sign that your date is not into you.
- Name something you associate with love.
- Name something a single guy might do on valentine's day.
- Name something a person might trade for a chance at true love.
- Name something people buy specifically for valentine's day.
- Name a place you would not want to be trapped with your significant other, no matter how much you loved them.
- Name something people want back from their ex after breaking up.
- What grade are kids usually in their when parents start talking to them about the birds and the bees?
- We asked 100 people: name a popular soda flavor.
- We asked 100 people: name a popular card game.
- Name something a dog does.
- Name a girl's name that is also the name of a flower.
- Name something a parent might tell their child not to put in their mouth.
- Give me a word that means the opposite of "clever".
- Name an occupation that gets the attention of bored housewives.
- Name a country that has a lot of castles.
- Tell me something you might do after you get a bad grade on a test.
- Name a place you have to apply to get into.
- We asked 100 people: name a popular mode of travel.
- Name an animal that is often stuffed.
- Name an instrument that does not have strings.
- Name something you might lose on the dance floor.
- Name something people do on a nice day.
- Tell me something you would trade in for a better one if you could.
- Name something you might use to tell the time.
- Past or present, name the funniest person on tv.
- Name a person who wears gloves.
- Name a way you can tell if someone has a crush on you.
- Tell me the first thing you would buy if you won the lottery.
- Name something people buy to prepare for a big storm.
- Name something you might do at a gym.
- Name something that is harder to do the older you get.
- If a person didn't trust the banks, where might they put their money?
- Past or present, name a famous couple you knew would have problems.
- Name a popular men's magazine.
- Name something associated with cinderella.
- Name a "his and hers" item that a couple might buy.
- Name someone who might not approve of the person you are dating.
- Name a food that is often used as an endearing nickname.
- Name something a person might have in their apartment that would make you not want to date them.
- What do men lie about in their online dating profiles?
- Tell me something couples who have been together for a long time do differently on valentine's day.
- Name a habit that people try to break for their significant others.
- Name a place to avoid, if you do not want to be reminding of valentine's day.
- What might be part of a romantic breakfast in bed?
- Name something a person might have to throw away when they move in with their significant other.
- Besides a significant other, name someone you might give a valentine's card to.
- Finish this sentence: "i love my spouse so much i put up with their ___."
- Name something stores sell out of on valentine's day.
- Name the most romantic thing a guy can do on a first date.
- Name something two nerds in love might do for valentine's day.
- Name someone people talk to when they are having relationship problems.
- Name something people talk to when they are alone.
- Name something you might need for a romantic meal at home.
- Name a type of place characters in romantic comedies often go for dates.
- Name a celebrity men would like to go on a valentine's date with.
- Name something your friends might grill your new boy or girlfriend on.
- What might a person do if they are nervous during a date?
- Tell me something you can do for someone to show them you appreciate them.
- Tell me someone you would be embarrassed to swear in front of.
- We asked 100 people: name a popular family guy character.
- Tell me something you might do to win over your in-laws.
- Name something people hate being interrupted while doing.
- Name something people do on weekends.
- Name something that a child might save their money to buy.
- We asked 100 people: name a popular tv family.
- We asked 100 people: name a popular vampire series.
- Tell me something that might ruin a fancy dinner party.
- Name a sport where people wear shorts.
- Name a place where you shouldn't try flirting with someone.
- Tell me something you know about spain.
- Tell me an activity you need special clothes for.
- Name a type of natural disaster.
- Name a reason you might paint your face.
- Name something you might go to on the 4th of july.
- Tell me something that never works when you need it to.
- Name a city that is often featured in spy movies.
- Give me a word that means the opposite of "friendly".
- Name a flower or plant that can also be a woman's name.
- Name something that stains your clothes.
- Name something you might put on nachos.
- Name a farm animal you would not eat.
- Name a fruit that grows on a tree.
- Tell me something you do before you go to bed.
- Name a place you would not describe as romantic.
- Name a famous rabbit.
- Name a member of the british royal family.
- Name a country that starts with the letter "t".
- Name an animal that is mentioned in the bible.
- Name something that is associated with witches.
- Tell me a reason why a baby might be cranky.
- Tell me something you might accidentally bump into.
- Tell me something you would feel uncomfortable talking to your grandmother about.
- Name a country where they speak french.
- Name something you associate with the pacific northwest.
- Name something people drink that is red.
- Name a common new year's resolution.
- Give me a word or phrase that means you lost your job.
- Name something that requires a lot of practise.
- Name a popular dish made with ground meat.
- Name something you use every day.
- Name a tool a man could not live without.
- Name an influential african american writer.
- Tell me a drink that might be served at a kid's birthday party.
- Name a tropical island.
- Name a weapon used in "clue".
- Name something that wealthy people have.
- Name an activity people do in their backyard.
- Name something you might do on father's day.
- Name an animal you would not like to be compared to.
- Name a way to prepare eggs.
- We asked 100 people: name a popular film set on a deserted island.
- We asked 100 people: name something you might buy at a ballpark.
- Name a country that exports a lot of oil.
- Name a part of your body you have more than three of.
- Name something you might check several times a day.
- Name another word for "many".
- Name something you always pack for a vacation.
- Tell me a holiday people wear special colors for.
- Besides making phone calls, tell me something you use your phone for.
- We asked 100 people: name something you need to bake a cake.
- Name something that makes you sweat.
- Name something people plan in advance.
- Name something you associate with the vatican.
- Name something people keep in the pantry.
- Name the most important skill a dad could have.
- On average, how many hours of sleep do new parents get in a night?
- Name something parents might teach their kids to do in the winter.
- Name something parents bring to their kids' sports games.
- Name something a dad might treat himself to on father's day.
- Name something parents might not like their kids bringing home.
- What is the first thing dad wants to do on father's day?
- Name a hobby that a lot of dads have.
- Name something a kid might worry about inheriting from their parents.
- Name something a father might teach his son.
- Name something parents keep in their wallets.
- Name a specific game parents stop letting their kids win at once they are older.
- Name something kids ask their parents' permission to do.
- Name a chore someone might do for their dad on father's day.
- Name something parents keep in the car for their baby.
- Name something an overworked mom might wish she had more of.
- Name a place parents make their kids go, whether they want to or not.
- Name something kids think is unfair that their parents can do but they cannot.
- Name something a parent might drop off at their kid's school.
- Name a place parents bring their children to learn new things.
- Finish the sentence: "every parents wants to be there for their baby's first ."
- Name a food or drink that parents worry about letting kids have in the car.
- Name something dad might do if his family forgot father's day.
- Name something a child might do to put a smile on mom's face.
- Tell me something mom did for you when you were a baby.
- Name something parents reward their kids with.
- Name something parents try to teach, but children are reluctant to learn.
- Name something that overly protective parents may pack in a diaper bag.
- Name someone your mom might stick up for you against.
- Tell me a word you would expect to see on the inside of a mother's day card.
- Name something parents do before letting their kids leave for school.
- Name the superhero that you think would make the best parent.
- Name something parents get for their kids to help them with school.
- Tell me something moms want everyday, not just on mother's day.
- Name something you might bring home from a restaurant.
- Name something we get from the sun.
- How old is the average daughter when her parents let her get her ears pierced?
- Name the coldest part of a house.
- Name a document that proves your age.
- We asked 100 people: name a popular pixar character.
- We asked 100 people: name something you might buy at a dollar store.
- Name something you buy that you expect to last several years.
- Name a famous robin.
- We asked 100 people: name a famous dog.
- Name something you would not wear to a funeral.
- Name something you might see when visiting rome.
- Name something you might accidentally leave on a bus.
- Name something you should not leave in a parked car.
- Name something that has flashing lights.
- Name something that is made from milk.
- Name something you buy by the roll.
- Fact or fiction, name a famous pirate.
- Name a job that might require speaking more than one language.
- Give me a reason people avoid tying the knot.
- Name a cartoon mouse.
- Name a tourist attraction in nyc.
- Name something people often put on their bucket list.
- Name a sport with the wimpiest athletes.
- Tell me something people worry about.
- Tell me something a man with a big beer belly might have a hard time fitting into.
- Name something you might wear to a job interview.
- Name something you do not like to do in front of your spouse.
- We asked 100 people: name something kids do after lights out.
- We asked 100 people: name something a dog might bury in a yard.
- Name something associated with new orleans.
- Name a piece of furniture you might see in someone's living room.
- Tell me something that reminds you of fall.
- Name a food you boil before eating.
- Name something that expires.
- Name something you might find in an oasis.
- Name a celebrity who is a bad role model.
- Name something a husband might buy that his spouse doesn't approve of.
- Name a brand you can recognize just from its logo.
- Name something that is considered a luxury item.
- Name an animal that hops.
- Name something you might see in a wealthy person's house.
- Name a contact sport.
- Name a gift that a guest might bring to dinner.
- Name a part of a bicycle.
- Fact or fiction, name someone connected with an apple.
- We asked 100 people: name a movie that takes place in a post-apocalyptic world.
- Tell me an animal that might ruin a farmer's crop.
- If you could not live in the us, which country would you want to live in?
- Name a food a pregnant woman might crave.
- Name a famous female heroine.
- Name a us state that is known for having a lot of sunshine.
- Name something you might do when planning a friend's birthday party.
- Tell me something people make reservations for.
- Name a habit that is hard to break.
- Name something you would hate to be allergic to.
- Give me a female celebrity who's a good role model.
- Name an american sweetheart.
- Name a band associated with the 1990s.
- Name something a doctor might ask a patient to do during a check-up.
- Name something you would not like to receive as a prize on a game show.
- Tell me something a kid might lie about.
- Name a job you would not want to have if you were afraid of heights.
- Name a seasoning other than salt or pepper.
- Give me a male celebrity who's a good role model.
- Name something that a dog might fetch.
- Name a word or phrase you associate with the word "hot".
- Name a brand of women's perfume.
- Name a profession associated with cars.
- Name something you might squeeze.
- Name something that people think is lucky.
- Name something you don't need to be smart to win.
- Name a job where you would use a flashlight.
- Name a place where you expect to find people singing.
- Past or present, name the funniest person in movies.
- Name something people associate with leprechauns.
- Name something people do in the woods.
- Name a vegetable that is often frozen.
- Name a brand of men's aftershave.
- Name a foreign accent that is easy to imitate.
- Name something you wouldn't want to buy at a thirft store.
- Name something you brush.
- Name a country where people go to ski.
- Name the first thing you buy at the grocery store.
- Name a job where you might have to stay awake for over 24 hours.
- Name something you see in the sky.
- Name the most important invention of the 20th century.
- Tell me something people have to be careful of when swimming in the ocean.
- Tell me an occasion for throwing a party.
- Name something a lazy person might train their dog to fetch for them.
- Name something you wear around your neck.
- Name an animal that only eats plants.
- Name a way of removing hair.
- Name something people do with their first paycheck.
- We asked 100 people: name something you would find in a hotel.
- Name a country that no longer exists.
- Name a word a dieter thinks about that starts with the letter "b".
- Name a us city or state that has seen better days.
- Name a word that rhymes with "purse".
- Name something most homes have multiples of.
- Name the most evil disney villain.
- Name a vegetable that begins with the letter "b".
- Name a place that has a lot of exits.
- Name something you beat.
- Name a reason you might have to evacuate your home.
- Tell me something you would not want to see your child doing.
- Name an animal with four letters in its name.
- Name something you might put on a bagel.
- Tell me a snack served at a kid's birthday party.
- Name a sign that your date is not really into you.
- Tell me something you expect to find in a hotel.
- Name something neighbors might have a dispute about.
- We asked 100 people: name a famous diva.
- Name something you cannot live without.
- Name something every child wants for christmas.
- We asked 100 people: name a movie that features dragons.
- Tell me something people have a hard time holding onto.
- Name something you might consider when buying new clothes.
- Name a sound that people make involuntarily.
- Name something you should stop eating if you want to lose weight.
- Tell me a happy occasion that might make you cry.
- Name something you do to pass the time at work.
- Name another word for "dirty".
- Name something you would hate to happen at a bbq.
- Name something that is hard to break.
- Name something at your cookout that you would not want to be sprayed with a water gun.
- Name someone who may be holding an american flag in a parade.
- Name a popular hamburger topping.
- Name an odd job a teenager might do to earn some summer spending money.
- Name something an american would miss if they were spending the 4th of july in another country.
- Name something found on picnic tables at cookouts.
- Name something that soldiers used in the revolutionary war, but not anymore.
- Name a profession that might be asked to work on july 4th.
- Name something you might sit on while watching fireworks.
- Name something that traditionally happens on the 4th of july.
- Besides independence day, name a holiday that is only celebrated in the u.s.
- Name something you might see on the street after the 4th of july.
- Name a beverage you can freeze to make a yummy summer treat.
- Name a fruit or vegetable that might be used in drink recipes.
- Name the messiest food to eat at a cookout.
- Name something specific that might be left over after a cookout.
- Name something you might see on a postcard from the u.s.
- Besides alaska, name the state that you think has the coldest 4th of july.
- Name something that a daredevil might try jumping over.
- Besides the president, name a powerful position in the u.s. government.
- Name something at a july 4th cookout that might have an american flag on it.
- Name a country that gets a lot of tourists.
- Name a city that has hosted the winter olympic games.
- Name something you might keep in a cage.
- Name an animal whose bite can kill.
- Name something people do at the movies.
- Name something you put sugar on.
- Name something that has a screen.
- Besides the us, name a country that has a president.
- Name another word for "money".
- Name a member of the wedding party.
- Name a professional everyone consults sooner or later.
- Name something that has a lot of holes in it.
- Name something that has passengers.
- Tell me the color of an alien.
- Past or present, name a tv show set in a hospital.
- We asked 100 people: name something people are afraid of.
- Name a character in one of shakespeare's plays.
- Name something about the future people discuss with a fortune teller.
- Name something new parents spend their time doing.
- Name a bad time to get sick.
- Name something that falls from the sky.
- Name something you might bring on a romantic picnic.
- Tell me something your neighbor might do that annoys you.
- We asked 100 people: name a famous hotel chain.
- Name something you drink for breakfast.
- Past or present, name an nfl quarterback.
- Name a reason a man might brag about his spouse.
- Name a famous female singer today.
- Complete the phrase "state of ".
- Name another word for "heavy".
- Name a job you shouldn't have if you don't like people.
- Give me an extreme sport you would never attempt.
- Name something that friends might swap.
- Tell me something teenagers want their parents to buy for them.
- Name something a cowboy might wear.
- Name something a woman might keep in her purse.
- We asked 100 people: name a popular dog breed.
- Name something you would not want to wake up next to.
- Name a place you remember going for the first time.
- Name something a person might eat on a diet.
- Besides the uk, name a country that still has a monarchy.
- Name something a baby might put in its mouth.
- Name something you might pretend to be in order to impress someone.
- Name something you might throw away after a break up.
- Name something you might have on your lap.
- Name a sign bad weather is approaching.
- Tell me something that is described as precious.
- Name an animal that has paws.
- Name a famous fictional detective.
- Name a place where you have to keep quiet.
- Tell me a word you'd use to describe someone who is mean.
- Name something you might see on a house roof.
- Name something grown ups tell kids to be careful of in the summer.
- Name a way to attract a person's attention.
- Name an activity that happens in parks during the summer.
- Name a term often used in tennis.
- We asked 100 people: name a famous cartoon turtle.
- Tell me an animal you might see in the forest.
- Name something you associate with volcanoes.
- Name something you might replace after a divorce.
- Name something that slows down line at a fast food restaurant.
- Tell me something people often take for granted.
- Name a celebrity who has had a lot of plastic surgery.
- Name a job that requires a lot of communication.
- Name something parents teach their children in the summer.
- Name something people are not allowed to do on public beaches.
- Name something you would take with you when visiting a tropical paradise.
- Name something kids pack for trips that adults do not.
- Name something people carry with them while backpacking.
- Name a country you could travel to if you wanted to see palaces.
- Name something people in cities do to stay cool.
- Name an attraction you may avoid because of summer crowds.
- Name a common souvenir from summer vacation.
- Name something that adventurous people do during their summer vacation.
- Name a country that is known for surfing.
- Name something people might share in the summer.
- Name a country you could visit if you wanted to go mountain climbing.
- Name something a wealthy person might have at their vacation home.
- Name a celebrity people would want to go to the beach with.
- Name a part of your body that is more exposed in the summer than in winter.
- Name something people like to ride in the summer.
- Name something that might be against the rules at a public swimming pool.
- Complete the statement: "when visiting , remember to pack sunglasses."
- Name something people wish they had on a hot summer day.
- Name a type of business that is dependent on good summer weather.
- Name an animal that likes to play in the mud.
- Name the most popular summer time snack.
- Name a country you could visit if you wanted to learn about ancient civilizations.
- Name a summer activity that is harder to do with a baby.
- Name an american city that is easy to get lost in.
- How do camp counselors amuse kids when it is raining?
- How many minutes do people tan on one side before flipping over?
- Name something that goes well with lemonade.
- Name an animal that would be fun to ride.
- Name a type of souvenir a kid might buy while on vacation.
- Name something a boat might have in case of emergency.
- What is the temperature when people start using their air conditioners?
- Name something you might put in a box marked fragile.
- Name a french word everybody knows.
- Name another word for "slow".
- Name a place associated with surfing.
- Name someone or something that might destroy a sandcastle.
- Why might kids want to stay up late on a hot summer night?
- Name an ingredient you might find in a spanish paella.
- Name something people look forward to seeing in the summer.
- Name something that might be added to a summer cocktail.
- Name a specific type of makeup.
- Name something people overdo.
- Besides the sail, name a part of a sailboat.
- Name something a cowboy might race if he lost his horse.
- Name something that needs to be washed more often in the summer.
- Name a game that kids might play in a field.
- Name something that people sit on.
- Name something you might shave.
- Name something that increases the popularity of beach resorts.
- Name something that attracts large crowds during the summer.
- Name a fruit commonly found in fruit salad.
- Name a summer attraction the whole family can enjoy.
- Name something people bring on board boats.
- Name something that might give you road rage.
- Name a tv personality you wish would just shut up.
- Name a london tourist attraction.
- Name something you do while you soak in the bathtub.
- Name something associated with mardi gras.
- Name something in your house that's easy to break.
- Name something you can overdo.
- Name a historical war.
- Name a type of cake.
- Name a food item you might peel.
- Name something a man might keep in his wallet.
- Name an island nation.
- Name a pet that does not require much maintenance.
- Name a u.s. state that few people live in.
- We asked 100 people: name a famous canadian.
- Name something that may accidentally set-off an airport metal detector.
- Name a videogame company.
- Name something that flies but doesn't have an engine.
- Name an event that people travel from all around the world to see.
- Name something you might keep within arms reach while on a road trip.
- Name an animal you might see in the forest.
- Name something that might put a kid on santa's naughty list.
- Name something kids love about summer.
- Name something you might see on a pier.
- Name a skill that might be taught at scout camp.
- Name something you keep in a garden shed.
- Name a famous bearded man.
- Name something parents force their children to do.
- Tell me something you might do to prepare for your first day of school.
- Name a us state that gets a lot of sunshine.
- Name another word for "sad".
- Name something about high school that people take too seriously.
- What did people use to play vacations before the internet?
- Name something a smoothie might be flavored with.
- Name a specific place in a school where a student might make a friend.
- Name a specific item that students use in shop class.
- What might happen to a student who does not do their homework?
- Name an article of clothing that may be part of a school uniform.
- Name something a student with bad grades might not be allowed to do.
- Name something that kids get into trouble for throwing.
- If cigarettes are the currency of prison, what would be the currency of the school yard?
- Name something teachers consider when determining a student's final grade.
- Name something a school nurse might give to a student.
- Name something students ask teachers for.
- Name something you would expect to see in the school nurse's office.
- Name something a student might be forced to do in gym class.
- Name a food that is a staple of school cafeterias.
- Name a city where people show off their bodies.
- Name a wild animal you would not like as a pet.
- Name a specific place associated with skiing.
- Name a video game console.
- Name something no one wants to have to do during the summer.
- How many days would the average person's ideal vacation last?
- Name something usually found outside that people fall asleep on.
- Name something you might pay extra for so that it is water proof.
- Name a part of your body that begin with the letter "l".
- Name a way of saying goodbye in a language other than english.
- Name something that happens when you get a sunburn.
- We asked 100 people: name something you don't want to find in your soup.
- Name a game people play at family reunions.
- Name something you'd see in a taxi.
- We asked 100 people: name something a kid looks forward to.
- Name a comedian who got their start on snl.
- Name something you might toss at a beach party.
- Name a shellfish that people like to eat.
- Name something people take photos of while on vacation.
- Name something you should not take on your honeymoon.
- We asked 100 people: name a popular game show.
- Besides the us, name a country that produces a lot of movies.
- Name something you might learn about your travel destination, before you arrive.
- Tell me something you would not like to see getting on a plane.
- Tell me something you associate with george washington.
- Name a revolution other than the american revolution.
- Name something a diver might find while searching a shipwreck.
- Name something people do more in summer than in winter.
- Name an animal that lays eggs.
- Name a holiday destination that you need to take a plane or boat to reach from the u.s.
- Name the country with the best summer weather.
- Name a way you can tell someone is cold.
- Which talk show host is the funniest?
- Name something a person might toss.
- Name another word for "fun".
- Name something men think they know more about than women.
- Name a quality you find desirable in people.
- Name another word for "full".
- Name something you might find on your windshield.
- Name something that makes your breath smell bad.
- Name a famous redhead.
- Name another word for "rich".
- Give me a word that means the opposite of "easy".
- Name a famous mark.
- Name another word for "happy".
- Name a place people like to take a road trip to.
- Name a toiletry item that can be purchased in travel sizes.
- Name a place where people often forget to apply sunblock.
- Name a food that a toothless person could eat.
- Name traditional summer activities that happen in backyards.
- Name something that might be uncomfortable to wear while traveling.
- Name something disposable that people buy for summer trips.
- Name a genre of book that people read at the beach.
- Name something that might make a long flight even more uncomfortable.
- Name something women think they know more about than men.
- Name a place that is known for having great food.
- Name a person you associate with the american civil war.
- Name a place that smells bad.
- Name something you associate with captain nemo.
- What is the first word a pirate's parrot might say?
- Name something about their personal hygiene that a pirate might neglect.
- Name something that most pirates are good at.
- Name something from your daily routine that a pirate does not have to worry about.
- How many teeth is the average pirate missing?
- Name something a pirate might train a monkey to do.
- Name a reason why a pirate might want to retire.
- Name something that might make a pirate cry.
- Name something you could give a pirate to get on their good side.
- Name a game that might start a fight between pirates.
- Name something a pirate might have wished on an enemy.
- Name a country you would sail to if you were a pirate.
- Name something a pirate with a hook-hand might have trouble scratching.
- Besides a map, name something a pirate might use to remember where they buried their treasure.
- Give me a man's name that starts with the letter "d".
- Name an activity that you typically do at summer camp.
- Name something you would not want to see your babysitter do while on the job.
- Name an animal that a pirate might mistake for a sea monster.
- What might a pirate drink if they ran out of rum?
- Name a reason pirates might abandon their ship.
- Name something pirates might decorate their ship with.
- Name something a pirate with a peg leg probably wouldn't be able to do very well.
- Name something families do at the beach that you would be surprised to see pirates doing.
- Tell me a term that pirates frequently use.
- Besides a skull and cross-bones, what might pirates put on their flag?
- Name something you could do on a pirate ship but not a home.
- Besides partying, name an activity a pirates' social club might plan.
- Name something that might have been stored in the hull of a ship.
- Name a magical creature that a pirate might want to have.
- Name something that might use a pirate as its mascot.
- Name something a pirate might use to send a message while at sea.
- Name something a pirate might throw overboard before being boarded.
- Name something a pirate might pray for.
- Name a piece of jewelry a pirate might wear.
- Name an object little kids use when they are pretending to be pirates.
- What might pirates use to fix a sail?
- Besides treasure, name something a pirate would risk their life for.
- Name an animal that might be a nuisance on a pirate ship.
- Name something a pirate might make out of gold.
- Name something pirates might exchange as a token of friendship.
- Name a helpful way a witch could use her powers on a pirate ship.
- Name a place on a pirate ship where a parrot might make its nest.
- If you were a pirate, what would be the first thing you would do when getting to shore?
- Name something a pirate might replace their peg leg with if it got lost.
- Name something you would wear if you wanted to dress as a pirate.
- Name something a pirate might have on their belt.
- Name an obstacle you might see on a pirate themed mini-golf course.
- Name something a store-bought pirate costume might come with.
- Name something that pirates like to do.
- Name something pirates might compare.
- Name something a pirate miss after retiring.
- Name something a pirate might use rope for.
- Name an animal that could bite off a pirate's arm.
- Name something pirates do to keep morale up while at sea.
- Name something you might find behind a pirate's eye-patch.
- Real or fictional, name a famous pirate.
- Besides paper, name something a pirate might draw a map on.
- Name a reason why a pirate might be lost at sea.
- Name something a parrot might steal for itself.
- Name something a pirate might draw a picture of.
- Name something on a pirate ship that would sink.
- Name something that might be unpleasant about kissing a pirate.
- Besides treasure, name something pirates liked to steal.
- Name a word that might be used to describe a pirate's personality.
- Name something you would see in a pirate themed gift shop.
- Name something pirates might miss out on, because of their occupation.
- Real or fictional, name someone you would want with you in an emergency.
- Name something you might eat at the movies.
- Name something a hairdresser uses.
- Name an animal, other than a house pet, that is considered to be cuddly.
- Name something you associate with punk music.
- We asked 100 people: name the most popular event at the winter olympics.
- Name something you might toast.
- Name an animal you wouldn't want to hug.
- Name something you look for in a potential spouse.
- Name animals you expect to see on an african safari.
- Name a ride at disneyland.
- Name a profession with overcaffeinated employees.
- Name a character from the south park series.
- Name an occasion for writing a speech.
- Name a superhero or villain who is also a scientist.
- Name a reason why a villain's minion might change side.
- Name a way supervillains might spend their friday nights.
- Name a profession where a "lasso of truth" would be useful.
- Name a situation where you might want to have the power of invisibility.
- Name a reason why a superhero might celebrate.
- Name the best dressed superhero or villain.
- Name a power you might get if you were bitten by a radioactive frog.
- Name something you could do to anger a superhero.
- Name a drawback of having a superhero for a parent.
- Name something that a supervillain might do after their plan fails.
- Name an embarrassing place for a superhero to rip their costume.
- Name a sport that superheroes might play to pass the time.
- If you could control the weather, what would you make it do?
- Besides a costume, name something a superhero's mom could find that would give away their identity.
- Besides turtles, name an animal that might be good at martial arts.
- Name something that most sidekicks have in common.
- Name something that usually gets broken during a fight between superheroes.
- Name a superhero or villain who is able to travel in outer space.
- Name a superhero who you would like to have with you on a deserted island.
- Name something that two superhero friends might fight about.
- Name something a superhero might not have time for.
- Name a historic figure a time-traveling super villain might kidnap.
- Name a superhero or villain who you would never see crying.
- Name someone iron man might call for help.
- Name an article of clothing that you wouldn't expect to see a superhero wearing.
- Name a reason why a superhero party wouldn't be very fun.
- Name the first thing a superhero might do after waking up.
- Besides superman, name a superhero who can fly.
- Name something you would do if you had cat-like agility.
- Name something that gives you the chills.
- Name a child star who grew up right.
- When you're at a restaurant, name something you do not want to see your waiter do.
- Name something you find on a beach.
- Name an article of clothing you can't wash in the washing machine.
- We asked 100 people: name a popular breakfast item.
- We asked 100 people: name something you would give to your child but not your boss.
- Name something you leave to chance.
- Name something that might be made with a pumpkin.
- Name something that kids might use in a halloween prank.
- How many days after halloween does the average candy stash last?
- Name a horror movie character based on a real event or person.
- At what age would you let your kids go trick or treating unsupervised?
- Name something nerds might do on halloween.
- Name something people tell themselves when they are scared.
- Name the creepiest place to scare people on halloween.
- Name a halloween movie the whole family can enjoy.
- Name a halloween costume you might get for your pet.
- Name a superhero who would hate to work on halloween.
- Give me a word someone might associate with halloween.
- Name something jocks might do on halloween.
- Name an animal that would make a great horror movie monster.
- Name something monsters use instead of stationery in horror movies.
- Name something scary that might make people jump in their seats.
- Name something a person might have stolen from them on halloween.
- Name something that might be covered in chocolate.
- Name the most fought over candy on halloween night.
- Name something you would need to make a princess costume.
- Name an animal you might make a pinata of.
- Name something you might take trick or treating with you.
- Name someone or something you would not want to be possessed by evil spirits.
- Name something specific that might give you away when you are trying to hide.
- Name something a superstitious person might carry with them on halloween night.
- Name a monster you could defeat using stuff from around the house.
- Name something traditionally used to keep monsters away.
- Name something people carry with them at night, to make them feel safe.
- Name something that parents warn their kids about on halloween.
- Name a career that might prepare you to fight a zombie horde.
- Who do you call when you are seeing things running through your head?
- Name something you know about godzilla.
- Name something you would need to make a clown costume.
- Name a gift a vampire might like.
- Name something a person might do while watching a scary movie.
- Name a type of chewy candy.
- Name someone who might scare you on halloween.
- Name something parents would not want their young children doing on halloween.
- Name something you would need to make a cowboy costume.
- How many days after halloween do you keep your pumpkin?
- Name something a zombie might complain about.
- Name a gift a witch might appreciate.
- Name something that might happen at a cemetery.
- Name a disney character a boy might dress as for halloween.
- Name a halloween costume that is easy to make.
- Name a halloween costume that has no pockets.
- If vampires had a sweet tooth, name a specific candy they might chip a fang on.
- We asked 100 people: name a popular fast food restaurant.
- Name something that could be described as fluffy.
- Tell me a form of transportation you wouldn't want to use in a rainstorm.
- Give me a word that means the opposite of "normal".
- Name something that has a siren.
- Tell me something people say they're on.
- Name your favorite beatles song.
- Name something flammable.
- Name something kids might throw at each other.
- Name something you might do to pass the time on a plane.
- Past or present, name a famous vampire.
- Name something you keep in the garage.
- Name a city that has hosted the summer olympic games.
- Name something you might find in a toolbox.
- Name something you buy for a new puppy.
- Name something that changes color.
- Name something a tennis player has.
- Name something you buy that's disposable.
- Name another word for "poor".
- Tell me a bad habit that's difficult to break.
- We asked 100 people: name a marvel superhero.
- Name something you might find in a park.
- Name something you might only wear on special occasions.
- Tell me something you do not want to see in your food.
- Name a u.s. state with big mountains.
- What is a complaint someone might have about their turkey?
- At what age do kids stop sitting at the kids' table?
- Name something a kid might dress up as for their school's thanksgiving pageant.
- Name something from thanksgiving dinner that tastes good hot or cold.
- Name someone mickey mouse might invite over for thanksgiving.
- How many pounds does the average person gain over thanksgiving?
- Name the item that people traveling most often forget to pack.
- Name something from thanksgiving dinner that would be hard to eat in zero gravity.
- Name something found in almost every american household.
- Name something that is considered rude to do at the dinner table.
- Name an activity a family might do outside over thanksgiving weekend.
- Name an american city that has seen better days.
- Name something a house guest might ask for in the morning.
- Name something the pilgrims may have been thankful for at the first thanksgiving.
- Name a classic board game you might play with your family.
- Tell me something you associate with abraham lincoln.
- Name a place you might go on thanksgiving to get away from the family for a bit.
- Name something you might pour gravy on during thanksgiving dinner.
- Name a food or drink people enjoy while watching a football game.
- Name a type of pie you might see at thanksgiving dinner.
- What one chore would you make a robot do for you on thanksgiving day?
- Name something americans are passionate about.
- Name the u.s. city with the most expensive restaurants.
- Name something little girls don't like.
- Name a tv show that has judges.
- Name a famous city that is featured in a song.
- Name something found in every home.
- Name a country known for beaches.
- Name a place where people might decorate palm trees for christmas.
- Name something people hurt themselves doing in the winter.
- Name the first thing you would grab if a food fight started during christmas dinner.
- Name an animal associated with winter.
- Name something you would expect to see at the mall around christmas.
- Name something you might need to wrap a gift.
- Name a vegetable often served at christmas dinner.
- Name a gift a sports fan might enjoy.
- Name a gift someone might get for their grandparents.
- Name someone a bachelor might have to get christmas presents for.
- Name an artist who has recorded a christmas album.
- Name something specific you might see at a new year's party.
- Name a chore that might come with owning a team of reindeer.
- Name a type of pie people make during the holidays.
- Name something specific that might be used to make a gingerbread house.
- Name a specific article of clothing that might be christmas themed.
- Name an animal that a christmas tree ornament might be modeled after.
- Name something people wish they had more of around the holidays.
- Name a way you can tell santa has visited your house.
- Name something you might see on a christmas themed neck-tie.
- Give me a word you might use to describe a new year's eve party.
- Name a part of your body that might hurt after shoveling snow.
- Name a color you would expect to see when looking at a christmas present.
- Name something people do with their christmas trees once the holidays are over.
- Name a gift a cowboy might like for christmas.
- Name something a teenager might want for christmas.
- Name something people resolve to give up for the new year.
- Name a color you see more of around christmas.
- Name something people eat too much of around the holidays.
- Name a gift a farmer might want for christmas.
- Name something a kid could do that might put them on santa's nice list.
- Name a section of the store people rush to on black friday.
- Name something a couple might argue about around the holidays.
- Name something jay-z might get beyonce for christmas.
- Name something people buy at christmas that might be hard to find other times of the year.
- Name something the elves do for fun at the north pole.
- Complete the statement: everybody knows the holidays can be .
- Name something people commonly toast to on new year's eve.
- Name somewhere people celebrate during the holidays.
- Name a state where you probably wouldn't need a winter jacket in december.
- Name something people wear on their feet in the winter.
- Name a really expensive gift a kid might want for christmas.
- Name something that makes the news around christmas.
- Name a christmas gift that would be good for both a boy and a girl.
- Name a specific place santa might spend his summers.
- Name something you would expect to see at santa's village.
- Name a specific christmas gift people make themselves.
- Besides rudolph, name one of santa's reindeer.
- Give me a word you might use to describe christmas shopping.
- Name someone or something that might eat santa's cookies before he arrives.
- Name a state where christmas trees grow.
- Name something specific needed to play a game of hockey.
- Name a toy boys traditionally get at christmas.
- Name a good christmas gift for a lumberjack.
- Name something specific families do together around the holidays.
- Name a practical gift a parent might give their child for christmas.
- Name something that might keep you warm on a snowy night.
- Name a superpower that would make christmas shopping easier.
- Name something commonly seen inside of snow globes.
- Name a gift a health nut might enjoy.
- Name a type of store where a man might feel out of his element.
- Name a place where a christmas party might be held.
- Name a movie that takes place at christmas.
- Name a word that might be used to describe a christmas present.
- Name something you might use to make christmas pudding.
- Who is the most famous person alive today?
- Name something people collect.
- Tell me the shape of a ufo.
- Give me an excuse that people use to get out of jury duty.
- Name something that stresses people out around the holidays.
- Name something you might have to do more of if you had house guests for the holidays.
- Name a job where you might be busier around christmas.
- Name a gift people often get for newborns.
- Name a gift people often get for teenagers.
- Name something you would not want to run out of when hosting a christmas party.
- Name something that usually winds up in storage after the holidays.
- Name a color you would expect to see when looking at a christmas tree.
- Name something people go overboard with at christmas.
- Name something a skier might wear when they hit the slopes.
- Name something that you rent.
- Name the most important person in american history.
- Name something you might clean.
- Name a former british colony that is not the united states of america.
- Name an activity where you need to wear a helmet.
- Name something you shouldn't pick up with your bare hands.
- Name something you associate with scotland.
- Name something you miss while on vacation.
- Name an american river.
- Name a food that a little kid might want instead of turkey on thanksgiving.
- Name a word you might use to describe how you feel after thanksgiving dinner.
- Name someone you might wish a happy thanksgiving to.
- Name a famous woman from american history.
- Name something america is known for.
- Name a profession that might be considered patriotic.
- Name something house guests might complain about.
- How many days do thanksgiving leftovers last?
- Name something a couple's in-laws might disagree on.
- Name an occasion when parents make their kids get dressed up.
- Name a fruit or vegetable commonly used in thanksgiving dishes.
- Name something people make out of their leftover thanksgiving turkey.
- Name something people add to potatoes to make them taste better.
- Name a president who led the u.s. during a war.
- Name a place you might have people sit if you run out of room at the thanksgiving dinner table.
- Name something a guest could do to never be invited back to your house.
- Before going to church, name something parents make their kids do.
- Name something a kid might have to share when relatives come to visit.
- Name something the news might run a story about around thanksgiving.
- What might you buy if you were making thanksgiving dinner out of items usually found at gas stations?
- Name something a group of college friends might do for thanksgiving.
- Name a place kids ask to stop during road trips.
- Name something columbus might have worried about during his voyage to america.
- Name something you might do if you can't be with your family on thanksgiving.
- Name a way people spend their weekend after thanksgiving is over.
- Name a food that is fun to play with.
- Which president comes to mind when you think of who made america great?
- Tell me something you wish you were born with.
- Name something that is harder to do if you have braces.
- Name something new york city claims to have the very best of.
- Name something people do to make their feet feel good.
- Name a type of ball you would be surprised to see a golfer tee off with.
- Name a beverage that is served at kids birthday party.
- Name a bad sport for someone who is afraid of the water.
- Name a word a judge might yell out during a tennis match.
- If a witch was not paying attention to where she was flying, name something she might crash into.
- Name a musical instrument that is too big to carry on an airplane.
- Name a word that most people yell at their dogs.
- Name something that some people just cannot hold onto.
- Name something that costs more money if you have a daughter instead of a son.
- Who is the celebrity you would most hate to sit next to on a long flight?
- Name a holiday that is not celebrated in the united states.
- Name a sport that can be played by one person.
- We asked 100 people: name something you might pick off the ground.
- Name a part of the body that begins with "s".